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Global Options

Murhaf Sousli edited this page Jun 4, 2024 · 2 revisions

Setting custom options

To avoid setting the same options on each share component/directive, you can set your custom options that applies on all share buttons components across your app.


import { ApplicationConfig } from '@angular/core';
import { customShareButton, provideShareButtonsOptions, withConfig } from 'ngx-sharebuttons';
import { shareIcons } from 'ngx-sharebuttons/icons';

export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
  providers: [
      // Override default config
        debug: true
      // Load the default share icons set (optional)
      // Override a specific share button config
      customShareButton('facebook', {
        color: 'orange'
    // ...


Option Default value Description
include [ ] Include certain buttons. Button's order will be as you type it.
exclude [ ] Exclude certain buttons.
theme null Button theme name.
windowWidth 800 Share popup window width.
windowHeight 500 Share popup window height.
xAccount null Add via @accountName at the end of the tweets.
sharerMethod 'anchor' The method used to open share, either 'anchor' or 'window'.
sharerTarget '_blank' The target attribute value, learn more.
windowObj window In case ionic is used, window object can be replaced ionic's native one.
windowFuncName 'open' The name of the function used to open the window.
moreButtonIcon 'ellipsis-h' More button icon in <share-buttons> component.
lessButtonIcon 'minus' Less button icon in <share-buttons> component.
moreButtonAriaLabel 'Show more share buttons' The aria label of more button in <share-buttons> component.
lessButtonAriaLabel 'Show less share buttons' The aria label of less button in <share-buttons> component.
messengerAppId null Set the appId for Messenger which is required on desktop.
debug false A boolean flag that enables debugging mode.