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AntonOresten committed Sep 17, 2024
1 parent 5fa6dfc commit 14f17b7
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Showing 11 changed files with 304 additions and 229 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
name = "BatchedTransformations"
uuid = "8ba27c4b-52b5-4b10-bc66-a4fda05aa11b"
authors = ["Anton Oresten <> and contributors"]
version = "0.4.0"
version = "0.5.0"

LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
MLUtils = "f1d291b0-491e-4a28-83b9-f70985020b54"
NNlib = "872c559c-99b0-510c-b3b7-b6c96a88d5cd"
Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c"

Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion ext/FunctorsExt.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,5 @@ using Functors: @functor
@functor Linear
@functor Translation
@functor Affine
@functor Rotation

14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions src/BatchedTransformations.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,16 +2,18 @@ module BatchedTransformations

export Transformation, transform, inverse_transform
export batchsize
export Identity
export Composed, compose
export outer, inner
export Inverse, inverse

export GeometricTransformation, AbstractAffine, AbstractLinear
export Translation, Linear, Affine
export Rotation, Rigid
export linear, translation
export BatchedTransformation
export batchsize, batchreshape, batchunsqueeze
export AbstractAffine, translation, linear
export Translation
export Homomorphic, Endomorphic, Automorphic
export Linear, Orthonormal, Rotation, Reflection
export Affine, Rigid

131 changes: 131 additions & 0 deletions src/batched/affine.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
abstract type AbstractAffine <: GeometricTransformation end

function translation end
function linear end

Base.iterate(affine::AbstractAffine, state=0) = state == 0 ? (translation(affine), 1) : (state == 1 ? (linear(affine), nothing) : nothing)

abstract type Homomorphic end
abstract type Endomorphic <: Homomorphic end
abstract type Automorphic <: Endomorphic end

struct Linear{M<:Homomorphic,A<:AbstractArray} <: AbstractAffine

abstract type Orthonormal{Det} <: Automorphic end

const Rotation = Linear{Orthonormal{1}}
const Reflection = Linear{Orthonormal{-1}}

@inline Linear{M}(values::A) where {M,A} = Linear{M,A}(values)
@inline Linear{M}(linear::Linear) where M = Linear{M}(values(linear))

@inline function Linear{M}(values::A) where {M<:Endomorphic,A<:AbstractArray}
size(values, 1) == size(values, 2) || error("rotation values must have size (n, n, batchdims...)")

@inline function Linear(values::A) where A<:AbstractArray
M = size(values, 1) == size(values, 2) ? Endomorphic : Homomorphic

@inline compose(l2::Linear{M1}, l1::Linear{M2}) where {M1<:Homomorphic,M2<:Homomorphic} = Linear{typejoin(M1,M2)}(l2 * values(l1))

@inline linear(linear::Linear) = linear
@inline translation(::Linear) = Identity()

@inline Base.values(linear::Linear) = linear.values
@inline Base.:(==)(l1::Linear, l2::Linear) = values(l1) == values(l2)

batchsize(linear::Linear) = size(values(linear))[3:end]

function batchreshape(linear::Linear{M}, args...) where M
A = values(linear)
Linear{M}(reshape(A, size(A, 1), size(A, 2), args...))

function batchunsqueeze(linear::Linear{M}; dims::Int) where M
@assert dims > 0
Linear{M}(unsqueeze(values(linear), dims=dims+2))

transform(l::Linear, x::AbstractArray) = values(l) x

transform(linear::Linear, x::AbstractVecOrMat) = batched_mul_large_small(values(linear), x)

inverse_transform(t::Linear{<:Orthonormal}, x::AbstractArray) = batched_mul_T1(values(t), x)

Base.inv(t::Linear{M}) where M<:Automorphic = Linear{M}(mapslices(inv, values(t), dims=(1,2)))

Base.inv(t::Linear{M,<:AbstractArray{<:Any,2}}) where M<:Orthonormal = Linear{M}(transpose(values(t)))
Base.inv(t::Linear{M,<:AbstractArray{<:Any,3}}) where M<:Orthonormal = Linear{M}(batched_transpose(values(t)))
Base.inv(t::Linear{M}) where M<:Orthonormal = Linear{M}(permutedims(values(t), (2, 1, 3:ndims(values(t))...)))

struct Translation{A<:AbstractArray} <: AbstractAffine

function Translation{A}(values::A) where A<:AbstractArray
size(values, 2) == 1 || error("translation values must have size (n, 1, batchdims...)")

Translation(values::A) where A = Translation{A}(values)

@inline linear(::Translation) = Identity()
@inline translation(translation::Translation) = translation

@inline Base.values(translation::Translation) = translation.values
@inline Base.:(==)(t1::Translation, t2::Translation) = values(t1) == values(t2)

batchsize(translation::Translation) = size(values(translation))[3:end]

function batchreshape(translation::Translation, args...)
b = values(translation)
Translation(reshape(b, size(b, 1), 1, args...))

function batchunsqueeze(translation::Translation; dims::Int)
@assert dims > 0
Translation(unsqueeze(values(translation), dims=dims+2))

transform(t::Translation, x::AbstractArray) = x .+ values(t)
inverse_transform(t::Translation, x::AbstractArray) = x .- values(t)

Base.inv(t::Translation) = Translation(-values(t))

@inline compose(t2::Translation, t1::Translation) = Translation(t2 * values(t1))

struct Affine{T<:Translation,L<:Linear{<:Automorphic}} <: AbstractAffine

const Rigid = Affine{<:Translation,<:Rotation}

@inline linear(affine::Affine) = inner(affine.composed)
@inline translation(affine::Affine) = outer(affine.composed)

@inline Base.:(==)(affine1::Affine, affine2::Affine) = affine1.composed == affine2.composed

function batchunsqueeze((translation,linear)::Affine; dims::Int)
batchunsqueeze(translation; dims) batchunsqueeze(linear; dims)

transform(affine::Affine, x::AbstractArray) = transform(affine.composed, x)
inverse_transform(affine::Affine, x::AbstractArray) = inverse_transform(affine.composed, x)

Base.inv(affine::Affine) = inv(affine.composed), affine::Affine) = print(io, "$(translation(affine))$(linear(affine))")

@inline compose(translation::Translation, linear::Linear) = Affine(Composed(translation, linear))
@inline compose(linear::Linear, translation::Translation) = Translation(linear * values(translation)) linear

@inline compose((t2,l2)::AbstractAffine, (t1,l1)::AbstractAffine) = (t2 (l2 t1)) l1
@inline compose((t2,l2)::AbstractAffine, l1::Linear) = t2 (l2 l1)
@inline compose(t2::Translation, (t1,l1)::AbstractAffine) = (t2 t1) l1
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions src/batched/batched.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
using NNlib: , batched_mul, batched_transpose
using MLUtils: unsqueeze


function batchsize end
function batchreshape end
function batchunsqueeze end

batchsize(t::Transformation, d::Integer) = batchsize(t)[d]
batchsize(t::Inverse{<:Transformation}) = batchsize(t.parent)

abstract type GeometricTransformation <: Transformation end


10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion src/geometric/batched_utils.jl → src/batched/batched_utils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,14 @@ function batched_mul_T2(x::AbstractArray{T1,N}, y::AbstractArray{T2,N}) where {T
return reshape(z, size(z, 1), size(z, 2), batch_size...)

function batched_mul_large_small(A::AbstractArray, x::AbstractVecOrMat)
batch_size = size(A)[3:end]
A′ = reshape(A, size(A, 1), size(A, 2), :)
y′ = A′ reshape(x, size(x, 1), size(x, 2))
y = reshape(y′, size(A, 1), size(x, 2), batch_size...)
return y

# might need custom chain rule
# could do map(det, eachslice(data, dims=size(data)[3:end], drop=false))
# could also try map(det, eachslice(data, dims=size(data)[3:end], drop=false))
batched_det(data::AbstractArray{<:Real}) = mapslices(det, data, dims=(1,2))
34 changes: 17 additions & 17 deletions src/geometric/rand.jl → src/batched/rand.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
using LinearAlgebra: qr, Diagonal, diag, det
using Random: AbstractRNG, default_rng

function Base.rand(rng::AbstractRNG, T::Type{<:Real}, ::Type{Linear}, (n, m)::Pair{<:Integer,<:Integer}, batch_size::Dims=())
values = randn(rng, T, m, n, batch_size...)
function Base.rand(rng::AbstractRNG, T::Type{<:Real}, ::Type{Linear}, (n, m)::Pair{<:Integer,<:Integer}, batchdims::Dims=())
values = randn(rng, T, m, n, batchdims...)
return Linear(values)

Base.rand(rng::AbstractRNG, T::Type{<:Real}, ::Type{Linear}, n::Integer, batch_size::Dims=()) =
rand(rng, T, Linear, n => n, batch_size)
Base.rand(rng::AbstractRNG, T::Type{<:Real}, ::Type{Linear}, n::Integer, batchdims::Dims=()) =
rand(rng, T, Linear, n => n, batchdims)

function Base.rand(rng::AbstractRNG, T::Type{<:Real}, ::Type{Translation}, n::Integer, batch_size::Dims=())
values = randn(rng, T, n, 1, batch_size...)
function Base.rand(rng::AbstractRNG, T::Type{<:Real}, ::Type{Translation}, n::Integer, batchdims::Dims=())
values = randn(rng, T, n, 1, batchdims...)
return Translation(values)

function Base.rand(rng::AbstractRNG, T::Type{<:Real}, ::Type{Affine}, n::Integer, batch_size::Dims=())
translation = rand(rng, T, Translation, n, batch_size)
linear = rand(rng, T, Linear, n, batch_size)
function Base.rand(rng::AbstractRNG, T::Type{<:Real}, ::Type{Affine}, n::Integer, batchdims::Dims=())
translation = rand(rng, T, Translation, n, batchdims)
linear = Linear{Automorphic}(values(rand(rng, T, Linear, n, batchdims))) # doesn't actually guarantee invertibility :/
return translation linear

Expand All @@ -28,17 +28,17 @@ function rand_rotation(rng::AbstractRNG, T::Type{<:Real}, n::Integer)
return Q

function Base.rand(rng::AbstractRNG, T::Type{<:Real}, ::Type{Rotation}, n::Integer, batch_size::Dims=())
values = reshape(stack([rand_rotation(rng, T, n) for _ in 1:prod(batch_size)]), n, n, batch_size...)
function Base.rand(rng::AbstractRNG, T::Type{<:Real}, ::Type{Rotation}, n::Integer, batchdims::Dims=())
values = reshape(stack([rand_rotation(rng, T, n) for _ in 1:prod(batchdims)]), n, n, batchdims...)
return Rotation(values)

function Base.rand(rng::AbstractRNG, T::Type{<:Real}, ::Type{Rigid}, n::Integer, batch_size::Dims=())
translations = rand(rng, T, Translation, n, batch_size)
rotations = rand(rng, T, Rotation, n, batch_size)
function Base.rand(rng::AbstractRNG, T::Type{<:Real}, ::Type{Rigid}, n::Integer, batchdims::Dims=())
translations = rand(rng, T, Translation, n, batchdims)
rotations = rand(rng, T, Rotation, n, batchdims)
return translations rotations

Base.rand(T::Type{<:Real}, Tr::Type{<:Transformation}, dims, batch_size::Dims=()) = rand(default_rng(), T, Tr, dims, batch_size)
Base.rand(Tr::Type{<:Transformation}, dims, batch_size::Dims) = rand(Float64, Tr, dims, batch_size)
Base.rand(Tr::Type{<:Transformation}, dims::Integer) = rand(Tr, dims, ())
Base.rand(T::Type{<:Real}, Tr::Type{<:Transformation}, dims, batchdims::Dims=()) = rand(default_rng(), T, Tr, dims, batchdims)
Base.rand(Tr::Type{<:Transformation}, dims, batchdims::Dims=()) = rand(Float64, Tr, dims, batchdims)
Base.rand(Tr::Type{<:Transformation}, dims::Integer) = rand(Tr, dims, ()) # needed to avoid ambiguity with other rand methods
12 changes: 5 additions & 7 deletions src/core.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ that can be applied to an array. A `Transformation` `t` can be applied to
abstract type Transformation end

function compose end
function batchsize end

transform(t, x)
Expand All @@ -32,10 +31,10 @@, ::MIME"text/plain", t::Transformation) = print(io, summary(t))
struct Identity <: Transformation end

transform(::Identity, x) = x
inverse_transform(::Identity, x) = x
@inline transform(::Identity, x) = x
@inline inverse_transform(::Identity, x) = x

Base.inv(::Identity) = Identity()
@inline Base.inv(::Identity) = Identity()

@inline compose(::Identity, ::Identity) = Identity()
@inline compose(::Identity, t::Transformation) = t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,12 +91,11 @@ struct Inverse{T<:Transformation} <: Transformation

Base.:(==)(t1::Inverse, t2::Inverse) = t1.parent == t2.parent

batchsize(t::Inverse) = batchsize(t.parent)
@inline Base.:(==)(t1::Inverse, t2::Inverse) = t1.parent == t2.parent

@inline inverse(t::Transformation) = Inverse(t)
@inline inverse(t::Inverse) = t.parent
@inline inverse(t::Identity) = t

@inline transform(t::Inverse, x) = inverse_transform(t.parent, x)

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