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ManifoldFlows.jl allows you to build Flow Matching models, but where the objects you're modeling exist on manifolds. ManifoldFlows.jl does not try to be a faithful replication of anything specific, but instead cobbles together a collection of tricks that have (sometimes) worked for us, in our use cases. We currently support Euclidean space, rotations, and the probability simplex, piggybacking off Manifolds.jl much of the time.

The basic idea is that you can train a model (typically a deep neural network) to interpolate between a simple distribution (that you can sample from) and a complex distribution (that you only have training examples from).

This is a visualization of a toy example showing: i) the initial samples ($X_t$, blue) and how they change from their base distribution (a Gaussian) at $t=0$, to the spiral target distribution at $t=1$. Also shown is the model's estimate of the end state ($X_1 | X_t$, red).

The bahaviour differs depending on whether the target and base samples are paired randomly during training, or paired via optimal transport:

Quick start


using Pkg
Pkg.add(["Plots", "Flux", "CUDA"])


using ManifoldFlows, Plots, Flux, CUDA
#device!(2) #If you have more than one GPU (they're zero indexed)

ENV["GKSwstype"] = "100" #Allow Plots to run headless

#Convenience function for plotting
scatter_points!(points; label = "", color = "black") = scatter!(points[1,:],points[2,:], markerstrokewidth = 0, color = color, alpha = 0.8, label = label)

#Setting up "target" (which would usually be your data) and "zero" distributions (where the points start).
target_sample() = (l -> Float32.(randn(2).*0.05 .+ [sin(l), cos(l)]))(rand()*2*pi)
zero_sample() = rand(Float32,2)

#Plotting the two distributions
pl = plot()
scatter_points!(stack([zero_sample() for i in 1:1000]), label = "X0", color = "blue")
scatter_points!(stack([target_sample() for i in 1:1000]), label = "X1", color = "red")

Model setup

#Setting up a simple NN:
hs = 256
af = leakyrelu
features(x) = vcat(x, sin.(x), cos.(x), sin.(x .* 3), cos.(x .* 3), sin.(x .* 7), cos.(x .* 7)) #Eh...
net = Chain(
    [SkipConnection(Dense(hs,hs,af), +) for i in 1:4]...,
    Dense(hs,hs,af),Dense(hs,2)) |> gpu #Note: moved to the GPU

#A ManifoldFlows model must take a (t,Xt) pair as input and return X̂1|Xt
model(t,Xt) = net(vcat(features(t),features(Xt)))
ps = Flux.params(net) #For Flux to track the parameters

#Optimizer - Note: the WeightDecay param is fun to play with!
opt = Flux.Optimiser(Flux.WeightDecay(1f-5), Flux.AdamW(1f-3))

#Defining the Flow:
f = EuclideanFlow()

Training loop

batch_size = 4096
for batch in 1:5000
    #Set up the training sample pairs
    x0 = VectorFlowState(stack([zero_sample() for i in 1:batch_size]))
    x1 = VectorFlowState(stack([target_sample() for i in 1:batch_size]))    
    t = rand(Float32, 1, batch_size) #Note: t must be a ROW vector

    xt = interpolate(f,x0,x1,t) #Interpolate between target and zero samples
    x1, t, xt = (x1, t, xt) |> gpu #Move to GPU
    # Calculate gradients and update the model
    l,grads = Flux.withgradient(ps) do
    Flux.Optimise.update!(opt, ps, grads)
    mod(batch, 100) == 1 && println("Batch: ", batch, "; Loss:", l)
Batch: 1; Loss:144.97873
Batch: 101; Loss:0.43465137
Batch: 201; Loss:0.32743526
Batch: 301; Loss:0.29340154
Batch: 401; Loss:0.28266412
Batch: 501; Loss:0.27840167
Batch: 601; Loss:0.2654748
Batch: 701; Loss:0.263998
Batch: 801; Loss:0.26312193
Batch: 901; Loss:0.26359686
Batch: 1001; Loss:0.26441458
Batch: 1101; Loss:0.26529795

Flow sampling

#Inference under the trained model, starting from the zero distribution
x0 = VectorFlowState(stack([zero_sample() for i in 1:2000]))
#This is where the "Flow" sampling actually happens.
#Note how the model needs move input from the CPU to GPU, and move output back.
#This is because the flow maths happens CPU-side.
draws = flow(f,x0, (t,Xt) -> cpu(model(gpu(t),gpu(Xt.x))), steps = 50) 

#Plot these against the original target distribution
pl = plot()
scatter_points!(stack([target_sample() for i in 1:1000]), label = "Target", color = "red")
scatter_points!(draws, label = "Flow samples", color = "green")

Visualizing the sample paths

#If you want to track the sample "paths" during sampling, use a Tracker during the flow:
sample_paths = Tracker()
draws = flow(f,x0, (t,Xt) -> cpu(model(gpu(t),gpu(Xt.x))), steps = 50, tracker = sample_paths) #This is where the "Flow" sampling actually happens

#Plotting Flow inference vs the target distribution
xt_stack = stack_tracker(sample_paths, :xt)
x̂1_stack = stack_tracker(sample_paths, :x̂1)
t_stack = stack_tracker(sample_paths, :t)

anim = @animate for i in vcat([1 for _ in 1:5], 1:size(xt_stack, 3), [size(xt_stack, 3) for i in 1:5], size(xt_stack, 3):-1:1)
    scatter(xt_stack[1,:,i], xt_stack[2,:,i], markerstrokewidth = 0.0, axis = ([], false),
    color = "blue", label = "Xt", alpha = 0.9, 
    markersize = 4.5)
    scatter!(x̂1_stack[1,:,i], x̂1_stack[2,:,i], markerstrokewidth = 0.0, axis = ([], false),
    color = "red", label = "X̂1|Xt", xlim = (-1.2,1.2), ylim = (-1.2,1.2), alpha = 0.5, 
    markersize = 3.5, legend = :topleft)
    annotate!(-0.85, 0.75, text("t = $(round(t_stack[i], digits = 2))", :black, :right, 9))
gif(anim, "square_circle.gif", fps = 15)