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About The Microservice

This blog platform microservice was built with PHP/Laravel, it allows users to register, login and create blog posts. Admin User can import posts from other blogs by providing the blog's REST API URL, and the frequency of import. Cron job / scheduler runs every minute to import posts from other blogs.

This project is designed as a microservice, each microservice is a separate Laravel application running on docker. image

Task details can be accessed here.

Technologies used

  • Server application:
    • Laravel, A PHP web framework with focus on speed of development and perfectionism
    • Docker, A set of platform as a service products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers.
    • Redis, in-memory data store which can be used as a database, cache, streaming engine, and message broker.
    • RabbitMQ, a message broker and messaging system.
    • Postman, a complete API development environment, and flexibly integrates with the software development cycle for API testing.


Local installation

Running this service locally requires you to download and install docker and docker-compose. You can do this by downloading docker desktop from here and follow the instructions to install docker.

  • Installation with docker

    • Download docker desktop from here
    • Install docker
  • Basic installation with docker for individual service:

    • Ensure Git is installed on your machine, then clone this repository by running git clone in the terminal.
    • Enter the directory with cd name-of-service
    • Create a .env file using the .env.example file as a template. All the appropriate values has been filled in the .env.example, but you can change the values to suit your environment if all the credentials in docker-compose.yml file are set.
    • Run docker-compose up -d to start the application. You can now access the application at http://localhost:8001.
    • Run docker exec -it name-of-service sh to enter the container (for bash replace sh with bash).
    • Run php artisan migrate --seed to seed the database with default admin user access.
    • Run cat routes/api.php to see the routes available.


If you've got Docker installed, edit the .docker-compose.yml file to your taste (you wouldn't need to except you hate me), then run docker-compose build and docker-compose up -d to spin up the server.

The application should be running, via the following URL;

Imports Microservice


Posts Microservice


Users Microservice


API Enpoints documentation

The application is built with RESTful API endpoints. No frontend is built due to the simplicity of the application and time constraints. Get the postman collection of all the endpoints here

Testing 🚨

  • No automation Testing is available.
  • Get the application up and running by following the instructions in the Installation Guide of this README.


  • The Reason for using microservices software architecture is to have a loosely coupled system. This means that the system can be decoupled from the other components, making the system scalable and easy to maintain.
  • The Post Microservice handles importing posts from external blogs via a REST API as well as creating and retrieving posts. Post import is done via a cron job, which runs every minute validating posts to be imported from their next_execution_time and frequency as specified in the database. This way posts can be imported from multiple blogs automatically.

Another approach to importing posts from external blogs is to have an individual cron job for each import. This way the cron job can be scheduled to run based on the frequency of import. This was not implemented in this project due to time constraints.

Improvements for a production API

  • Write tests with attention to non-framework specific features.

Licence 🔐

MIT licensed © Musah Musah

Credits 🙏

  • Half of the Open Source Software community who contribute to the whole of the tools I use
  • Others who would be thanked by my smiles and Quora tags


A Microservice for blogging platform...






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