🔭 I’m currently working on Model building for ML
🌱 I’m currently learning LLM(Natural Process Language), AWS (Sagmaker) ...
💬 Ask me about Python, MYSQL, MongoDB, Power BI, or anything here
⚡ Fun fact I spend my fun time fishing and cooking
🔭 I’m currently working on Model building for ML
🌱 I’m currently learning LLM(Natural Process Language), AWS (Sagmaker) ...
💬 Ask me about Python, MYSQL, MongoDB, Power BI, or anything here
⚡ Fun fact I spend my fun time fishing and cooking
Using the Hugging Face API, I am developing a text-to-image converter.
Python 1
Create a simple and intuitive user interface using Streamlit, From the youtube getting and extracting the data by using API key. That data stored in database.
Jupyter Notebook
Creating a dashboard by using streamlit application. in this app visualizing the data taken from Phonepe pulse Github repository.
Jupyter Notebook
Extracting the image by using easyOCR and Create a user interface app using Streamlit.
In This project aims to analyze Airbnb data, perform data cleaning and preparation, develop interactive geospatial visualizations and suing for MySql , availability patterns, and location-based tre…
Jupyter Notebook