This project is a clone of the StepStone website, demonstrating proficiency in using TypeScript, Styled Components, React, Redux, and Semantic HTML. It serves as a showcase of web development skills and the ability to recreate a complex web application.
- React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Redux: A state management library for managing the application's state.
- TypeScript: A superset of JavaScript that adds static typing to the language.
- Styled Components: A library for styling React components using tagged template literals.
- Semantic HTML: Utilizing HTML5 to create a clear and meaningful structure for better accessibility and SEO.
- Google Web Vitals:
- Desktop (via Incognito Browser): Score of 96 (Performance), 94 (Accessibilty), 100 (Best Practices), 100 (SEO)
- Mobile (via Incognito Browser): Score of 69 (Performance), 94 (Accessibilty), 100 (Best Practices), 100 (SEO)
Responsive Design: The application is designed to be responsive, providing an optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices.
State Management with Redux: Utilizes Redux to manage the state of the application, providing a centralized and predictable state container.
Styled Components: Styles are implemented using Styled Components, offering a modular and maintainable approach to styling.
TypeScript Integration: The use of TypeScript adds static typing to the project, enhancing code quality and providing better development tooling support.
Clone the Repository
git clone
Install Dependencies
cd stepstone-clone npm install
Run the Application
npm start
The application will be accessible at
in your web browser.
- src/components: Contains React components used to build the UI.
- src/store: Houses Redux-related files, such as actions, reducers, and the store configuration.
- src/styles: Holds global styles, themes, or any other styling-related files.
- public: Contains static assets and the HTML template.
Feel free to contribute by opening issues or submitting pull requests. Follow the established coding style and structure.
This project was created as a demonstration of skills and is not affiliated with or endorsed by StepStone. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.