A quantum compiler implementation of PCOAST (Pauli-based Quantum Circuit Optimization Framework) in Python. Not everthing is implemented yet. The following is a list of what is implemented and what is not.
First start by creating an environment then import requirements.txt
python -m venv venv
source venv/scripts/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a file that will be the definition of your circuit. For example:
2,2 # First line define the quantum wire and classical wire separate by a comma in this order
# You can then add any gates you will, it MUST be a pennylane gate
Hadamard(0) # Specify the gates followed by the wire inside parentheses
CNOT(0,1) # For multi wire gates you can define them as such
# You can jump lines and mark comments using the '#' character
To use the compilation on your file
python src/main.py relative/path/to/file.cir
It will generate first a graph from the inputted circuit using the analyser. Here's an example:
- [Debugging graph] when showing a debugging graph for a specific circuit, some nodes may not show in the correct order.
- [Optimization] the optimization algorithm is not implemented yet.