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Moderator Commands

Melissa Brennan edited this page Jun 20, 2018 · 1 revision

Table of Contents

About the Command Format

Command Syntax: $command or @MogiiBot#1772 command.

{ parameter }
Shows mandatory parameters
Shows optional parameters
( parameter )
Shows aliases for the command

Moderator Module

Returns some statistics about the bot.

Embed Module

Returns the syntax for the embed module sub commands.
$embed new
Creates a new embed and stores it in memory for the user [Not].
$embed withtitle {title text}
Adds the specified title to the title section on the embed.
$embed withdescription {description text}
Adds the specified description to the description section on the embed.
$embed withfooter {footer text}
Adds the specified footer text to the footer of the embed.
$embed withcolor {R value} {G value} {B value}
Sets the embed color to the RGB color passed through the parameters.
$embed send [#channel]
Sends the embed to the specified channel. If no channel is specified, then the embed is sent to the channel the command is issued in.

Show Config Module

Prints out the configuration for the bot and guild.
$showconfig bot
Prints out the configuration for the bot only.
$showconfig strings
Prints out the configuration for the strings.
$showconfig guild
Prints out the configuration for the guild only.