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A drop-in MapKit/MKAnnotation pin clustering library for MKMapView on iOS


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A drop-in MKAnnotation clustering library for iOS.

Build Status

Update February 1, 2015

Kingpin is now 0.2.

If you are coming from 0.1, be sure to review README for changes.


  • Uses a 2-d tree under the hood for maximum performance.
  • No subclassing required, making the library easy to integrate with existing projects.


Install via CocoaPods. To get stable release in your Podfile add:

pod 'kingpin'

then run

pod install

If you want to use the latest version from kingpin's master, point your Podfile to the git:

pod 'kingpin', :git => ''

Basic usage

Create an instance of KPClusteringController. You'll likely want to do this inside a view controller containing a map view.

self.clusteringController = [[KPClusteringController alloc] initWithMapView:self.mapView]

Set the controller's annotations:

[self.clusteringController setAnnotations:[self annotations]];

Handle the clusters:

- (MKAnnotationView *)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView viewForAnnotation:(id<MKAnnotation>)annotation {
    MKPinAnnotationView *annotationView = nil;
    if ([annotation isKindOfClass:[KPAnnotation class]]) {
        KPAnnotation *kingpinAnnotation = (KPAnnotation *)annotation;
        if ([kingpinAnnotation isCluster]) {
            annotationView = (MKPinAnnotationView *)[mapView dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier:@"cluster"];
            if (annotationView == nil) {
                annotationView = [[MKPinAnnotationView alloc] initWithAnnotation:kingpinAnnotation reuseIdentifier:@"cluster"];
            annotationView.pinColor = MKPinAnnotationColorPurple;
        } else {
            annotationView = (MKPinAnnotationView *)[mapView dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier:@"pin"];
            if (annotationView == nil) {
                annotationView = [[MKPinAnnotationView alloc] initWithAnnotation:[kingpinAnnotation.annotations anyObject] reuseIdentifier:@"pin"];
            annotationView.pinColor = MKPinAnnotationColorRed;
        annotationView.canShowCallout = YES;
    return annotationView;

Customize the annotations:

- (void)clusteringController:(KPClusteringController *)clusteringController configureAnnotationForDisplay:(KPAnnotation *)annotation {
    annotation.title = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%lu custom annotations", (unsigned long)annotation.annotations.count];
    annotation.subtitle = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.0f meters", annotation.radius];

Also, see example on how to use kingpin with your own custom annotations in Wiki/Examples.

Note: You can gain access to the cluster's annotations via -[KPAnnotation annotations].

Refresh visible annotations as needed:

- (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView regionDidChangeAnimated:(BOOL)animated {
    [self.clusteringController refresh:self.animationSwitch.on];

This is typically done in -mapView:regionDidChangeAnimated:


To configure the clustering algorithm, create an instance of KPGridClusteringAlgorithm and use it to instantiate a KPClusteringController:

KPGridClusteringAlgorithm *algoritm = [KPGridClusteringAlgorithm new];

algorithm.gridSize = CGSizeMake(50, 50); // cluster grid cell size
algorithm.annotationSize = CGSizeMake(25, 50); // annotation view size
algorithm.clusteringStrategy = KPGridClusteringAlgorithmStrategyTwoPhase;

KPClusteringController *clusteringController = [[KPClusteringController alloc] initWithMapView:self.mapView clusteringAlgorithm:algorithm];

Clustering algorithm

Kingpin uses simple grid-based clustering algorithm backed by k-d tree.

The good demonstration of this algorithm can be found in WWDC Session 2011: "Visualizing Information Geographically with MapKit".

Kingpin's algorithm works in two steps (phases):

  1. The first step produces a cluster grid by querying a 2-d tree.
  2. The second step merges clusters in this cluster grid that visually overlap.


See CHANGELOG for details. All versions are tagged accordingly.


Check out the tester target in kingpin.xcodeproj


Apache 2.0


A drop-in MapKit/MKAnnotation pin clustering library for MKMapView on iOS







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  • Objective-C 84.5%
  • C 14.6%
  • Other 0.9%