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A tool for cycling forecast and data assimilation experiments with the MPAS-Atmosphere model and the JEDI-MPAS data assimilation package. The workflow is orchestrated using the Cylc general purpose workflow engine.

Starting a cycling experiment on the Derecho HPC

 #login to

 mkdir -p /fresh/path/for/submitting/experiments

 cd /fresh/path/for/submitting/experiments

 git clone

 cd MPAS-Workflow

 # run one of the following:
 source env-setup/ # if running bash or zsh
 source env-setup/machine.csh # if running tcshrc

The workflow uses cylc version 8. That will be loaded when you source env-setup/machime.[c]sh

It is required to set the content of $HOME/.cylc/flow/global.cylc as follows:

    # The localhost platform is available by default
    # [[localhost]]
    #     hosts = localhost
    #     install target = localhost
        hosts = localhost
        job runner = pbs
        install target = localhost
    # to have the cylc run output in your scratch directory uncomment the following 4 lines
    #   [[symlink dirs]]
    #      [[[localhost]]]
    #        run = /glade/derecho/scratch/$USER/
  • The [[pbs_cluster]] entries tell cylc how to submit jobs.
  • The [install] section is optional
    • If used, the [install] section will create both $HOME/cylc-run/MPAS-Workflow and /glade/derecho/scratch/$USER/cylc-run/MPAS-Workflow directories.
      • A symlink will be created in $HOME/cylc-run/MPAS-Workflow for each workflow, which will point to a directory in the run/cylc-run/MPAS-Workflow where the actual data will be written. When setting up symlinks, ensure the run/cylc-run/MPAS-Workflow directory is empty.
    • If not used, data for workflows will be written to $HOME/cycl-run/MPAS-Workflow

Modify configuration as needed in scenarios/*.yaml, scenarios/defaults/*.yaml, or test/testinput/*.yaml

Execute the workflow:

./ {{scenarioConfig}}

{{scenarioConfig}} is a yaml-based configuration file, examples of which are given in scenarios/*.yaml and test/testinput/*.yaml


At this time the workflow does not build MPAS-Model or JEDI-MPAS. Users must acquire source code from either JCSDA/mpas-bundle or JCSDA-internal/mpas-bundle. Then they must follow the build instructions in the corresponding repository. Tagged releases of MPAS-Workflow starting with 25JAN2023 are accompanied by an mpas-bundle CMakeLists.txt (build/CMakeLists.txt) with fixed source code repository tags/hashes that are consistent with the released workflow version. Users can copy that file into their mpas-bundle source code directory before executing ecbuild in order to download the currect repository versions.

Periodically the develop branch of MPAS-Workflow will be consistent with the source code develop branches, usually every 1-2 months. As often as is feasible, that is when a new tagged release of MPAS-Workflow will be generated.

As such, the current develop branch of MPAS-Workflow may or may not be backward compatible to those source code tags. For developers, unless they are absolutely sure that their workflow branch is consistent with a particular set of source code develop branches, it is strongly recommended that they start their development process from the tagged source code hashes stored in build/CMakeLists.txt. After checking out those specific source code hashes (via ecbuild), it is simple to generate their own feature or bugfix branches using, e.g., git checkout -b feature/CustomFeature.

Please contact JJ Guerrette with any questions. The MPAS-Worklfow release procedure is subject to change in the future, which will be documented here.

Configuration Files

The files under the scenarios/ directories describe the configuration for a particular instance of an MPAS-Workflow Cylc suite. scenarios/defaults/*.yaml describe some default resource-based options that users may select in their experiment scenario yaml (e.g., scenarios/*.yaml. Both the defaults and the particular scenario selected are parsed with python modules/classes in the initialize/*/ directories. Each class derived from Component is associated with a root node in the scenario yaml file. For example, parses the configuration of the variational node, parses the forecast node, and so on. The basic (i.e., non-resource) options available for each root yaml node are described either as class member variables or in the class __init__ method. The appropriate yaml layouts for resource options (e.g., variational.job externalanalyses.resources, observations.resources, forecast.job) are demonstrated in scenarios/defaults/*.yaml. resource options are also parsed in the python modules/classes under initialize/*.

cross-application resource options

scenarios/defaults/externalanalyses.csh: controls how external DA system analysis files are produced, including online vs. offline. External analyses are used for verification and for optionally initializing a cold-start forecast at the first cycle of an experiment.

scenarios/defaults/firstbackground.csh: controls how the first DA cycle background state is supplied, including online vs. offline and deterministic vs. ensemble

scenarios/defaults/model.yaml: model mesh settings

scenarios/defaults/observations.yaml: observation source data

scenarios/defaults/invariantstream.yaml: controls how the invariant stream file is supplied. Defaults to using the externalanalyses from the first cycle

application-specific resource options








It is recommended only to modify the default yaml's in order to add or change the resource settings. Otherwise it is recommended for users to modify their selected abridged scenario yaml, i.e., scenarios/*.yaml. Another possible user workflow is to create a new scenario by copying one of the default scenarios to a new file. Doing so allows each user to easily distinguish their custom experimental settings from the the GitHub HEAD branch, while being able to merge upstream repository changes without conflict. Users may select a particular scenario, including a custom one of their own making, with the aforementioned command, ./ {{scenarioConfig}}.

Developer-modifiable configuration

Modifications to these scripts are not necessary for typical users. However, there are edge cases outside the design envelope of MPAS-Workflow for which they will need to be extended and/or refactored. It is best practice to discuss such modifications that benefit multiple users via GitHub issues, and then submit pull requests.

config/environmentJEDI.csh: run-time environment used across compiled mpas-bundle executables

config/tools.csh: initializes python tools for workflow task management

If a developer wishes to add a new yaml node beyond the current available options, the recommended procedure is to add the option in the appropriate python class, following the examples in initialize/*/*.py. Developers are referred to the many existing examples, and it is recommended to discuss additional options to be merged back into the GitHub repository via GitHub issues and pull requests.

MPAS (config/mpas/)

Contains static configuration aspects that are unique to MPAS-Atmosphere

config/mpas/geovars.yaml: list of templated geophysical variables (GeoVars) that MPAS-JEDI can provide to UFO; identical to mpas-jedi/test/testinput/namelists/geovars.yaml, but duplicated here so that users modify it at run-time as needed.

config/mpas/variables.csh: model/analysis variables used to generate yaml files for MPAS-JEDI applications

Application-specific MPAS-Atmosphere controls

E.g., namelist.atmosphere, streams.atmosphere, and stream_list.atmosphere.*

config/mpas/forecast/*: tasks using Forecast.csh

config/mpas/hofx/*: tasks derived from HofX.csh

config/mpas/initic/*.csh: ExternalAnalysisToMPAS.csh and UngribExternalAnalysis.csh

config/mpas/rtpp/*: RTPPInflation.csh

config/mpas/variational/*: Variational-type tasks derived from either of Variational.csh or EnsembleOfVariational.csh

MPAS-JEDI application-specific controls

The application-specific yaml stubs provide a base set of options that are common across most experiments. Parts of those stubs are automatically populated via the workflow. Advanced users or developers are encouraged to modify the application-specific yamls directly to suit their needs. If those changes/enhancements would be beneficial for multiple users, please consider submitting a pull request to share your enhancements.

config/jedi/applications/*.yaml: MPAS-JEDI application-specific yaml templates. These will be further populated by bin/PrepJEDI.csh.

config/jedi/ObsPlugs/variational/*.yaml: observation yaml stubs that get plugged into Variational jedi/applications yamls, e.g., 3dvar.yaml, 3denvar.yaml, and 3dhybrid.yaml. The yaml substitution is carried out by bin/PrepJEDI.csh.

config/jedi/ObsPlugs/hofx/*.yaml: same, but for jedi/applications/hofx.yaml

Main driver: initiates a single scenario or a list of scenarios, each of which is associated with one of the pre-defined suites (initialize/suites/*.py). Each scenario must be described in yaml-formatted scenario configuration file. Other than for automated testing (test/testinput/test.yaml), most of the scenario configurations (scenarios/*.yaml) only select a single scenario. It is recommended to run the test.yaml list of scenarios both (1) when a new user first clones the MPAS-Workflow repository and (2) before submitting a GitHub pull request to MPAS-Workflow. For example, execute the following from the command-line:

  source env-script/cheyenne.${YourShell}

  ./ test/testinput/test.yaml
  #OR, equivalently,
  ./test.csh (1) parses the selected {{scenarioConfig}}, (2) automatically generates a few Cylc-relevant *.rc files and config/auto/*.csh environment variable files, and (3) initiates the Cylc suite by executing submit.csh. Users need not modify or submit.csh. The file MPAS-Workflow/suite.rc is automatically generated in the run directory, and it describes all suite tasks and dependencies.

Most of the driver functionality is comprised by python scripts in initialize/. Only they need to be consulted and/or modified. For example, developers who wish to add new Cylc tasks, or change the relationships (dependencies) between tasks, will need to modify initialize/*/*.py, or in rare cases, create a new suite under initialize/suites/. If the new task requires a new shell script, it can be added in the bin/ directory. Examples are available for executing bin/*.csh scripts from an auto-generated Cylc task in the initialize/applications, initialize/data, and initialize/post directories.

Workflow task scripts

These scripts (bin/*.csh) are called from cylc workflow task elements. Their usage and relationships are fully described by automatically generated suite.rc snippets. Those task and dependency snippets, respectively, are created during the execution of That procedure is carried out by the python scripts under the initialize/ directory. Many shell scripts have a corresponding python class in the initialize/ directory, or else serve as one task of many in a TaskFamily class member belonging to a derived Component class.

HofX.csh: used to execute the mpasjedi_hofx3d application. Can read any forecast state written through the MPAS-Atmosphere da_state stream.

PrepJEDI.csh: substitutes commonly repeated sections in the yaml file for multiple MPAS-JEDI applications. The primary purpose is to fill in the observers section of hofx and variational yaml files. Prepares namelist.atmosphere, streams.atmosphere, and stream_list.atmosphere.*. Links required invariant files and graph info files that describe MPI partitioning.

VerifyObs.csh: used to verify observation-database output from HofX and Variational tasks.

VerifyModel.csh: used to verify model forecast states with respect to external analyses (i.e., configurable via initialize/data/

ExternalAnalysisToMPAS.csh: generates cold-start IC files from ungribbed external analyses

Forecast.csh: used for all forecast-related Cylc tasks, e.g., Forecast, ColdForecast, and ExtendedForecast, which execute mpas_atmosphere for a command-line-argument controlled time duration and state output interval. Many more command-line arguments allow for extensive flexibility in the types of tasks to which this script can apply. See initialize/applications/, initialize/applications/, and initialize/data/ for multiple use-cases. Takes Variational analyses, or external analyses processed as cold-start initial conditions (IC), as inputs.

GenerateABEInflation.csh: generates Adaptive Background Error Inflation (ABEI) factors based on all-sky IR brightness temperature H(x_mean) and H_clear(x_mean) from GOES-16 ABI and Himawari-8 AHI

LinkWarmStartBackgrounds.csh: generates links to pre-generated warm-start IC files

MeanBackground.csh: calculates the mean of ensemble background states

MeanAnalysis.csh: calculates the mean of ensemble analysis states

ObsToIODA.csh: converts BUFR and PrepBUFR observation files to IODANC format

RTPPInflation.csh: performs Relaxation To Prior Perturbation (RTPP), taking as input the background and analysis ensembles of the ensemble of Variational* tasks


  • EnsembleOfVariational.csh: used in the EDA* Cylc task; executes the mpasjedi_eda application. Similar to Variational.csh, except that the EDA is conducted in a single executable. Multiple EDA* members with a small number of sub-members can be conducted simultaneously if it is beneficial to group members instead of running them all independently like what is achieved via Variational* member tasks.

  • Variational.csh: used in the Variational* Cylc task; executes the mpasjedi_variational application. Reads one output forecast state from a Forecast* task. Multiple instances can be launched in parallel to conduct an ensemble of data assimilations (EDA).

Non-task shell scripts

bin/getCycleVars.csh: defines cycle-specific variables, such as multiple formats of the valid date, and date-resolved directories


  1. Source the experiment directory info from config/auto/experiment.csh
  2. Check if suite is already running; kill if it is
  3. Submit the suite

Python tools (tools/*.py)

Each of these tools perform a useful part of the workflow that is otherwise cumbersome to achieve via shell scripts. The argument definitions for each script can be retrieved by executing python {{ScriptName}}.py --help

advanceCYMDH: time-stepping used to figure out dates relative to an arbitrary input date

fix_float2int: use h5py module to open/read/alter the netcdf file. Work together with update_sensorScanPosition to convert float point sensorScanPosition to integer.

getYAMLNode: retrieves a yaml node key or value from a yaml file

memberDir: generates an ensemble member directory string, dependent on experiment- and application-specific inputs

nSpaces: generates a string containing the number of spaces that are input. Used for controlling indentation of some yaml components

substituteEnsembleBMembers: replaced by substituteEnsembleBTemplate

substituteEnsembleBTemplate: generates and substitutes the ensemble background error covariance members from template configuration into application yamls that match *envar* and *hybrid*. See PrepJEDI.csh for the specific behavior.

update_sensorScanPosition: convert float point sensorScanPosition to integer. This code piece utilizes the second File (in its entirety called "") that contains the method using h5py module to open/read/alter the netcdf file.

updateXTIME: updates the xtime variable in an MPAS-Atmosphere state file so that it can be read into the model as though it had the correct time stamp

Note for developers: for simple single-processor operations, the preferred practice in MPAS-Workflow is to use python scripts. Developers are encouraged to try this approach before writing source-code for a compiled executable that is more onerous to build and maintain. Single-node multi-processor tasks may also be carried out in python scripts, which is the current practice in MPAS-Workflow verification. However, scalable multi-processor operations, especially those dealing with complex operations on model state data are often better-handled by compiled executables.

Notes on Cylc

Full documentation on Cylc can be found here. Below are some useful Cylc commands to get new users started.

  1. Print a list of active suites
cylc scan
  1. Open an X-window GUI showing the status of all active suites.
cylc gscan

Double-click an individual suite in order to see detailed information or navigate between suites using the drop-down menus. From the GUI, it is easy to perform actions on the entire suite or individual tasks, e.g., hold, resume, kill, trigger. It is also possible to interrogate the real-time progress of the Cylc tasks being executed, and in some cases the next tasks that will be triggered. There are multiple views available, including a flow chart view that is useful for new users to learn the dependencies between tasks and families of tasks.

  1. Shut down a suite (SUITENAME) after killing all active tasks
cylc stop --kill SUITENAME
  1. Trigger all tasks in a suite with a particular STATUS (e.g., failed, submit-failed)
cylc trigger SUITENAME "*.*:STATUS"
  1. Useful c-shell alises based on the above
alias cylcstopkill "cylc stop --kill \!:1"
# usage:
cylcstopkill SUITENAME

alias cylctriggerfailed "cylc trigger \!:1 '*.*:failed'"
# usage:
cylctriggerfailed SUITENAME

alias cylctriggerstatus "cylc trigger \!:1 '*.*:\!:2'"
# usage:
cylctriggerstatus SUITENAME STATUS

A note about disk management

This workflow includes capability for automated deletion of some intermediate files. The default behavior is to keep all files, but that can be modified by setting the variational.retainObsFeedback and/or hofx.retainObsFeedback options to False. If data storage is still a problem, it is recommended to remove the Cycling*/ directories of an experiment after all desired verification has completed. The model- and observation-space statistical summary files generated under the Verification/ directory are orders of magnitude smaller than the full model states and instrument feedback files.


Liu, Z., Snyder, C., Guerrette, J. J., Jung, B.-J., Ban, J., Vahl, S., Wu, Y., Trémolet, Y., Auligné, T., Ménétrier, B., Shlyaeva, A., Herbener, S., Liu, E., Holdaway, D., and Johnson, B. T.: Data Assimilation for the Model for Prediction Across Scales – Atmosphere with the Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration (JEDI-MPAS 1.0.0): EnVar implementation and evaluation, Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 7859–7878,, 2022

Oliver, H., Shin, M., Matthews, D., Sanders, O., Bartholomew, S., Clark, A., Fitzpatrick, B., van Haren, R., Hut, R., and Drost, N.: Workflow Automation for Cycling Systems, Computing in Science & Engineering, 21, 7–21,, 2019.

Skamarock, W. C., Klemp, J. B., Duda, M. G., Fowler, L. D., Park, S.-H., and Ringler, T. D.: A Multiscale Nonhydrostatic Atmospheric Model Using Centroidal Voronoi Tesselations and C-Grid Staggering, Monthly Weather Review, 140, 3090–3105,, 2012.


MPAS-Workflow is provided by NCAR/MMM as an example for carrying out DA and non-DA workflows with MPAS and JEDI-MPAS. The contributors have provided any of the following:

  • GitHub pull requests and/or review
  • data
  • shell scripts used by workflow tasks
  • workflow design
  • source code
  • other critical consultation


  • Maryam Abdi-Oskouei
  • Junmei Ban
  • Ivette Hernandez Banos
  • Jamie Bresch
  • JJ Guerrette
  • Soyoung Ha
  • BJ Jung
  • Zhiquan Liu
  • Robert Nystrom
  • Chris Snyder
  • Craig Schwartz
  • Steven Vahl
  • Yali Wu
  • Yonggang Yu


Scripts for controlling DA workflows with MPAS-Model and mpas-bundle







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