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CCPP Framework Meeting Minutes 2019 11 14

Dom Heinzeller edited this page Nov 14, 2019 · 1 revision

Physics unification MPAS, CESM, FV3

  • only a handful of schemes that have been ported for FV3 are of interest to NCAR
  • radiation (RRTMG)
    • only pre/post/entry points should be different, core code should be the same
    • for MPAS, Jimy Dudhia is working on rrtmg lw, Laura Fowler rrtmg sw
    • this would be a good target to unify
  • governance: people interesting at using a scheme within a certain suite; for the above example:
    • Jimy and Laura from NCAR
    • Steve or another physics person from CESM?
    • someone from NOAA (DTC?)
    • must fit with the ongoing ccpp-physics governance discussion at NOAA
    • discuss at PI call?
  • where should the authoritative repository for a common pool of physics be?
    • NCAR/ccpp-physics already taken for NOAA physics
    • escomp not owned by an organization, hence this would be the best place

Proposal for adding information on how to obtain/checkout code from Steve

  • add <source>..</source> property (optional) for groups, subcycles, schemes, ...
  • in general, replacing <scheme>name</scheme> with <scheme name="..."> other attributes go here </scheme> would give us more flexibility for adding attributes (such as tuning parameters, optional arguments, ...)
  • information that is purely scheme-specific should got into metadata file, all group/suite/host dependent information should go in SDF
  • concerns are that adding more information to the SDF will make it unreadable and too complex for users
    • can syntax highlighting help with reading it?
    • develop a suite definition file viewer/explorer (with much more capabilities, e.g. tracing variables throughout a suite)?
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