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Snakemake workflow: TriosCompass


A Snakemake workflow for DNM (de novo mutation) calling.


I. Introduction

TriosCompass consists of four functional components:

  • Call DNMs (de novo mutations) using DeepVariant and GATK HaplotypeCaller
  • Phase DNMs using whatshap
  • Call dnSTR (de novo simple tandem repeats) using HipSTR and MonSTR
  • Call dnSV (de novo structural variants) using Manta, GraphType2 and smoove

The overall workflow diagram of TriosCompass is as below:

II. Dependencies

All required bioinformatics tools are wrapped as conda, container and etc, so TriosCompass is portable and easy to be deployed.

Nevertheless, there are still some basic dependencies required to start any Snakemake workflow (e.g., conda and python), which have been specified in environment.yaml. Users can create a new conda env for TriosCompassV2:

mamba env create -f environment.yaml

conda activate TriosCompassV2

Besides, singularity needs to be installed globally, and the details of the TriosCompass installation can be found below.

III. Methods

A. Call DNMs

The DNM candidates are jointly called by both DeepVariant (DV) and GATK HaplotypeCaller (HC) in the specified callable regions, then filtered using sliver:

 "denovo:( \
      ( \
          (variant.CHROM == 'chrX' &&'male') && \
          kid.hom_alt && kid.AB > 0.98  \
      ) || \
      ( \
          (!(variant.CHROM == 'chrX' &&'male')) && \
          kid.het && kid.AB > 0.25 && kid.AB < 0.75 \
      ) \
      ) &&  (kid.AD[0]+kid.AD[1]) >= {params.min_dp}/(1+(variant.CHROM == 'chrX' && == 'male' ? 1 : 0)) && \
      mom.hom_ref && dad.hom_ref \
          && (mom.AD[1] + dad.AD[1]) <= 5 \
          && kid.GQ >= {params.min_gq} && mom.GQ >= {params.min_gq} && dad.GQ >= {params.min_gq} \
          && (mom.AD[0]+mom.AD[1]) >= {params.min_dp} && (dad.AD[0]+dad.AD[1]) >= {params.min_dp}/(1+(variant.CHROM == 'chrX' ? 1 : 0))"
  • (!(variant.CHROM == 'chrX' &&'male')) && kid.het && kid.AB > 0.25 && kid.AB < 0.75
    • In the normal cases, select variants with genotype of "0/1" and allele balance in the range of 0.25 and 0.75.
  • (variant.CHROM == 'chrX' &&'male') && alt && kid.AB > 0.98
    • In the special case (that is, variant in chrX in the male offspring), select variants with the genotype of "1/1" and allele balance > 0.98.
  • (kid.AD[0]+kid.AD[1]) >= {params.min_dp}/(1+(variant.CHROM == 'chrX' && == 'male' ? 1 : 0))
    • The kid's variant should have depth over the minimal read depth {params.min_dp}. If the variant is on chrX and the kid's gender is male, the minimum read depth requirement is reduced to its half.
  • (mom.AD[0]+mom.AD[1]) >= {params.min_dp} && (dad.AD[0]+dad.AD[1]) >= {params.min_dp}/(1+(variant.CHROM == 'chrX' ? 1 : 0))
    • Similar read depth requirement is also applied for the parents.
  • mom.hom_ref && dad.hom_ref
    • The genotypes of the parents should both be "0/0";
  • (mom.AD[1] + dad.AD[1]) <= 5
    • The total read support of the alternative allele (that is, the DNM) should be not bigger than 5 in parents.
  • kid.GQ >= {params.min_gq} && mom.GQ >= {params.min_gq} && dad.GQ >= {params.min_gq}
    • GQ score of the variants should be no less than {params.min_gq} in all the members of the trio.

📖 In the workflow, the parameters {params.min_dp} and {params.min_gq} can be configured via config/config.yaml, so are the callable regions:

  • config/config.yaml

      interval: "ref/hg38.wgs_interval.bed" # DNM callable regions
        min_gq: 3
        min_dp: 20
        min_gq: 20
        min_dp: 30

B. Phase DNMs

We identified parental origin of DNMs using WhatsHap.

There are two running modes in WhatsHap: individual and pedigree. In the individual mode, variants are phased into haplotype blocks by WhatsHap, without parental origin information. Pedigree mode is ideal to identify parental origin of variants in the child. However, WhatsHap does not phase DNMs in the pedigree mode, as DNMs do not follow mendelian inheritance. Therefore, phasing DNMs is not supported by WhatsHap at present (see this issue for the details). Nevertheless, a DNM could be phased with the other informative germline variants into the same haplotype block in the individual mode, and thereby all variants in the block share the same parental origin. Therefore, we managed to run WhatsHap in both individual mode and pedigree mode, and extract parental original from the two outputs.

We first explored to run WhatsHap on the whole genome using the workflow Snakefile_whatshap_WG. It turns out to be very slow: it took up to 7 days to process one trio family, and 2-3 days for each trio in average. Finally, we chose to phase a 10 Kb window around each DNM.

We developed a Perl script to identify the parental origin, and the aggregated results are output to the file: output/phase_DNMs/{Trios_ID} The output file is a tab delimited text file, with 9 columns including variant id of DNM, parental origin prediction.

The perl script extracts the haplotype block containing the DNMs from the output of WhatsHap phasing child (i.e., the individual mode), and collects the phased variants of child in the block. The script also repeats the processing on the output of WhatsHap phasing trios. The phase prediction from the latter is given as F|M, i.e, the first allele is the one inherited from the father (F) and the other in inherited from the mother (M). However, the parental origin prediction from the individual mode is not certain, that is, it could be F|M or M|F. Ideally, the phases of the variants in each haplotype block from WhatsHap phasing child only should be either all identical (FM count) or all opposite (MF count) to those from WhatsHap phasing trios. In such cases, we can certainly identify the parental origin of the block and so is that of the DNM in the same block. We simply assign parental origin as Not Determined (ND) if there is inconsistency of FM statuses among the variants in the same block (i.e., both FM count > 0 and MF count > 0).

  • Example of the output of
VariantID Parental Origin Phase Haplotype Block Size # Informative Sites FM count MF count FM status Parent origin change
chr1:208903875:G:A ND 1|0 36 0 25 11 ND ND=>ND
chr2:12194398:A:C paternal 1|0 2 2 2 0 FM paternal=>paternal
chr2:14986429:A:T paternal 1|0 5 5 5 0 FM paternal=>paternal
chr2:50677044:C:T ND 0/1 0 0 0 0 ND ND=>ND
chr2:139840973:T:A paternal 0|1 14 14 0 14 MF paternal=>paternal
chr2:154745781:T:C ND 0/1 0 0 0 0 ND ND=>ND
chr2:203705880:T:TTCTTTC ND 0/1 0 0 0 0 ND ND=>ND
chr2:220449146:A:G ND 0/1 0 0 0 0 ND ND=>ND
chr3:14911256:G:C ND 0/1 0 0 0 0 ND ND=>ND
chr3:76410708:A:C ND 0/1 0 0 0 0 ND ND=>ND
chr3:185020246:C:T ND 0/1 0 0 0 0 ND ND=>ND
chr3:194728646:G:GTGTGTGTGTGTGTC maternal 0|1 6 6 6 0 FM maternal=>maternal
chr3:197879976:C:T paternal 0|1 3 2 0 1 MF paternal=>paternal
chr3:197879978:C:A paternal 0|1 3 2 0 1 MF paternal=>paternal
chr4:29657055:GC:G ND 0/1 0 0 0 0 ND ND=>ND

📖 For most users, the first two columns provide essential information about parental origins of the predicted DNMs.

  • Descriptions for each output column.
Column position Column Header Description Notes
1 VariantID Variant ID of DNM
2 Parental Origin Predicted parental origin ND (not determined)
3 Phase Phased genotype of DNMs (from phasing child) Parental origin cannot be determined from the output from phasing child only.
4 Haplotype Block Size Size of the haplotype block (from phasing child) Prediction from a large block is more reliable.
5 # Informative Sites # informative sites in the haplotype block Prediction is not reliable if # informative sites is 0.
6 FM count # phased variants supporting F|M genotype
7 MF count # phased variants supporting M|F genotype
8 FM status FM (for F|M), MF (for M|F), ND (not determined) FM status is ND if both FM and MF counts are bigger than 0.
9 Parental origin change Prediction (wo phasing trios) => Prediction(wi phasing trios) Generally, the prediction with phasing child only is consistent with that with both phasing child and phasing trios.
  • config.yaml setting for phasing
      window_size: 10000
      # the perl script path relative to the working directory
      perl_cmd: "perl TriosCompass_v2/workflow/scripts/ "

C. Call dnSTRs

We had explored to call dnSTR candidates jointly by HipSTR and GangSTR. During the manual curation, we found that the joint predicts are good but much fewer than expected, and the HipSTR outperforms GangSTR in our manual evaluation. Therefore, we gave up GangSTR, and employed HipSTR/MonSTR in the dnSTR prediction.

At present, our dnSTR calling process is as below:

  1. The STR reference panel is split into N chunks.
  2. For each chunk: a. STRs of all samples (from different trios) are jointly genotyped by HipSTR. b. Then, to be filtered by dumpSTR. c. MonSTR is applied to call dnSTRs.
  3. Chunks of MonSTR is merged and then filtered further.

Besides, VizAln (from the HipSTR package) is employed to generated visualization in HTML format.

Below is the configure setting for dnSTR in config/config.yaml:

  # split bed into chunks to speed up dnSTR call
  split_n: 400
  dup_reg: "ref/STR/GRCh38GenomicSuperDup.bed.gz" # come with GRCh38GenomicSuperDup.bed.gz.tbi 
    enable: True
    ref_panel: "ref/STR/hg38_ver13.hipstr_9.bed"
    monstr_filter: " --min-span-coverage 3 --min-supp-reads 3 "
    dumpstr_call_args: >
            --hipstr-min-call-DP 15 
            --hipstr-max-call-DP 1000 
            --hipstr-min-call-Q 0.9 --drop-filtered 
            --vcftype hipstr --hipstr-min-supp-reads 1 
            --hipstr-max-call-flank-indel 0.15 
            --hipstr-max-call-stutter 0.15 
  # gangstr:
  #   enable: False
  #   ref_panel: "ref/STR/hg38_ver13.le9.bed"
  #   filter: " --max-perc-encl-parent 0.05 --min-encl-match 0.9 --min-total-encl 10 --gangstr "

D. Call dnSVs

dnSVs are predicted jointly by two approaches in TriosCompass:

📖 Please note:

  • Insertion is marked as translocation (i.e., "BND") in smoove/lumpy-sv.

  • Bam files (not cram) are recognized by lumpy-sv.

  • Sample order in the ped file matters.

    By default, we had built ped files in the order as: father, mother, and child. Accordingly, the same order is remained in the jointly genotyped SV VCF file. Therefore, we used the bcftools command to identify dnSV as below:

    bcftools view -i 'GT[2]="het" && GT[1]="RR" && GT[0]="RR" ' -O v  {input} -o {output}

User's guides

I. Installation

  • Install singularity globally.
  • Install conda and mamba.
  • Create the workspace directory $WORKSPACE and change directory to $WORKSPACE.
  • Git clone the TriosCompass_v2 repository.
    git clone
  • Create new conda environment to run Snakemake workflow
    mamba env create -f TriosCompass_v2/environment.yaml

Folder structure of your workspace is as follows:

└── TriosCompass_v2

II. Inputs

Reference genome

User can put the reference genome any location under the folder $WORKSPACE and specify its relative location at config/config.yaml.

For instance, we may put the hg38 human genome Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta under the folder $WORKSPACE/ref/.

  • config/config.yaml

      sequence: "ref/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta"
      build: "hg38"

Preparation of the callable regions of DNMs

The interval file (in bed format) is to specify regions to call DNMs, which should be matched with the reference genome. For instance, we used the file hg38.wgs_interval.bed for the reference genome hg38, which was converted from resources_broad_hg38_v0_wgs_calling_regions.hg38.interval_list. The latter is part of resource bundle hosted by the Broad Institute. There are severals way to retrieve the interval file, for example,

### Download calling region of hg38 from the Broad Institute 
wget -O ref/resources_broad_hg38_v0_wgs_calling_regions.hg38.interval_list

### Then, convert the interval list to bed file using Picard
module load picard 

java -jar $PICARDJAR IntervalListToBed -I ref/resources_broad_hg38_v0_wgs_calling_regions.hg38.interval_list -O ref/hg38.wgs_interval.bed

Users can specify ref/hg38.wgs_interval.bed in config/config.yaml

  interval: "ref/hg38.wgs_interval.bed"

The STR reference panel to call dnSTRs

We had developed joint call of dnSTR using both GangSTR and HipSTR, so we had prepared the same STR reference panels for both of the two programs.

Both GangSTR and HipSTR use STRs specified in the STR reference panel, but with the different formats. One paper suggested that there is good consistence between HipSTR and GangSTR.

Oketch, J. W., Wain, L. V, Hollox, E. J., & Hollox, E. (2022). A comparison of software for analysis of rare and common short tandem repeat (STR) variation using human genome sequences from clinical and population-based samples. 1–22.

We would like to have the STR genotypes predicted jointly by both of the two program, therefore we need create one common reference panel file for both of GangSTR and HipSTR.

### Get the GangSTR reference panel
wget -O STR/hg38_ver13.bed.gz

gzip -d STR/hg38_ver13.bed.gz

### reformat for HipSTR
awk -v OFS='\t' '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,($3-$2+1)/$4,"GangSTR_STR_"NR,$5}' STR/hg38_ver13.bed  >  STR/hg38_ver13.hipstr.bed

### HipSTR cannot take STR with unit length > 9 bp
awk -v OFS='\t' '{if($4<=9) print $0}' STR/hg38_ver13.hipstr.bed > STR/hg38_ver13.hipstr_9.bed

### We put the same length restrict to hg38_ver13.bed.gz, so that both of the two reference panels are consistent.
awk -v OFS='\t' '{if($4<=9) print $0}' STR/hg38_ver13.bed > STR/hg38_ver13.le9.bed


  • After manual curation, we chose to use HipSTR only for the dnSTR prediction.
  • The STR reference panel is specified in config/config.yaml
    • ref_panel: "ref/STR/hg38_ver13.hipstr_9.bed"

Regions excluded in dnSTR calling

For the human genome hg38, the file GRCh38GenomicSuperDup.bed was obtained using the UCSC Table Browser (hg38.genomicSuperDups table). It needs to be further sorted, compressed and indexed as shown below:

bedtools sort -i GRCh38GenomicSuperDup.bed | bgzip -c > GRCh38GenomicSuperDup.bed.gz

tabix -p bed GRCh38GenomicSuperDup.bed.gz
  • The setting can also be customized in config/config.yaml

      # split bed into chunks to speed up dnSTR call
      split_n: 400
      dup_reg: "ref/STR/GRCh38GenomicSuperDup.bed.gz" # come with GRCh38GenomicSuperDup.bed.gz.tbi 

Regions excluded in dnSV calling

We used exclude.cnvnator_100bp.GRCh38.20170403.bed for regions to be excluded in dnSV calling, as suggested at brentp/smoove:

wget -O ref/exclude.cnvnator_100bp.GRCh38.20170403.bed
  • Settings in config.yaml

      enable: True
      exclude_bed: "ref/exclude.cnvnator_100bp.GRCh38.20170403.bed"

Resource bundle for hg38

After the installation of the above resource files required by TriosCompass to ref/, users may have the folder ref/ under $WORKSPACE as below:

├── exclude.cnvnator_100bp.GRCh38.20170403.bed
├── hg38.wgs_interval.bed
├── Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta
└── STR
    ├── GRCh38GenomicSuperDup.bed.gz
    ├── GRCh38GenomicSuperDup.bed.gz.tbi
    ├── hg38_ver13.bed
    ├── hg38_ver13.hipstr_9.bed
    └── hg38_ver13.le9.bed

A resource bundle for hg38 is available at here as a reference for users of TriosCompass.

Fastq and BAM input files

PEP is employed to import metadata of the NGS data, which can be either Fastq or BAM files. A PEP usually consists 3 files:

  • One yaml file for the metadata.
  • One csv file for the sample information.
  • Another yaml (optional) to define schema to validate the metadata.
PEP example for fastq input
  • config/fastq_pep.yaml

    pep_version: 2.0.0
    sample_table: sample_fastq.csv
    # In manifest file, Sample_ID + Flowcell should be unique
        sample_name: "sn"
        attributes: [sample_name]
          sn: "{SAMPLE_ID}_{FLOWCELL}"
  • config/sample_fastq.csv

  • workflow/schemas/fastq_schema.yaml

    description: A example schema for a pipeline.
      # - TriosCompass_v2/workflow/schemas/2.0.0.yaml
        type: array
          type: object
              type: string
              description: "sample id"
              type: string
              description: "Flowcell"
              type: string
              description: "Library index"
              type: string
              description: "Lane number in flowcell"
              enum: ["1", "2"]
              type: string
              description: "path to the R1 fastq file"
              type: string
              description: "path to the R2 fastq file"
            - FLOWCELL
            - SAMPLE_ID
            - INDEX
            - R1
            - R2

📖 In this example, 6 columns in the sample csv file are required: SAMPLE_ID, FLOWCELL, LANE, INDEX, R1, R2. Such information is mainly used to build RG (read group) tag in the bam file:


Users may put dummy data if some of the information is not available, and {SAMPLE_ID} needs not to be unique in the sample table (as some samples might be sequenced in multiple flow cells to meet the coverage requirement). Nevertheless, the combination of {SAMPLE_ID} and {FLOWCELL} must be unique.

Users may put additional meta information in the sample csv file, which, however, will be ignored by TriosCompass.

PEP example for bam input

The essential information for bam input is the sample id and the bam file location. Therefore, the metadata is much simpler compared to fastq input.

  • config/bam_pep.yaml

    pep_version: 2.0.0
    sample_table: sample_bam.csv
        sample_name: "sn"
        attributes: [sample_name]
          sn: "{SAMPLE_ID}"
  • config/sample_bam.csv

  • workflow/schemas/bam_schema.yaml

    description: A example schema for a pipeline.
      # - TriosCompass_v2/workflow/schemas/2.0.0.yaml
        type: array
          type: object
              type: string
              description: "sample id"
              type: string
              description: "path to the bam file"
            - SAMPLE_ID
            - BAM

📖 {SAMPLE_ID} should be unique and matched with the RG tag in the bam file in TriosCompass. If the bam file has RG different from {SAMPLE_ID}, users may activate reset_RG option so as to update all RG tag properly in the bam files.

  • config/config.yaml
  reset_RG: True

Pedigree files

In addition to the NGS input data, another important input is pedigree files to define trios.

📖 There are several requirements about pedigree files from TriosCompass:

  • Each trio is specified by one pedigree file;
  • All pedigree files are named by the unique family ID, with ".ped" as the file extension, under the directory which is specified by config/config.yaml:
    ped_dir: "ped"
  • Rows for the trio members are in the order father-mother-child in the pedigree file.
  • Trio member identifiers are matched with {SAMPLE_ID} as defined in the sample CSV filem and also matched with the RG tags of the bam files.

Below is an example of the pedigree file for the GIAB AJ family:

  • ped/AJ.ped

    AJ      HG003   0       0       1       1
    AJ      HG004   0       0       2       1
    AJ      HG002   HG003   HG004   1       1

Example folder structure of the final workspace

fastq/ # for fastq input example
├── HG002_NA24385_son_80X_R1.fq.gz
├── HG002_NA24385_son_80X_R2.fq.gz
├── HG003_NA24149_father_80X_R1.fq.gz
├── HG003_NA24149_father_80X_R2.fq.gz
├── HG004_NA24143_mother_80X_R1.fq.gz
└── HG004_NA24143_mother_80X_R2.fq.gz
sorted_bam/ # for bam input example
├── HG002_NA24385_son_80X.bam
├── HG002_NA24385_son_80X.bam.bai
├── HG003_NA24149_father_80X.bam
├── HG003_NA24149_father_80X.bam.bai
├── HG004_NA24143_mother_80X.bam
└── HG004_NA24143_mother_80X.bam.bai
├── hg38.wgs_interval.bed
├── Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta
└── STR/
└── AJ.ped
├── config/
├── data/
├── environment.yaml
├── img/
└── workflow/

III. Configure files

We have introduced PEP yaml file to specify the NGS input files of TriosCompass. There are two other yaml files, which play essential roles in Snakemake workflows:

  • the profile config.yaml file
  • the configfile config.yaml file


The profile config.yaml file has multiple function roles in Snakemake:

  • Define computing resources and threads.
  • Specify command-line options required to start Snakemake workflow properly.
  • Submit Snakemake jobs to the cluster.

We have provided an example profile to launch TriosCompass in a Slurm cluster.

📖 To separate the workspace from TriosCompass, we set $WORKSPACE as the working directory, where TriosCompass_v2 (the locally cloned repo) is a sub-folder of $WORKSPACE. Accordingly, the command below is recommended:

snakemake --profile TriosCompass_v2/workflow/profiles/slurm --configfile TriosCompass_v2/config/config.yaml

📖 There is a bug in the release of Snakemake we are testing (Version 7.3.7), so that the section set-threads does not work properly in the profile config.yaml file. We had used config/config.yaml as a work-around solution to specify threads for each Snakemake rule.


This configure file is for users to customized TriosCompass. In particular, users may it to enable (or disable) certain optional components of TriosCompass. Most of sections of config.yaml have been already introduced in the section Inputs. A complete example of config/config.yaml has been provided for users as a template.

V. Run TriosCompass

A check list to launch TriosCompass

  • Install singularity to the front-end nodes and working nodes of the cluster.
  • Create new directory as work space and change directory to it.
  • Git clone TriosCompass_v2.
  • Install conda/mamba and activate the conda environment TriosCompassV2 using TriosCompass_v2/environment.txt
  • Prepare and install resource bundle for the specific reference genome.
  • Configure profile settings to submit jobs to the cluster.
  • Move NGS input data under the work space.
    • Prepare the proper PEP files for the NGS input.
  • Configure TriosCompass_v2/config/config.yaml for the new run.

Finally, the command can be launched in this way:

### Assume $WORKSPACE is your working directory
conda activate TriosCompassV2
module load singularity # or load singularity is available in alternative way

mkdir -p TMP

snakemake  --profile TriosCompass_v2/workflow/profiles/slurm --configfile TriosCompass_v2/config/config.yaml

IV. Outputs

The location of the output directory is also specified by config/config.yaml:

output_dir: "output"

Most of the output from TriosCompass will be saved to $WORKSPACE/output based on the configure setting above. Under the output folder, there are dozens of sub-folders for the (intermediate) outputs of TriosCompass.

ls $WORKSPACE/output/
benchmark               dnSV               gatk_genotype_gvcf_pb  manta_sv       splitted_panel
call_JIGV               dnSV_summary       gatkhc_pb              merge_monstr   svimmer
collectmultiplemetrics  dumpstr_call       glnexus                merge_ped      trio_manta_list
collectwgsmetrics       dumpstr_locus      graphtyper             monstr         vizaln
deepvariant_pb          flagstat           graphtyper_filter      monstr_filter
dnm_vcf                 gatk_cgp           hipstr                 phase_DNMs
dnm_vcf_summary         gatk_combine_gvcf  joint_dnSV             slivar
dnSTR_summary           GATK_DV            manta                  smoove

There are 4 major outputs from TriosCompass:

  • MultiQC reports
  • DNM predictions, parental origins and visualizations
  • dnSTR predictions and visulizations
  • dnSV predictions

MultiQC report

The MultiQC report is a colletion of QC metrics of NGS data.

Location of MultiQC output is specified by config["multiqc"]["output_dir"]:

  enable: True
  output_dir: "MultiQC_output"
tree MultiQC_output/
├── multiqc_data
│   ├── multiqc_citations.txt
│   ├── multiqc_data.json
│   ├── multiqc_general_stats.txt
│   ├── multiqc.log
│   ├── multiqc_sources.txt
│   ├── picard_alignment_readlength_plot.txt
│   ├── picard_alignment_summary_Aligned_Bases.txt
│   ├── picard_alignment_summary_Aligned_Reads.txt
│   ├── picard_base_distribution_by_cycle__Adenine.txt
│   ├── picard_base_distribution_by_cycle__Cytosine.txt
│   ├── picard_base_distribution_by_cycle__Guanine.txt
│   ├── picard_base_distribution_by_cycle__Thymine.txt
│   ├── picard_base_distribution_by_cycle__Undetermined.txt
│   ├── picard_gcbias_plot.txt
│   ├── picard_insert_size_Counts.txt
│   ├── picard_insert_size_Percentages.txt
│   ├── picard_quality_by_cycle.txt
│   ├── picard_quality_score_distribution.txt
│   ├── samtools-flagstat-dp_Percentage_of_total.txt
│   ├── samtools-flagstat-dp_Read_counts.txt
│   ├── samtools-idxstats-mapped-reads-plot_Normalised_Counts.txt
│   ├── samtools-idxstats-mapped-reads-plot_Observed_over_Expected_Counts.txt
│   ├── samtools-idxstats-mapped-reads-plot_Raw_Counts.txt
│   └── samtools-idxstats-xy-plot.txt
└── multiqc.html

DNM predictions, parental origins and visualizations

DNM predictions

The final DNM candidates are predicted by both DV and HC. And we extract the variant information from DV output and save it as {output}/dnm_vcf/{fam}.dnm.vcf.gz, where {output} and {fam} are placeholders for the output directory and trio ID, respecitively.

Besides, the counts of DNMs for all trios are summarised in the file {output}/dnm_vcf_summary/DNM_summary.txt.

Parental origins of DNMs

The output of parental origins of DNMs is a tab-delimited test file, availalbe at {output}/phase_DNMs/{fam} .

The format of this output is as described, and most of users may just focus on first two columns of the file.

JIGV visulization

JIGV snapshots have generated for each DNM, available as {output}/call_JIGV/{fam}.JIGV.html .

dnSTR predictions and visulizations

dnSTR predictions from HipSTR/MonSTR

The dnSTRs predicted by HipSTR/MonSTR are available as {output}/monstr_filter/ . The output format of the MonSTR prediction is described here.

dnSTR visulizations by VizAln

We have also generated visulization for dnSTR using VizAln (from HipSTR package). Each dnSTR of one trio has its own html file under {output}/vizaln/{fam}/hipstr/variants/.

tree output/vizaln/t0311/hipstr
├── DONE
└── variants
    ├── chr10_103294239.dnm
    ├── chr10_103294239.html
    ├── chr10_34375054.dnm
    ├── chr10_34375054.html
    ├── chr10_46899557.dnm
    ├── chr10_46899557.html
    ├── chr10_50707597.dnm
    ├── ...

📖 The ".dnm" files are dummy files for the use of Snakemake workflow in the process of scatter-gather dnSTRs.

Example of VizAln realignment of the DNM (started at chr6:38571975) in the family t0612

An example of VizAln realignment is available here.

In this particular example, the identifiers of child, father and mother are SC260721, SC260720 and SC260670, respectively, from the family t0612.

cat ped_files/t0612.ped 
t0612   SC260720        0       0       1       1
t0612   SC260670        0       0       2       1
t0612   SC260721        SC260720        SC260670        2       1

From the MonSTR prediction, we have:

chrom pos period child newallele mutsize child_gt mat_gt pat_gt
6 38571975 2 SC260721 13 2 13,13 11,13 11,11

It suggests there is an de novo tandem repeat mutation started at the position chr6:38571975 in the subject SC260721. The unit length of repeat (period) is 2, and has 13 repeat units (newallele) in the child SC260721, which is 2 more than the reference genome (mutsize; i.e., the wild type genotype is [11,11]). The MonSTR prediction indicated that the genotypes of child, father and mother are [13,13], [11,11] and [11,13], respectively.

In the VizAln html page, we have genotypes of the family members marked in different ways. For example, "SC260670: 0|4" means one allele is wild type and another is 4 bp insertion. Negative values stands for deletion (read this for some details). Therefore, "SC260721: 4|4", "SC260720: 0|0" and "SC260670: 0|4" are well matched with the MonSTR prediction: [13,13], [11,11] and [11,13] for child, father and mother,respectively, in this example.

📖 Please note that the alignments from VizAln were arranged by the alphabet order of the sample identifiers.

dnSV predictions

As aforementioned, dnSVs are jointly predicted by Smoove and Manta/TypeGraph2. The results are merged VCF files generated by SURVIVOR: {output}/joint_dnSV/{fam}.dnSV.vcf:

  • output/joint_dnSV/t0311.dnSV.vcf

    #CHROM  POS     ID      REF     ALT     QUAL    FILTER  INFO    FORMAT  SC501095        SC501095_1
    chr18   55923597        chr18:55923597:OG       N       ]chr11:13001662]N    239     PASS    SUPP=2;SUPP_VEC=11;SVLEN=0;SVTYPE=TRA;SVMETHOD=SURVIVOR1.0.7;CHR2=chr11;END=13001651;CIPOS=-107,0;CIEND=0,11;STRANDS=++ GT:PSV:LN:DR:ST:QV:TY:ID:RAL:AAL:CO     0/1:NA:42921828:0,13:--:239:TRA:668279_2:NA:NA:chr18_55923490-chr11_13001662    0/1:NA:42921946:0,0:++:217:TRA:chr18_55923597_OG:NA:NA:chr18_55923597-chr11_13001651
    chr20   37068816        chr20:37068816:OG       N       ]chr11:5933976]N    255     PASS    SUPP=2;SUPP_VEC=11;SVLEN=0;SVTYPE=TRA;SVMETHOD=SURVIVOR1.0.7;CHR2=chr11;END=5933971;CIPOS=-32,0;CIEND=0,5;STRANDS=++    GT:PSV:LN:DR:ST:QV:TY:ID:RAL:AAL:CO     0/1:NA:31134808:0,20:-+:80:TRA:668295_2:NA:NA:chr20_37068784-chr11_5933976      0/1:NA:31134845:0,0:++:255:TRA:chr20_37068816_OG:NA:NA:chr20_37068816-chr11_5933971

📖 Two sample columns are available for the child (e.g.,SC501095) in the example vcf output: the first one is from Smoove and the other is from Manta/TypeGraph2

Besides, a summary of dnSV count is available as {output}/dnSV_summary/dnSV_summary.txt.

Snakemake report for TriosCompass

Reports is a very useful feature of Snakemake. We utilized this feature to package TriosCompass outputs into a zip file and index them with the HTMP page.

Below is an example command to generate reports for TriosCompass:

snakemake  --report --profile TriosCompass_v2/workflow/profiles/slurm --configfile TriosCompass_v2/config/config.yaml
  • A snapshot of the report HTML page.