The model description can be found in ./documentation/DL_Munich_model_desc.pdf
- Ubuntu 14.04
- GPU: Nvidia GTX 1080
- CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4930K CPU
- RAM: 32GB of RAM
- Around 200GB of free Memory
- opencv-python
- Python 3.4.3
- dicom 0.9.9-1
- joblib 0.10.3
- tensorflow-gpu 1.0.1
- SimpleITK
- numpy 1.12.0
- pandas 0.19.2
- scipy 0.18.1
- scikit-image 0.12.3
- scikit-learn 0.18.1
adjust raw_data_absolute_path in "" (line 6) to the raw dsb3 data directory. The raw dsb3 data directory is expected to contain the following folders and files:
- stage1/ (unzipped stage1.7z)
- stage2/ (unzipped stage2.7z)
- stage2_sample_submission.csv
adjust raw_LUNA_absolute_path in "" (line 7) to the raw LUNA data directory. The directory is expected to contain the following folders and files from the LUNA16 challenge (
- to 10 zip files which contain all CT images
- annotations.csv: csv file that contains the annotations used as reference standard for the 'nodule detection' track
- sampleSubmission.csv: an example of a submission file in the correct format
- candidates_V2.csv: csv file that contains the candidate locations for the ‘false positive reduction’ track