- Kotlin
- Spring Boot
- Maven
- H2 Database
- Mustache (for UI)
- Junit 5
- Clone the repository, and install Maven Dependencies
- http://localhost:8090
Go to File | New | Project, and select Spring Initializr.
Follow the steps of the wizard to use the following parameters:
- Artifact: "blog"
- Type: "Gradle - Kotlin" or "Maven"
- Language: Kotlin
- Name: "Blog"
- Dependencies: "Spring Web Starter", "Mustache", "Spring Data JPA", "H2 Database" and "Spring Boot DevTools"
Instead of using util classes with abstract methods like in Java, it is usual in Kotlin to provide such functionalities via Kotlin extensions. Here we are going to add a format() function to the existing LocalDateTime type in order to generate text with the English date format.
fun LocalDateTime.format(): String = this.format(englishDateFormatter)
private val daysLookup = (1..31).associate { it.toLong() to getOrdinal(it) }
private val englishDateFormatter = DateTimeFormatterBuilder()
.appendLiteral(" ")
.appendText(ChronoField.DAY_OF_MONTH, daysLookup)
.appendLiteral(" ")
private fun getOrdinal(n: Int) = when {
n in 11..13 -> "${n}th"
n % 10 == 1 -> "${n}st"
n % 10 == 2 -> "${n}nd"
n % 10 == 3 -> "${n}rd"
else -> "${n}th"
fun String.toSlug() = lowercase(Locale.getDefault())
.replace("\n", " ")
.replace("[^a-z\\d\\s]".toRegex(), " ")
.split(" ")
.replace("-+".toRegex(), "-")
We update the "blog" Mustache templates. 使用 Mustache 构建 UI 页面。
We update the HtmlController
in order to render blog and article pages with the formatted date. ArticleRepository
and MarkdownConverter
constructor parameters will be automatically autowired since HtmlController
has a single constructor (implicit @Autowired
Then, we add data initialization to a new DemoConfiguration
class. 构造数据初始化的配置文件。
For the sake of this example, let’s create an integration test in order to demonstrate various features:
- We use real sentences between backticks instead of camel-case to provide expressive test function names.
- JUnit 5 allows to inject constructor and method parameters, which is a good fit with Kotlin read-only and non-nullable properties.
- This code leverages
Kotlin extensions (you need to import them).