The following document is intended to help developers get started with the project. It includes information on how to set up your development environment, build the project, and run the app in an emulator.
The application is a user-friendly mobile agent that is built with React Native and uses Aries Framework JavaScript (AFJ) to exchange verifiable credentials with other agents. While AFJ handles the heavy lifting of verifiable credential work, it focuses on user experience and interactions with these credentials.
Key points to note:
- AFJ uses some Rust libraries, specifically Indy-SDK, which are compiled into native code. These libraries will soon be replaced by Indy-VDR and AnonCreds-rs.
- The application uses the AFJ library, which in turn uses these Rust libraries.
- The Indy-SDK library has been cross-compiled for ARM CPU architecture, meaning it works on iOS devices and Android devices/emulators but not on iOS simulators.
- Indy-SDK uses the ZMQ protocol to interact with the Indy ledgers. This might be blocked by some corporate firewalls as it's a non-standard protocol that doesn't use HTTP/s.
- AFJ uses the HTTP protocol to communicate with Aries agents and WebSockets for messaging via a mediator.
- The application relies on a mediator because mobile devices don't have a fixed IP address and often don't accept inbound network connections. The mediator, a service that runs on a server with a fixed IP address, relays messages between an agent and the app. The mediator is configured,
The setup is similar to other React Native projects. The following sections will walk you through the process of setting up your development environment, installing dependencies, and running the app in an emulator.
This is a yarn based project, not npm. You will need to install yarn if you don't already have it installed. Also, you will need a version of node that is compatible with the version of yarn specified in the engines
field of ./package.json. If you don't have a compatible version of node installed, you can use nvm to install a compatible version of node.
npm install -g yarn
curl -o- | bash
export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm
nvm install 18.18
nvm use 18.18
This project will need to run on an iOS device or Android device or emulator. While it is recommended to test your software on both, especially if you're contributing back to the project, for demonstration purposes you can choose one or the other.
ProTip 🤓
If you are using Mac OS with ARM64 chip, see this suggested setup
Install all the package dependencies by running the following command from the root of the cloned repository:
yarn install
Some packages need to be built (transpiled) before they can be used from the app. Do this with the following command:
yarn run build
As noted above the application requires a mediator to communicate with other Agents. For development purposes, this can be set by creating a .env
file in the following directory:
touch packages/legacy/app/.env
Add a line to the .env
file with the following content:
You can use the above mentioned public mediator hosted by Indecio or set up your own mediator. See Aries Mediator for more information.
The simplest way to run the application on Android is via Android Studio. Here's how:
- Open Android Studio.
- Select
File -> Open
and navigate to thepackages/legacy/app/android
directory. This will load the project into Android Studio. - Run the app on a connected device or emulator by selecting one from the list and clicking the green 'Play' button.
If you prefer using the command line interface (CLI), follow these steps:
(Note: The following instructions assume you have Android Studio and the Android SDK installed in your home directory. If your setup is different, adjust the paths accordingly.)
List the available emulators:
~/Android/Sdk/emulator/emulator -list-avds
If no emulators are listed, check the Android Studio documentation to set up an emulator.
ProTip 🤓
Don't use the emulator located at ~/Android/Sdk/tools/emulator
its older, deprecated, and will probably complain about missing the x86 emulator for newer SDK versions.
Start an emulator from the list:
~/Android/Sdk/emulator/emulator -avd Pixel_5_API_25 -netdelay none -netspeed full
ProTip 🤓
Use -partition-size 1024
to increase the size of the emulator's data partition. This is useful if you're running the app in the emulator for an extended period of time.
Start Metro, the React Native packager:
cd packages/legacy/app yarn start
Make sure you have the
environment variables set correctly:export JAVA_HOME=~/android-studio/jre export ANDROID_HOME=~/Android/Sdk
Allow the Android emulator to communicate with Metro on port
:~/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/adb reverse tcp:8097 tcp:8097
Finally, run the app in the emulator:
cd packages/legacy/app yarn run android
This will launch the application on your selected Android emulator for development and testing.
Please note, you can't run the iOS version of the application on an iOS simulator – it must be run on an actual iOS device. To develop for iOS, you'll need a Mac with Xcode installed and potentially a developer team membership to execute the application on your device.
The easiest way to run the application on an iOS device is through Xcode, as outlined below:
- Install the Cocoapods package manager. You can use brew or any method you prefer:
brew install cocoapods
- Install the necessary dependencies:
cd packages/legacy/app/ios
pod install
- Open the workspace (not the project file) in Xcode:
open packages/legacy/app/ios/ariesbifold.xcworkspace
In Xcode, select your device, development team, and (if necessary) your Bundle ID. Note: Detailing these steps is beyond the scope of this guide.
Run the app on your device by clicking the 'Play' button in Xcode. This will launch Bifold on your selected iOS device for development and testing. It will also launch Metro, the React Native packager, in a separate terminal window. If you prefer to do this manually use the following command:
cd packages/legacy/app
yarn start