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Certificate Authorities

This guide serves as a companion to the Fabric CA Deployment Guide, the definitive reference for planning, configuring, and managing CAs within a production Hyperledger Fabric installation.

For individual fabric nodes to communicate securely over a network, all interactions are performed over secure sockets with (at a minimum) server side TLS certificate verification. In addition, for the individual participants of a Fabric network to interact with the blockchain, the participant identities and activities are verified against an Enrollment Certificate or 'ECert' authority.

In this document we'll outline the key aspects of bootstrapping test network TLS and ECert CAs, registration and enrollment of node identities, and address some effective strategies for storage and organization of channel and node local MSP data structures.


$ ./network up
Launching network "test-network":
✅ - Launching TLS CAs ...
✅ - Enrolling bootstrap TLS CA users ...

✅ - Registering and enrolling ECert CA bootstrap users ...
✅ - Launching ECert CAs ...
✅ - Enrolling bootstrap ECert CA users ...
🏁 - Network is ready.

Setting up a CA framework is one of the more daunting aspects of a Fabric installation. There is an incredible amount of flexibility possible with the Fabric CA architecture, so to keep things straightforward we have opted to aim for a simplified, but realistic CA deployment illustrating the key touch points with Kubernetes:

  • Each organization maintains distinct, independent volumes for the storage of MSP and TLS certificates. This forces the consortium organizer to plan for the distribution of public certificates to member organizations, while maintaining an independent, secret storage location for private signing keys.

  • Each organization maintains two distinct, separate CA instances : one dedicated to TLS Certificate Signing Requests, and a second process dedicated to ECert Enrollments and identity MSPs.

  • Certificate organization and Folder Structure strictly adheres to the best practices and guidelines recommended by the CA Deployment Guide.

  • The cryptogen anti-pattern is strictly forbidden. All TLS and MSP enrollments are constructed using the CA registration and enrollment REST services, coordinated by calls to fabric-ca-client running directly on the CA pods. When working with certificates, the fabric CA client ONLY has visibility to the organization's local volume storage.

  • TLS CA configuration and certificates are maintained in each org's persistent volume at /var/hyperledger/fabric-tls-ca-server

  • ECert CA configuration and certificates are maintained in each org's persistent volume at /var/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server

  • fabric-ca-client configuration and certificates are maintained in each org's persistent volume at /var/hyperledger/fabric-ca-client

  • ECert and MSP data structures are maintained in each org's persistent volume at /var/hyperledger/fabric/organizations

Future Enhancements:

  • Bring your own Certificates : It would be nice to boostrap the network using a single, top-level signing authority, rather than generating self-signed certificates when the system is bootstrapped. Ideally this will be realized by introducing an Intermediate CA and/or alternate signing chains backed by formal (e.g. letsencrypt, Thawte, Verisign, etc.) certificate authorities.

  • Dual Headed CAs : In practice, juggling two distinct deployments between TLS and ECert servers adds little functional value. It would be nice to simplify the configuration, deployment, and bootstrapping scripts such that each org manages a single, dual-headed CA capable of responding to both TLS as well as ECert enrollmnent rerquests.

  • Time-Bomb Certificates : By default the certificates issued by the test network are valid for 1 (one) year. For lightweight or adhoc testing, this is fine. But when applied to production deployments, certificate expiry is a real operational challenge. For instance, it is possible to soft-lock a Fabric network when all system certificates expire en-masse - it's impossible to re-establish a consensus and renew the certificates!

  • Mutual TLS : Server-side TLS is a minimum, but the addition of client-side TLS certificates will help fully secure all TCP channels within the Fabric network.

  • Bugs : ./network up currently goes through the process of bootstrapping a fabric network from scratch, but does not handle "multiple runs" or the complete course of errors that can occur in the wild. For instance, If the routine is run multiple times in succession, it will overwrite the network's certificate chains and soft-lock the network.

The sequence of activities necessary to bring up a CA infrastructure is well documented by the CA Deployment Guide:

  1. Deploy the TLS CAs

    1. Configure the TLS CA Servers
    2. Launch the TLS CA Servers
    3. Enroll the TLS CA Bootstrap Admin Users
  2. Deploy the Organization CA

    1. Register and enroll the org CA bootstrap identity with the TLS CA
    2. Configure the ECert CA Servers
    3. Launch the ECert CA Servers
    4. Enroll the ECert CA Bootstrap / Admin User

While the CA guide suggests running the fabric-ca-server binary to generate a default configuration file, for the test network we've skipped this step and have added a config/fabric-tls-ca-server-config.yaml to the top level of this project.

Changes have been made to reflect:

  • port: 443 binds all traffic to the default HTTPS port
  • tls.enabled: true enables TLS for registration and enrollment requests
  • <service-name> matches the Kubernetes Service host alias
  • csr.hosts: includes host aliases for accessing the CA with Kube DNS

Prior to launching the CA, for each org we create a configmap including the TLS CA server yaml:

kubectl -n test-network create configmap org0-config --from-file=config/org0
kubectl -n test-network create configmap org1-config --from-file=config/org1
kubectl -n test-network create configmap org2-config --from-file=config/org2
✅ - Launching TLS CAs ...

For each org we create a Kube Deployment and Service, ensuring that the org config map and persistent volume maps to the correct location on disk.

kubectl -n test-network apply -f kube/org0/org0-tls-ca.yaml
kubectl -n test-network apply -f kube/org1/org1-tls-ca.yaml
kubectl -n test-network apply -f kube/org2/org2-tls-ca.yaml

As a side-effect of bootstrapping the TLS CA, each storage volume will include a self-signed certificate pair to serve as the Root TLS Certificate. Pay special attention to this path, as it will be used extensively to verify the TLS host name of all services within the organization:

✅ - Enrolling bootstrap TLS CA users ...

After the TLS server is running, we need to enroll the bootstrap admin user with the CA. This admin user will then be employed to fulfill a Certificate Signing request for the ECert CA servers, allowing for full host verification when connecting to the ECert CAs via https.

To enroll the bootstrap TLS CA users, each org runs within the TLS CA pod:

  fabric-ca-client enroll \
    --url https://'$auth'@'${tlsca}' \
    --tls.certfiles $FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME/tls-root-cert/tls-ca-cert.pem \
    --csr.hosts '${tlsca}' \
    --mspdir $FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME/tls-ca/tlsadmin/msp

The --mspdir output of this command is a set of certificates for use with the ECert CA. This enrollment MSP will be used to register and enroll the ECert bootstrap user.

The organization (ECert) CA is used to issue MSP certificates for nodes, channels, and identities in the fabric network. Before we can set up the peers, orderers, and channels, we will need to bootstrap an ECert CA administrator for each org in the network.

✅ - Registering and enrolling ECert CA bootstrap users ...

The TLS CA can be used to fulfill a Certificate Signing Request on behalf of each organization's ECert CA.

  fabric-ca-client register \ rcaadmin \
    --id.secret rcaadminpw \
    --url https://'${tlsca}' \
    --tls.certfiles $FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME/tls-root-cert/tls-ca-cert.pem \
    --mspdir $FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME/tls-ca/tlsadmin/msp

  fabric-ca-client enroll \
    --url https://'${tlsauth}'@'${tlsca}' \
    --tls.certfiles $FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME/tls-root-cert/tls-ca-cert.pem \
    --csr.hosts '${ecertca}' \
    --mspdir $FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME/tls-ca/rcaadmin/msp

Important: The output from this enrollment includes the ECert CA's public certificate and private signing keys. When the ECert CA pod is launched, the server configuration references the tls.certfile and tls.keyfile attributes by specifying FABRIC_CA_SERVER_TLS_CERTFILE and FABRIC_CA_SERVER_TLS_KEYFILE environment in the pod's environment.

When launching the ECert CA pods, both the org volume shares and org config maps are made available via volume shares. The fabric-ecert-ca-server.yaml includes overrides for:

  • port: 443 binds all traffic to the default HTTPS port
  • tls.enabled: true enables TLS for registration and enrollment requests
  • <service-name> matches the Kubernetes Service host alias
  • csr.hosts: includes host aliases for accessing the CA with Kube DNS

In addition, pay special attention to the location of the FABRIC_CA_SERVER_TLS_CERTFILE and FABRIC_CA_SERVER_TLS_KEYFILE environment variables in the ECert deployment descriptor. These variables reference the TLS certificate authority and signing keys as generated by the admin bootstrap enrollment.

✅ - Launching ECert CAs ...
kubectl -n test-network apply -f kube/org0/org0-ecert-ca.yaml
kubectl -n test-network apply -f kube/org1/org1-ecert-ca.yaml
kubectl -n test-network apply -f kube/org2/org2-ecert-ca.yaml
  • Note: The rcaadmin enrollment's cert.pem and key.pem locations are specified in the ecert CA's k8s deployment as environment variables.
✅ - Enrolling bootstrap ECert CA users ...

Finally, after the services are active, we can connect to each organization's ECert CA using TLS and activate the rcaadmin (Root Certificate Authority) admin user. This user will be employed to generate the local MSP certificate structure for all of the nodes in our test network.

  fabric-ca-client enroll \
    --url https://'${auth}'@'${ecert_ca}' \
    --tls.certfiles $FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME/tls-root-cert/tls-ca-cert.pem \
    --mspdir $FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME/'${ecert_ca}'/rcaadmin/msp

Next Steps :

After the CAs have been deployed, each org in the Kube namespace includes:

  • One TLS CA Service, forwarding internal traffic from https://orgN-tls-ca to the TLS CA
  • One TLS CA Deployment
  • One TLS CA Pod
  • One ECert CA Service, forwarding internal traffic from https://orgN-ecert-ca to the ECert CA
  • One ECert CA Deployment
  • One ECert CA Pod
  • One TLS CA admin bootstrap user tlsadmin enrollment and TLS root certificate.
  • One ECert CA admin bootstrap user rcaadmin enrollment and MSP root certificate.