This is a keras implementation of CrossNet for paper Cross-Target Stance Classification with Self-Attention Networks (
- preprocessing ( and tokenizer): convert tweet text, target phrase, and label into internal matrix format, with shapes (batch_size, sent_length), (batch_size, target_length), (batch_size, num_class)
- training and testing ( all directory and model configurations are here models/ model implementation of CrossNet models/ layer implementation of CrossNet
First of all you need to download glove.twitter.27B.200d from kaggle (
- python 3.7
- keras 2.1.3
- tensorflow 1.13.1
- gensim 2.5
- nltk 3.7
- pandas 1.1.5
- numpy 1.16.1
- sklearn 0.0
- h5py 2.10.0
you can use the following command to install all dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
First of all you should change a file. go to your_venv_name/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gensim/models/ and line 56: change from scipy.misc import logsumexp to from scipy.special import logsumexp
In the second step, create cache and model folder in the folder named data. Then, run to fill those folders.
Don't forget to change the DATA_DIR path in to your desired path.
On windows (Train and test):
- set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;C:\path_to_project\cross_target_stance_classification\
- C:\path_to_python\python.exe C:\path_to_project\cross_target_stance_classification\ -tr_te --target cc_cc --n_aspect 1 --bsize 128 --rnn_dim 128 --dense_dim 64 --dropout_rate 0.2 --max_epoch 200 --learning_rate 0.001
OR you can use the following command to train and test all targets:
bash ./runModel.bash
NOTE: you can change -tr_te to train, test and ts(test_single_stance) in order to use other functionalities.