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Booru Configuration

NO_ob edited this page Jun 22, 2021 · 2 revisions

Adding a Booru

  • Go to the add booru page: Settings > Booru/Search > Add New.
  • Put a name for this booru in the name field.
  • Put a url for this booru in the url field.
  • You can but default tags into the default tags field these will be auto searched when using this booru in a new tab. It will override the apps default tags setting
  • Press the test button.
  • After the test is done a save button will show up click this and the booru is added.
  • After exiting out of settings page the booru should show in the dropdown after pressing search a few times.
  • If you don't see the save button you may need authentication to use this booru.
  • If adding your api credentials doesn't work or the booru doesn't provide them the booru may not be supported you can request support by opening an issue

Booru Authentication

A number of boorus will require you to login to view all of the content or to use the api at all. To find your api credentials you will need to login to the booru website.

Most booru websites keep your credentials in different locations on the site.

On Gelbooru you can access this information by going to: My Account > Options

At the bottom of the page you will see a string in this format &api_key=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&user_id=XXXXXX

Here you have your API Key and User ID put these into the correct boxes on the booru edit page and then hit test and save.

Some boorus such as e621 will only give you an api key. This can be found by going to Account > Manage API Access.

Philomena and Szurubooru based boorus will also provide an api key this can be found by going to the Account page. The api key is at the top

When a booru only provides an api key put the api key in the API Key field in the app and then put your website username into the User ID field

Sankaku will not give you an api key at all but you will still need authentication for all content. For Sankaku you can put your username in the User ID field and put your password into the API Key field

Changing the default booru

  • Go to Settings > Booru/Search
  • Select the booru you would like to be the default in the dropdown
  • Back out of the Booru/Search Page to set this as your new default
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