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Minor re-factor of horizontal_viscosity()
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- Moved setting of (constant) mod_Leith to outside of loops
- Moved calculation of div_xx to after calculation of h_u,h_v
- Used h_u,h_v in div_xx (avoids repeated computations)
- Put calculation of div_xx, vort_xy into a conditional block
- Aligned comments with code
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adcroft committed Jun 17, 2018
1 parent f6a0990 commit 7f6285e
Showing 1 changed file with 60 additions and 56 deletions.
116 changes: 60 additions & 56 deletions src/parameterizations/lateral/MOM_hor_visc.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -285,53 +285,49 @@ subroutine horizontal_viscosity(u, v, h, diffu, diffv, MEKE, VarMix, G, GV, CS,
"VarMix%Res_fn_q both need to be associated with Resoln_scaled_Kh.")

! Coefficient for modified Leith
if (CS%Modified_Leith) then
mod_Leith = 1.0
mod_Leith = 0.0

! Toggle whether to use a Laplacian viscosity derived from MEKE
use_MEKE_Ku = associated(MEKE%Ku)

!$OMP parallel do default(none) shared(Isq,Ieq,Jsq,Jeq,nz,CS,G,GV,u,v,is,js,ie,je,h, &
!$OMP rescale_Kh,VarMix,h_neglect,h_neglect3, &
!$OMP Kh_h,Ah_h,Kh_q,Ah_q,diffu,apply_OBC,OBC,diffv, &
!$OMP find_FrictWork,FrictWork,use_MEKE_Ku,MEKE) &
!$OMP find_FrictWork,FrictWork,use_MEKE_Ku,MEKE, &
!$OMP mod_Leith) &
!$OMP private(u0, v0, sh_xx, str_xx, visc_bound_rem, &
!$OMP sh_xy, str_xy, Ah, Kh, AhSm, KhSm, dvdx, dudy, &
!$OMP bhstr_xx, bhstr_xy,FatH,RoScl, hu, hv, h_u, h_v, &
!$OMP vort_xy,vort_xy_dx,vort_xy_dy,Vort_mag,AhLth,KhLth, &
!$OMP div_xx, div_xx_dx, div_xx_dy, mod_Leith, &
!$OMP div_xx, div_xx_dx, div_xx_dy, &
!$OMP Shear_mag, h2uq, h2vq, hq, Kh_scale, hrat_min)
do k=1,nz

! This code uses boundary conditions that are consistent with
! free slip and no normal flow boundary conditions. The boundary
! conditions for the western boundary, for example, are:
! dv/dx = 0, d^3v/dx^3 = 0, u = 0, d^2u/dx^2 = 0 .
! The overall scheme is second order accurate.
! All of the metric terms are retained, and the repeated use of
! the symmetric stress tensor insures that no stress is applied with
! no flow or solid-body rotation, even with non-constant values of
! of the biharmonic viscosity.

! The following are the forms of the horizontal tension and hori-
! shearing strain advocated by Smagorinsky (1993) and discussed in
! Griffies and Hallberg (MWR, 2000).
! The following are the forms of the horizontal tension and horizontal
! shearing strain advocated by Smagorinsky (1993) and discussed in
! Griffies and Hallberg (2000).

! Calculate horizontal tension
do j=Jsq-1,Jeq+2 ; do i=Isq-1,Ieq+2
sh_xx(i,j) = (CS%DY_dxT(i,j)*(G%IdyCu(I,j) * u(I,j,k) - &
G%IdyCu(I-1,j) * u(I-1,j,k)) - &
CS%DX_dyT(i,j)*(G%IdxCv(i,J) * v(i,J,k) - &
div_xx(i,j) = 0.5*((G%dyCu(I,j) * u(I,j,k) * (h(i+1,j,k)+h(i,j,k)) - &
G%dyCu(I-1,j) * u(I-1,j,k) * (h(i-1,j,k)+h(i,j,k)) ) + &
(G%dxCv(i,J) * v(i,J,k) * (h(i,j,k)+h(i,j+1,k)) - &
G%dxCv(i,J-1)*v(i,J-1,k)*(h(i,j,k)+h(i,j-1,k))))*G%IareaT(i,j)/ &
(h(i,j,k) + h_neglect)
enddo ; enddo

! Components for the shearing strain
do J=js-2,Jeq+1 ; do I=is-2,Ieq+1
dvdx(I,J) = CS%DY_dxBu(I,J)*(v(i+1,J,k)*G%IdyCv(i+1,J) - v(i,J,k)*G%IdyCv(i,J))
dudy(I,J) = CS%DX_dyBu(I,J)*(u(I,j+1,k)*G%IdxCu(I,j+1) - u(I,j,k)*G%IdxCu(I,j))
enddo ; enddo

! Interpolate the thicknesses to velocity points.
! The extra wide halos are to accomodate the cross-corner-point projections
! The extra wide halos are to accommodate the cross-corner-point projections
! in OBCs, which are not ordinarily be necessary, and might not be necessary
! even with OBCs if the accelerations are zeroed at OBC points, in which
! case the j-loop for h_u could collapse to j=js=1,je+1. -RWH
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -458,37 +454,53 @@ subroutine horizontal_viscosity(u, v, h, diffu, diffv, MEKE, VarMix, G, GV, CS,
enddo ; endif

if (CS%no_slip) then
do J=js-2,Jeq+1 ; do I=is-2,Ieq+1
sh_xy(I,J) = (2.0-G%mask2dBu(I,J)) * ( dvdx(I,J) + dudy(I,J) )
enddo ; enddo
do J=js-2,Jeq+1 ; do I=is-2,Ieq+1
sh_xy(I,J) = G%mask2dBu(I,J) * ( dvdx(I,J) + dudy(I,J) )
! Calculate horizontal divergence (not from continuity) if needed.
! h_u and h_v include modifications at OBCs from above.
if ((CS%Leith_Kh) .or. (CS%Leith_Ah)) then
do j=Jsq-1,Jeq+2 ; do i=Isq-1,Ieq+2
div_xx(i,j) = ((G%dyCu(I ,j) * u(I ,j,k) * h_u(I ,j) - &
G%dyCu(I-1,j) * u(I-1,j,k) * h_u(I-1,j) ) + &
(G%dxCv(i,J ) * v(i,J ,k) * h_v(i,J ) - &
G%dxCv(i,J-1) * v(i,J-1,k) * h_v(i,J-1) ) )*G%IareaT(i,j)/ &
(h(i,j,k) + h_neglect)
enddo ; enddo

! Shearing strain (including no-slip boundary conditions at the 2-D land-sea mask).
! dudy and dvdx include modifications at OBCs from above.
if (CS%no_slip) then
do J=js-2,Jeq+1 ; do I=is-2,Ieq+1
vort_xy(I,J) = (2.0-G%mask2dBu(I,J)) * ( dvdx(I,J) - dudy(I,J) )
sh_xy(I,J) = (2.0-G%mask2dBu(I,J)) * ( dvdx(I,J) + dudy(I,J) )
enddo ; enddo
do J=js-2,Jeq+1 ; do I=is-2,Ieq+1
vort_xy(I,J) = G%mask2dBu(I,J) * ( dvdx(I,J) - dudy(I,J) )
sh_xy(I,J) = G%mask2dBu(I,J) * ( dvdx(I,J) + dudy(I,J) )
enddo ; enddo

! Vorticity gradient
do J=js-2,Jeq+1 ; do I=is-1,Ieq+1
vort_xy_dx(i,J) = CS%DY_dxBu(I,J)*(vort_xy(I,J)*G%IdyCu(I,j) - vort_xy(I-1,J)*G%IdyCu(I-1,j))
enddo ; enddo
if ((CS%Leith_Kh) .or. (CS%Leith_Ah)) then
! Calculate relative vorticity (including no-slip boundary conditions at the 2-D land-sea mask).
! dudy and dvdx include modifications at OBCs from above.
if (CS%no_slip) then
do J=js-2,Jeq+1 ; do I=is-2,Ieq+1
vort_xy(I,J) = (2.0-G%mask2dBu(I,J)) * ( dvdx(I,J) - dudy(I,J) )
enddo ; enddo
do J=js-2,Jeq+1 ; do I=is-2,Ieq+1
vort_xy(I,J) = G%mask2dBu(I,J) * ( dvdx(I,J) - dudy(I,J) )
enddo ; enddo

do J=js-1,Jeq+1 ; do I=is-2,Ieq+1
vort_xy_dy(I,j) = CS%DX_dyBu(I,J)*(vort_xy(I,J)*G%IdxCv(i,J) - vort_xy(I,J-1)*G%IdxCv(i,J-1))
enddo ; enddo
! Vorticity gradient
do J=js-2,Jeq+1 ; do I=is-1,Ieq+1
vort_xy_dx(i,J) = CS%DY_dxBu(I,J)*(vort_xy(I,J)*G%IdyCu(I,j) - vort_xy(I-1,J)*G%IdyCu(I-1,j))
enddo ; enddo

! Divergence gradient
if ((CS%Leith_Kh) .or. (CS%Leith_Ah)) then
do J=js-1,Jeq+1 ; do I=is-2,Ieq+1
vort_xy_dy(I,j) = CS%DX_dyBu(I,J)*(vort_xy(I,J)*G%IdxCv(i,J) - vort_xy(I,J-1)*G%IdxCv(i,J-1))
enddo ; enddo

! Divergence gradient
do j=js-1,Jeq+1 ; do I=Isq-1,Ieq+1
div_xx_dx(I,j) = G%IdxCu(I,j)*(div_xx(i+1,j) - div_xx(i,j))
enddo ; enddo
Expand All @@ -498,14 +510,7 @@ subroutine horizontal_viscosity(u, v, h, diffu, diffv, MEKE, VarMix, G, GV, CS,
enddo ; enddo

! Coefficient for modified Leith
if (CS%Modified_Leith) then
mod_Leith = 1.0
mod_Leith = 0.0

! Evaluate u0 = x.Div(Grad u) and v0 = y.Div( Grad u)
! Evaluate u0 = x.Div(Grad u) and v0 = y.Div( Grad u)
if (CS%biharmonic) then
do j=js-1,Jeq+1 ; do I=Isq-1,Ieq+1
u0(I,j) = CS%IDXDY2u(I,j)*(CS%DY2h(i+1,j)*sh_xx(i+1,j) - CS%DY2h(i,j)*sh_xx(i,j)) + &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -588,8 +593,8 @@ subroutine horizontal_viscosity(u, v, h, diffu, diffv, MEKE, VarMix, G, GV, CS,
endif ! Laplacian

if (CS%biharmonic) then
! Determine the biharmonic viscosity at h points, using the
! largest value from several parameterizations.
! Determine the biharmonic viscosity at h points, using the
! largest value from several parameterizations.
AhSm = 0.0; AhLth = 0.0
if ((CS%Smagorinsky_Ah) .or. (CS%Leith_Ah)) then
if (CS%Smagorinsky_Ah) then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -676,8 +681,8 @@ subroutine horizontal_viscosity(u, v, h, diffu, diffv, MEKE, VarMix, G, GV, CS,

h2uq = 4.0 * h_u(I,j) * h_u(I,j+1)
h2vq = 4.0 * h_v(i,J) * h_v(i+1,J)
! hq = 2.0 * h2uq * h2vq / (h_neglect3 + (h2uq + h2vq) * &
! ((h(i,j,k) + h(i+1,j+1,k)) + (h(i,j+1,k) + h(i+1,j,k))))
!hq = 2.0 * h2uq * h2vq / (h_neglect3 + (h2uq + h2vq) * &
! ((h(i,j,k) + h(i+1,j+1,k)) + (h(i,j+1,k) + h(i+1,j,k))))
hq = 2.0 * h2uq * h2vq / (h_neglect3 + (h2uq + h2vq) * &
((h_u(I,j) + h_u(I,j+1)) + (h_v(i,J) + h_v(i+1,J))))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -789,8 +794,8 @@ subroutine horizontal_viscosity(u, v, h, diffu, diffv, MEKE, VarMix, G, GV, CS,
enddo ; enddo

! Evaluate 1/h x.Div(h Grad u) or the biharmonic equivalent.
do j=js,je ; do I=Isq,Ieq
! Evaluate 1/h x.Div(h Grad u) or the biharmonic equivalent.
diffu(I,j,k) = ((G%IdyCu(I,j)*(CS%DY2h(i,j) *str_xx(i,j) - &
CS%DY2h(i+1,j)*str_xx(i+1,j)) + &
G%IdxCu(I,j)*(CS%DX2q(I,J-1)*str_xy(I,J-1) - &
Expand All @@ -811,7 +816,7 @@ subroutine horizontal_viscosity(u, v, h, diffu, diffv, MEKE, VarMix, G, GV, CS,

! Evaluate 1/h y.Div(h Grad u) or the biharmonic equivalent.
! Evaluate 1/h y.Div(h Grad u) or the biharmonic equivalent.
do J=Jsq,Jeq ; do i=is,ie
diffv(i,J,k) = ((G%IdyCv(i,J)*(CS%DY2q(I-1,J)*str_xy(I-1,J) - &
CS%DY2q(I,J) *str_xy(I,J)) - &
Expand All @@ -833,7 +838,7 @@ subroutine horizontal_viscosity(u, v, h, diffu, diffv, MEKE, VarMix, G, GV, CS,

if (find_FrictWork) then ; do j=js,je ; do i=is,ie
! Diagnose str_xx*d_x u - str_yy*d_y v + str_xy*(d_y u + d_x v)
! Diagnose str_xx*d_x u - str_yy*d_y v + str_xy*(d_y u + d_x v)
FrictWork(i,j,k) = GV%H_to_kg_m2 * ( &
(str_xx(i,j)*(u(I,j,k)-u(I-1,j,k))*G%IdxT(i,j) &
-str_xx(i,j)*(v(i,J,k)-v(i,J-1,k))*G%IdyT(i,j)) &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -898,7 +903,7 @@ subroutine horizontal_viscosity(u, v, h, diffu, diffv, MEKE, VarMix, G, GV, CS,

enddo ! end of k loop

! Offer fields for diagnostic averaging.
! Offer fields for diagnostic averaging.
if (CS%id_diffu>0) call post_data(CS%id_diffu, diffu, CS%diag)
if (CS%id_diffv>0) call post_data(CS%id_diffv, diffv, CS%diag)
if (CS%id_FrictWork>0) call post_data(CS%id_FrictWork, FrictWork, CS%diag)
Expand All @@ -917,7 +922,6 @@ subroutine horizontal_viscosity(u, v, h, diffu, diffv, MEKE, VarMix, G, GV, CS,
call post_data(CS%id_FrictWorkIntz, FrictWorkIntz, CS%diag)

end subroutine horizontal_viscosity

!> Allocates space for and calculates static variables used by horizontal_viscosity().
Expand Down

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