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Welcome to ssop, a Single Sign On Portal which uses as an Identity Verification provider.

1) Clone ssop repo
2) Change directory ssop
3) Create a virtual environment named venv:  python3.9 -m venv venv 
   NOTE: Python 3.6 not being supported WRT crypto
4) Upgrade pip to latest and then pip install -r requirements.txt

5) If needed, use to establish a sandbox environment, create a team (yourself and collaborators if desired), then create and app.
6) Update LOGINDOTGOV_ related parameters in ssop/ with results from 5 or from a configuration management system (CMS).
7) Update JWT_ related parameters in ssop/ as needed or from a CMS.
8) Update account management parameters in ssop/ as desired
9) Update SSO, AUTH_SAML_*, EMAIL, LOGGING, SSOP_DEPLOY*, DATABASE, possibly other variables in ssop/ as required and/or desired.
9) Deploy AWS resources as needed

See the images in the screenshot folder to aid with LOGINDOTGOV settings.  Also, a final user attributes screen can be seen.

Files in etc/nginx and etc/systemd/system demonstrate a full webserver with backend a WSGI using gunicorn and unix sockets.
   ALWAYS after editing a file in etc/systemd/system:
      sudo systemctl daemon-reload

   Once configured enable the services:
      sudo systemctl enable ssop_gunicorn.socket
      sudo systemctl enable ssop_gunicorn.service
      sudo systemclt enable ssop_account_review.service

   And start them:
      sudo systemctl start ssop_gunicorn.socket
      sudo systemctl start ssop_gunicorn.service
      sudo systemclt start ssop_account_review.service
   After any python code changes
      sudo systemctl restart ssop_gunicorn.service

   The SELinux section is very applicable during this phase

It works best to use an incognito window.  Otherwise the only way to truly logout is close the browser.  Using an incognito windows allows for a fresh session for each login test.

Tested mostly with Chrome.
Also appears to Firefox.
Safari and CAC stil do not play well together


Notes on fetching attributes   [Michael Ambroselli ( Nov 1, 2022, 13:22 EDT]

   In order to receive identity-verified attributes, you will need to pass in the corresponding acr_value ( along with the requested scope values. Please let me know if this doesn't fix your issue.

   iss is not a requestable user attribute, which is why it is not included on the User Attributes page. It is automatically included in the response and refers to the issuer of the response (which is's IdP).


SELinux commands useful during debugging:

   # Deal with SELinux complaints
   sudo view /var/log/audit/audit.log   (or sudo tail -f /var/log/audit/audit.log and clear between test sessions)
      - look for 'denied' or 'failures'
      - write result to testN.txt where N = 1, 2, ...

   Create testN.te and testN.pp files for the Nth case:
      cat testN.txt | audit2all -a -M testN
      cat testN.te to see what SELinux flagged 
      Apply the file:
         sudo semodule -i testN.pp

   I like to restart the gunicorn.service at this point, but probably not needed.

   Clear any windows running tail -f log....

   Loop to top of the view audit.log and capture next error .... :-)

   # Other useful tails
   sudo tail -v /var/log/nginx/access.log
   sudo tail -v /var/log/nginx/error.log
   sudo tail -v /var/log/gunicorn/access.log
   sudo tail -v /var/log/gunixorn/error.log
   tail -v /var/log/messages

SELINUX content and user types:
   # For the venv
   sudo chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t venv/
   sudo chcon -t httpd_sys_script_exec_t venv/bin/gunicorn

   # For the entire site
   sudo chcon -R -u system_u some-nologin-user
   sudo chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t some-nologin-user
   sudo chcon -R -u system_u /var/log/gunicorn/

   # While in in venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages
   sudo chcon -t httpd_sys_script_exec_t 

   # Logging
   sudo chcon -t httpd_log_t /path_to/logs/ssop/django_*


Kirk Holub
29 Dec 2023