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Python wrappers for libgd graphics drawing lib.

Welcome to the py_gd project.

py-gd aims to provide nice Pythonic wrappers around libgd -- a robust, fast, and simple drawing lib:

Docs here:

Code here:

Why gd?

For the project at hand we needed fast and simple drawing -- 8-bit color, no anti-aliasing. We also wanted a nice simple API to work with. There are a number of newer drawing libs (AGG, Skia) that produce some pretty results, but are not as simple to use, and are focused on 32 bit fully anti-aliased drawing. If you want the prettiest rendering possible, I encourage you to check those out.

If you want something fast and simple -- py_gd may be for you.

Why a new python wrapper for gd?

gdmodule (gitHub: is a wrapper for gd that has been around along time. However:

  • It appears to be minimally maintained (last touched 9 years ago as of this writing)
  • It is a pretty direct wrapper around the gd old-style-C API
  • It is hand-written C extension code -- more or less the state of the art for 1995 when it was first written, but I really don't want to work on that code!

On the other hand:

  • py_gd is being actively maintained.
  • py_gd is a "thick" wrapper -- we're trying to provide a nice object oriented, Pythonic interface.
  • py_gd uses numpy (and the PEP3118 buffer interface) to allow efficient transfer of data back and forth between Python and gd.
  • py_gd is written in Cython, which is likely to be more robust and error free and easier to maintain.

However, there is some nice stuff in gdmodule (like including a truetype font) that we want to borrow at some point.

How is py_gd built?

py_gd is built using Cython: ( Cython allows us to both call into the existing gd C lib, and to also write wrapper code to make a nicer API in an efficient way. You shouldn't need Cython to use py_gd, but you'll need it if you want to contribute to the wrappers or compile the code yourself.


py_gd currently requires the numpy package:

numpy is used to allow you to efficiently pass in data structures for things like vertices of large polygons, etc, and can be used to get a copy of the image buffer, and manipulate it in various ways, as well as passing it back to py_gd.

In order to build py_gd, the Cython package is also required:

Most critically, py_gd requires the libgd libary, which itself requires a number of other libs, such as libpng, libjpeg, etc, etc...

This makes it a challenge to build on any platform other than Linux. Which is why we use the conda-forge system -- it provides lib_gd for us.

Is py_gd a complete wrapper around gd?

In a word: no.

py_gd was developed to meet particular needs, and is not the least bit complete. It does, however have enough to be useful (at least to us).

Major Working features:

  • 8-bit "paletted" images
  • transparent background
  • built-in fonts for text
  • lines, polygons, arcs
  • experimental spline support (not in libgd itself)
  • copying between images
  • saving as gif, bmp, png, jpeg, and animated gif.
  • numpy arrays for input and image buffer exchange.

Major Missing features:

  • 32bit "truecolor" support
  • loading images from gif, png, etc...
  • freetype fonts
  • image manipulations: scaling, etc

Can I contribute?

You sure can -- fork the source, and hack away -- you can actually add features pretty easily by taking a look at what's there -- with just a little C and/or Cython knowledge (not much!) you should be able to get stuff working.

Here's what you need to do:

  • Find the function you want to wrap in gd.h
  • Copy the prototype to py_gd.pxd, and edit it to make it Cython-compatible (copy what's done for the ones already there)
  • Add a method to the Image class in py_gd.pyx -- look for similar methods already, and try to keep the API similar.
  • Add a test to (Or a new test file) that tests your new method
  • Re-build (pip install -e ./
  • Try out your test...
  • Lather, rinse, repeat, 'till it all works


py_gd depends on libgd which, in turn, depends on libpng, and others -- this makes it a major pain to build yourself. we suggest using conda via miniconda, miniforge, or pixi, and the conda packages found in the conda-forge channel. It should be as easy as:

conda install -c py_gd

This currently works on Mac, Windows and Linux

pip installing

We try to maintain packages on PyPi, but they are only source packages -- they will need to be built to work. This is fairly straightforward on Linux, but a serious challenge on Windows and Mac. NOTE: contributions of wheels would be happily accepted.



py_gd depends on libgd which, in turn, depends on libpng, and others -- this makes it a major pain to build on Windows.

Folks have had some luck getting it going with the newer Windows clib providers.


py_gd depends on libgd which, in turn, depends on libpng, and others -- You can use macports or homebrew or roll your own to get these, and then the build should work.


py_gd depends on libgd, which may be available in your distro's repo (it's used heavily by PHP). However your distro's version may be too old for py_gd, so you may have to built it yourself.

building libgd

py_gd requires libgd version >= 2.3. If your Linux distro has an up to date version, you can probably simply install it (and the development headers) from the system repos. something like:

apt-get install libgd, libgd-dev

or similar yum command (maybe just gd rather than libgd

If you dont have a recent libgd

If your distro doesn't have a recent version, you'll need to download the source and build it yourself.

(not tested recently)

  • Download the source code from GitHub
  • Build the tar file from source and install it. The usual:
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install

dance. This will install into /usr/local/ if you use the defaults. If your system is not yet set up to find libraries in /usr/local/, then you need to add this line to your bashrc:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='/usr/local/lib'

(or set that globally) It needs to be set whenever you are running py_gd.

Note: If you determine that you lack jpeg support -- yu should be able to install jpeg libs with your distro package mamager, e.g.

  • libjpeg-turbo-devel
  • libjpeg-turbo

Building py_gd

  • Clone the py_gd repository to your local machine

  • Create a virtualenv or conda environment to scope your python installations to this project (optional)

  • with conda:

    • conda install --file conda_requirements.txt --file conda_requirements_dev.txt
  • with pip:

    • pip install cython numpy pytest
  • cd into the repo

  • run these commands:

$ pip install ./
  • pip install pytest and run pytest to see that everything is working:
$ pytest --pyargs py_gd