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Gem Bundle used by OpenStudio

Anya Petersen edited this page Apr 30, 2019 · 16 revisions

OpenStudio Server Release 2.6.2 introduced separation between the gem bundles used by OpenStudio Server and OpenStudio. By default, OpenStudio will run using the bundle that ships with OpenStudio, as described in the OpenStudio Ruby/Gemfile.lock file.

If you need to load a gem that is not included with OpenStudio out of the box, and OpenStudio Server is running in a Docker environment, you can modify the OpenStudio bundle using a using a datapoint initialization script.


This is a specific application of a datapoint initialization script. All prerequisites apply.


Below details are for a sample data point initialization script that can be used to re-install a single gem in the OpenStudio Gem Bundle from a specified github branch. The arguments should be passed in via the arguments input in PAT. Please note that this script is intended as a starting point and the individual user remains responsible for verifying that the script is addressing their specific use.

OpenStudio version >= 2.8.0

Use script.

2.6.2 =< OpenStudio version < 2.8.0

Use code from the example below.

#!/bin/bash -e

# This script will enable a user to change a single gem in the list of accessible gems. The script will create the NEW_GEMFILE_DIR if it
# does not already exist.

if [[ (-z $1) || (-z $2) || (-z $3) || (-z $4) ]] ; then
    echo "Expecting script to have 4 parameters:"
    echo "  1: Path to where OpenStudio is installed on the system. Docker: /usr/local/openstudio-2.7.1. OSX: /Applications/openstudio-2.7.0/Ruby" 
    echo "  2: Name of the exiting gem to replace, e.g. openstudio-standards"
    echo "  3: Argument of the new gem GitHub repo, e.g. NREL/openstudio-standards"
    echo "  4: Name of the GitHub branch to install, e.g. master"
    echo "  -- example use: ./ /usr/local/openstudio-2.7.1/Ruby openstudio-standards NREL/openstudio-standards master"
    exit 1

echo $0


# Verify the path of the required files
if [ ! -d "$GEMFILE_DIR" ]; then
  echo "Directory of Gemfile does not exist"
  exit 1

if [ ! -f "$GEMFILE_PATH" ]; then
  echo "Gemfile does not exist in: ${GEMFILE_PATH}"
  exit 1

# Making sure the right version of bundler is installed
gem install bundler -v 1.14.4

# First check if there is a file that indicates the gem has already been updated.
# We only need to update the bundle once / worker, not every time a data point is initialized.
echo "Checking if Gemfile has been updated in ${GEMFILEUPDATE}"
    echo "***The gem bundle has already been updated"
    exit 0

# Gemfile for OpenStudio

# Update gem definition in OpenStudio Gemfile
# Replace:
# gem 'openstudio-standards', '= 0.1.15'
echo "***Replacing gem:"
echo "$OLDGEM"

# With this:
# gem 'openstudio-standards', github: 'NREL/openstudio-standards', branch: 'PNNL'
NEWGEM="gem '$EXISTING_GEM', github: '$NEW_GEM_REPO', branch: '$NEW_GEM_BRANCH'"
echo "***With gem:"
echo "$NEWGEM"

# Modify the reference Gemfile in place
cp $GEMFILE_DIR/Gemfile /var/oscli/
sed -i -e "s|$OLDGEM.*|$NEWGEM|g" $NEW_GEMFILE

# Pull the wfg from develop because otherwise `require 'openstudio-workflow'` fails
WFG="gem 'openstudio-workflow'"
NEWWFG="gem 'openstudio-workflow', github: 'NREL/openstudio-workflow-gem', branch: 'develop'"
echo "***Additionally,"
echo "***Replacing gem:"
echo "$WFG"
echo "***With gem:"
echo "$NEWWFG"
sed -i -e "s|$WFG.*|$NEWWFG|g" $NEW_GEMFILE

# Show the modified Gemfile contents in the log
dos2unix $NEW_GEMFILE
echo "***Here is the modified Gemfile:"

# Set & unset the required env vars
for evar in $(env | cut -d '=' -f 1 | grep ^BUNDLE); do unset $evar; done
for evar in $(env | cut -d '=' -f 1 | grep ^GEM); do unset $evar; done
for evar in $(env | cut -d '=' -f 1 | grep ^RUBY); do unset $evar; done

# Why are we setting HOME to /root and PATH. This should be set elsewhere, not in this script.
# export HOME=/root
# export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:$PATH
# TODO: Check if we can remove /usr/Ruby... this feels historic.
# This will only set RUBYLIB for the context of this script, not sure this really works.

# Update the specified gem in the bundle
echo "***Updating the specified gem:"
if [ -f Gemfile.lock ]; then
  rm Gemfile.lock
bundle _1.14.4_ install --path gems

# Note that the bundle has been updated