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Screenshot bot logo

Deploy to Heroku


Public URL of streaming service


Environment Variables

Properly setup the environment variables or populate with the values (some of the values are sensitive data, so keep them safe).

  • API_ID(required) - Get your telegram API_ID from
  • API_HASH(required) - Get your telegram API_HASH from
  • BOT_TOKEN(required) - Obtain your bot token from Bot Father.
  • SESSION_NAME(required) - Name you want to call your bot's session, Eg: bot username.
  • LOG_CHANNEL(required) - Log channel's id.
  • DATABASE_URL(required) - Mongodb database URI.
  • AUTH_USERS(required) - Authorised user(s) id separated by space.
  • HOST(required) - Public URL of streaming service (Source).
  • MAX_PROCESSES_PER_USER(optional) - Number of parallel processes each user can have, defaults to 2.
  • MAX_TRIM_DURATION(optional) - Maximum allowed seconds for trimming. Defaults to 600.
  • TRACK_CHANNEL(optional) - User activity tracking channel's id. Only needed if you want to track and block any user. Disabled by default.
  • SLOW_SPEED_DELAY(optional) - Delay required between each request. Defaults to 15s.


  • /start - Command to start bot or check whether bot is alive.

  • /settings - Command to configure bot's behavior'

  • /set_watermark - Command to add custom watermark text to screenshots. Usage: /set_watermark watermark_text.

  • /status - Admin/Auth users only command. Returns number of total users.

  • /ban_user - Admin/Auth users only command. Command to ban any user. Usage: /ban_user user_id ban_duration ban_reason. user_id - telegram id of the user, ban_duration - ban duration in days, ban_reason - reason for ban. All 3 parameters are required.

  • /unban_user - Admin/Auth users only command. Command to ban any banned user. Usage: /unban_user user_id. user_id - telegram id of the user. The parameter is required.

  • /banned_users - Admin/Auth users only command. Command to view all banned users. Usage: /banned_users. This takes no parameters.

  • /broadcast - Admin/Auth user only command. Command to broadcast some message to all users. Usage: reply /broadcast to the message you want to broadcast.


In bot settings.

  • Upload Mode - Screenshot upload mode. Either as image file or as document file. Defaults to as image file.
  • Watermark - Watermark text to be embedded to screenshots. Texts upto 30 characters supported. Disabled by default.
  • Watermark Color - Font color to be used for watermark. Any of white, black, red, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple, brown, gold, silver, pink. Defaults to white.
  • Watermark Font Size - Font size to be used for watermarks. Any of small(30), medium(40), large(50). Defaults to medium.
  • Sample Video Duration - Sample video's duration. Any of 30s, 60s, 90s, 120s, 150s. Defaults to 30s.
  • Screenshot Genetation Mode - Either random or equally spaced. Defaults to equally spaced.


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