Docker containers can be used in a variety of environments. In this workshop, we'll explore running containers on both a Linux and Windows.
- Create GitHub Account
- Create Docker Hub Account
- Explore Docker Hub
- Install Docker on your machine
- Clone container workshop repository
- Run the application
- Build a Docker Image with our app
- Run a Dockerized application on your local machine
- Inspect Dockerfile (compare Linux vs Windows)
- Containerize app
- Push app to Docker Hub
- Launch app on Fargate
We'll look into creating and running an image on windows
MacOS or brew cask install docker
Sign up for a new GitHub Account following the official guidelines if you don't have an account already: Signing up for a new GitHub Account
Sign up for a new Docker Hub account using the official sign up page
git clone < >
Try running the application
Q: How'd it go?
cd container-workshop
docker build -t <dockerhub username>/container-workshop:0.1 .
demo docker run workshop
vs docker run workshop -V
vs docker run workshop -m pip list
Once the image has been built, push it to your registry
docker images <imagename:tag> --format {{.ID}}
docker tag <image-id> <your-username/repository-name>:latest
docker login
docker push <your-username/repository-name>