This is my try on the Advent of code of 2022 challanges with JavaScript!
I managed to complete 18 days (some only part 1) and got a total of 33 stars.
: the code for each day will be in the days folder as a.js
file. My template is also there, so that I can start each day with the same structure.inputs
: all my input data for each day is saved the inputs folder as a.txt
file. I also have atest.txt
file, that I use for the example input of each days puzzle.helpers.js
: I created some helpers to read the input data an I am pretty sure, i will add some other helping functions if I see that puzzles will need some generic functionality more than once.
I use node.js
to run my code. So to run a specific day, you need to use the following command:
node .\days\dayX.js //exchange X with the days number
Each dayX.js
file, automatically reads the input for the certain day (dayX.txt
). If you want the day to use a specific .txt
file, you have to write the name of the file as an argument when running the day in the command line.
The command then will look like this:
node .\days\dayX.js test.txt //exchange X with the days number, exchange test.txt with your filename