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Step By Step Guide

--> Log in to Kloudlab

--> go to AWS console (on the left menu bar)

--> request credentials

--> copy paste the url in another tab and use the given username and password to log in

--> change region to Asia Pacific (Mumbai)ap-south-1

--> go to All Services

--> open EC2 in another tab

--> open VPC in another tab

Now VPC has CIDR notations to define the network range, route table etc etc... But we need to create a subnet under a VPC

--> go to the left menu and open subnet in another tab

--> create subnet (top right corner)

--> using prod-kube as vpc ID

--> using worker-subnetn as the name of the subnet

--> zone is ap-south-1

--> since the VPC prod-kube 's CIDR was, the subnet's ip must be under it so we can go for which means we can launch 251 VMs under this subnet. ({2^(32-24)}-5)=251

--> now we go back to the EC2 tab

--> launch instance

--> t2 micro

--> select prod-kube as network

--> select worker-subnetn as subnet (the one i just created)

-->auto assign public IP ---enable

-->Add storage

-->Add tags---Add tag----Name----Ndevops

--> Configure security group---changing name to Ndevops-sg

--> change source to My IP

-->review and launch


--> create new key pair

Name : Ndevops19

--> Download key pair

-->launch instances

--> from terminal, go to where u downloaded the key pair cd

--> sudo chmod 400 Ndevops19.pem

--> ssh -i Ndevops19.pem ubuntu@ to the instance u just created and copy the public ip address from there)


Basically we are at the terminal of the vm we just created moments ago.

-->now go to browser and go to the instance you just created , go to subnet, then go to route table under that subnet

--> go to the edit route table

--> if we delete the gateway igw..... then from the terminal we can no more ssh it or access it

-->so we try telnet ubuntu@

-->we can see that packet is going to the address and into the server but when the packet is going out as directed from the server it doesnt go anywhere because we just delete the only gateway. As a result, there is no default gateway from which the packet can go out .

-->Even changing the security group's inbound rules to anywhere from the world doesn't change anything

-->after changing inbound rules we can ping the address but it seems like the packet is going there but then showing no response.

-->it is simply because there is no route table or to be more precise no gateway in the route table from where the packet would get out.

--> so now we edit the route table and add route

-->then add my ip as a route with internet gateway igw....prodkube

-->go to the terminal again and you can see that your packet is responding now and we can ping

-->but no other ip can ping it though.

-->lets now change the route back to and turn everything to normal.

installing docker in the vm

sudo apt update

sudo apt install net-tools

sudo apt install docker

to see route table :route

to see other pcs under same subnet :arp -a

to create a new network namespace :sudo ip netns add red

to see if it was added: sudo ip netns list

adding another : sudo ip netns add green

to go inside "red" namespace and open shell: sudo ip netns exec red sh

to see interface : ip link

host has two interfaces though, host and loopback

Now we want to make a wire between the green and the red namespaces and give them ip sothat we can ping them from each other

--> sudo ip link add veth-red type veth peer name veth-green

to see ip link whether or not the interfaces were created .

basically we are creating a wire to connect red and green namespaces.

the veth-red is the socket that will go into red and veth-green is the socket that will go into the green namespace. So , lets get to it :

sudo ip link set veth-red netns red

we can check ip link and see that there is 1 interface less as the veth-red interface has submerged into red namespace. So lets do it for green too and make the wire functional.

sudo ip link veth-green netns green

Now it is time for assign IP

sudo ip netns exec red sh

ip addr add dev veth-red

It is not up yet so:

ip link set dev veth-red up

We will do the same for green name space:

sudo ip netns exec green sh

ip addr add dev veth-green

ip link set dev veth-green up

Now if we ping the red namespace from here (green) we can see the packet transferring successfully


Doing with instructions one might not feel what he is doing BUT ,it is really a significant task that u can virtually create namespaces, then wire to connect those namespaces and ping from each other....its like taking a matter and going into its atoms and doing works there . SO YEAH it is really significant work.


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