- Install docker
- Install docker-compose
- If running Windows setup WSL to connect to docker
- run
make default
- run
docker-compose up
- If running Ubuntu:
- The container will have working hot reloading
- After saving a .go file the container will rebuild the app
- If not Ubuntu:
- Stop and start the container after any changes to reload.
User Connection
- P2P
- UDP hole punching
- WebRTC
- Web Server
- Golang will be used to create web sockets to connect users
- Game - Numberwang
- Enter number into text field
- Display if number is “numberwang” or not
- P2P
Aesthetics / Gameplay Elements
React used to mimic game
- Animations / Stylized components / UXUI
Train a NN on numberwang
Centralized PoC
Setup p2p / centralized web server
Make components for the game to utilize
Compose components into final game
Integrate game into p2p / centralized web server
How to run the project will go here
- Basic Go app that has access to network requests
- MUST be in root of repo, unsure on file hierarchy
- Can be deployed to heroku
- Changes go in main.go