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Waterflow is a Nuxt3 library that enables seamless page transitions.


$ npm i @nam-hai/water-flow


Pass the WaterflowRouter a callback to reset scroll after the page transitions

// app.vue
      :scroll-top-api="() => lenis.scrollTo('top', { immediate: true })"

<script lang="ts" setup>


add usePageFlow to your page to enabled page-transtion :

  props: {
    main, // shallowRef<HTMLElement | null>,
  flowOutMap: new Map([
    ["default", useDefaultFlowOut()],
    ["any => baz", useDefaultFlowOut("y", -1)],
    ["any => work-slug", useDefaultFlowOut("x")],
    ["work-slug => work-slug", useDefaultFlowOut("x")],
  flowInMap: new Map([
    ["default", useDefaultFlowIn()],
    ["any => baz", useDefaultFlowIn("y", -1)],
    ["any => work-slug", useDefaultFlowIn("x")],
    ["work-slug => work-slug", useDefaultFlowIn("x")],

See more

usePageFlow props

Name Type Default Description
props T Pass props for later use
flowOutMap Map<FlowKey, FlowFunction<T>> undefined Specify a Map of animations for the current page (see more)
flowInMap Map<FlowKey, FlowFunction<T>> undefined Specify a Map of animations for the next page (see more)

Type FlowFunction and FlowKey

type FlowKey = `default` | `${string} => ${string}`;

 * call `resolve` when you are done
type FlowFunction<T> = (props: T, resolve: () => void) => void;

flowOutMap and flowInMap

Match a flowFunction to a string key following the patern : routeNameFrom => routeNameTo. routeName in the key can also take the value any. The key default also serve as a fallback if no match was found.

onFlow and onLeave

onFlow is equivalent to onMounted, but is triggered after the page-transition ended. EffectScope are working in its callback (as far as I tested) onLeave is equivalent to onBeforeUnmounted, but is triggered when the page-transition start


Change crossfadeMode to place the buffer-page on top or under the current-page. Use const { currentRoute } = useFlowProvider() instead of useRoute().