As the Task of week 1, I have implemented the template and functionality of the Twitter as mentioned in the Task Documentation.
- Introduction
- Implementation Detials
- Installation
- Cloning and Running this Application
- Tasks Achieved and Note
One of the many great parts of React is how it makes you think about apps as you build them.React is, in our opinion, the premier way to build big, fast Web apps with JavaScript. It has scaled very well for us at Facebook and Instagram.
Here in this first week we made a Basic React App which implements the Look and Feel of the Twitter
Following are the technologies used to develop the app
React A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
Material-UI v1.0 React components that implement Google's Material Design.
- ReactJs's application generator create-react-app
- Material-Ui prerelease version
- ReactJs's application generator create-react-app The application is available as a node and yarn package
Create React App is the best way to start building a new React single page application. It sets up your development environment so that you can use the latest JavaScript features, provides a nice developer experience, and optimizes your app for production. You’ll need to have Node >= 6 on your machine. Installation
npm install -g create-react-app
Creating a New Application
create-react-app my-app
Running the Application
cd my-app
npm start
Adding React to an Existing Application Following commands for adding the React to an existing application
yarn users
yarn init
yarn add react react-dom
npm users
npm init
npm install --save react react-dom
- Material-Ui prerelease version
- Material-Ui for more clear details follow Here. To install and save in your package.json dependencies, run:
npm install --save material-ui@next
npm install --save material-ui-icons
- Roboto Font You can install it by typing the below command in your terminal:
npm install typeface-roboto --save
Then, you can import it in your entry-point.
import 'typeface-roboto'
By cloning this repository you will get only the project source documents but in order to run the application properly follow (Here for details)
create-react-app react-name
git clone
git clone
Important : From your created app and cloned app append the created app directory structure with cloned app directory as follows.
└─── node_modules
└─── public
| └───faviicon.ico
| └───index.html
| └───manifest.json
└─── src
| └───components
| | └───AppBarNavB.js
| | └───CopyrightCOmp.js
| | └───custom.css
| | └───NewsFeedCard.js
| | └───PageBody.js
| | └───PostSearchBar.js
| | └───ProfileCard.js
| | └───RelatedSearches.js
| | └───SearchCardPrimary.js
| | └───SearchCardSecondary.js
| | └───SearchResults.js
| | └───TrendsForYou.js
| | └───WhoToFollow.js
| └───App.css
| └───App.js
| └───App.test.js
| └───index.css
| └───index.js
| └───
| └───registerServiceWorker.js
If the document structure is perfect then run, in the react-app-created directory
npm run
- Implementation of the look and feel
- The page implements all the components that are visible in links mentioned in TaskDocumentation of HPDF
- Upon the search, a new container will popop below the nav bar ( inbetween the AppBar & PageBody) (The search button will produce the results...and postsearch icon i.e, X icon will rollback the search container ) and renders the search page elements same as Twitter search Results
- Used advanced CSS3 stylings and gradient for aweosome look and feel
- Non-Resposive
This application in NOT RESPONSIVE and BEST VIEWED in Google Chrome v50+ & Firefox 48+ with minimum 1024 × 768 pixels
Suggestions are welcome at or at Twitter @NanduKishorNand( Thank You.