This code uses the facial landmarks code available at Adrian's website - link
The python code detects different landmarks on the face and predicts the emotions such as smile based on it. It automatically takes a photo of that person when he smiles. Also when the two eyebrows are lifted up, the system plays a music automatically and the music stops when you blink your right eye.
The project was done long back so it would be working properly only if you install particular versions of each module. #Python Version used for project - 2.7.13 (32 bit version)
- CMAKE - 0.6.0 (install using pip)
- DLIB - 18.17.100(install using pip)
- NUMPY - (Download the file and install using pip)
- OPENCV - (Download the first file - opencv_python‑‑cp27‑cp27m‑win32.whl and install using pip)
- PYGAME - 1.9.3 (install using pip)
To detect smile in a face, points 49 and 50 are considered. The distance between those points increases when a person smiles and that is used here to detect a smile.
To detect left eye brow movement(lifting up), points 38 and 41 are considered. The distance between those points increases when a person smiles and that is used here to detect a smile.
Similarly to detect right eye brow movement(lifting up), points 44 and 47 are considered. The distance between those points increases when a person smiles and that is used here to detect a smile.