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This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 0.4.1
  • Package version: 0.6.2
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen

Table of Contents:


This package requires Python 3.6 or above.

pip install stitch_connect_client


import stitch_connect_client
from import ApiException

configuration = stitch_connect_client.Configuration()
# Configure Bearer authorization: bearerAuth
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'

# Defining host is optional and default to = ""
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = stitch_connect_client.DestinationsApi(stitch_connect_client.ApiClient(configuration))
create_destination_body = stitch_connect_client.CreateDestinationBody() # CreateDestinationBody | Object containing type and properties of a destination

    # Creates a new destination. Only a single destination is supported per Stitch client account.
    api_response = api_instance.create_destination(create_destination_body)
except ApiException as e:
    print(f"Exception when calling DestinationsApi->create_destination: {e}")

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
DestinationsApi create_destination POST /v4/destinations Creates a new destination. Only a single destination is supported per Stitch client account.
DestinationsApi delete_destination DELETE /v4/destinations/{destination_id} Deletes an existing destination. Note: Stitch requires a destination to replicate data. Replication will be paused until a new destination is created and has a successful connection.
DestinationsApi get_destination_types GET /v4/destination-types Retrieves general information about the configuration required for all supported destination types.
DestinationsApi get_destinations GET /v4/destinations Lists the destination currently in use for a Stitch account. Only a single data warehouse is supported per Stitch client account.
DestinationsApi update_destination PUT /v4/destinations/{destination_id} Updates an existing destination. Modifications to the type attribute are not supported.
SourcesApi create_source POST /v4/sources Creates a source object, which is the first step in setting up a new data source. After the source object is created, additional configuration steps must be completed.
SourcesApi delete_source DELETE /v4/sources/{source_id} Deletes an existing data source.
SourcesApi get_last_connection_check GET /v4/sources/{source_id}/last-connection-check Retrieves the last connection check for a source by the source's unique identifier.
SourcesApi get_source GET /v4/sources/{source_id} Retrieves a previously created data source by its unique identifier. This endpoint can be used to retrieve an active, paused, or deleted source.
SourcesApi get_sources GET /v4/sources Lists the sources for an account, including active, paused, and deleted sources.
SourcesApi start_replication POST /v4/sources/{source_id}/sync Manually starts a replication job for a source using the source's unique identifier.
SourcesApi update_source PUT /v4/sources/{source_id} Updates an existing data source.
StreamsApi get_stream_schema GET /v4/sources/{source_id}/streams/{stream_id} Retrieves the schema for a source's stream by the source and stream's unique identifiers.
StreamsApi get_streams GET /v4/sources/{source_id}/streams Lists the available streams for a source.
StreamsApi update_stream_metadata PUT /v4/sources/{source_id}/streams/metadata Updates the metadata for streams and fields. This endpoint is used to define the metadata properties returned in the Stream Schema object's non-discoverable-metadata-keys property.

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: Bearer authentication


To develop stitch_connect_client, install dependencies and enable the pre-commit hook:

pip install pre-commit tox
pre-commit install

To run tests:


To regenerate the client, run:

npx openapi-generator generate \
    -i \
    -g python \
    -o . \
    --library asyncio \
    --package-name stitch_connect_client \
    --git-user-id NarrativeScience \
    --git-repo-id stitch-connect-python \
    -p packageVersion=0.6.2 \
    -t templates