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PokéPals Full Stack Project

By Hajr, Nasir, Rachel, Shirhan and Suraya.

Table of contents

Project Description

This is a full-stack project which utilises the PokéAPI to attempt to build a Pokémon game based off the formerly known fan game - Pokémon Crater.

This project was the full-stack group project as part of the Bright Network Technology Academy - Full Stack Bootcamp (Cohort 4).

The front-end was built using HTML, CSS and JS (ReactJS), whilst the back-end was developed using Java (Spring Boot) and a PostgreSQL database.

If you would like to deploy the application locally please follow the instructions below.

Local Setup Instructions

  1. Clone the Repo: git clone
  2. Follow the commands in the file to create the database.
  3. Run the back-end by opening the "pokemon-back-end" folder using the IntelliJ IDE and running it - the server port should configure to 8080 by default (if not please kill any other processes to free up this port).
  4. Open the "front-end" folder using VSCode and run npm install to install the required node modules.
  5. Run the front-end application using npm start - this should run the application on localhost:3000
  6. Double check you are not running the production build by checking the console log in your browser telling you to make sure the server is running on port 8080.
  7. Enjoy! ;)


Pokemon Themed UI

Pokemon UI

  • Website designed with the official Pokémon color scheme in mind
  • Utilises the PokéAPI to grab official sprites of Pokémon

Functional Login/Signup System

Login system features

  • Users can signup for a new account using a username, email and password
  • They can then login using their email and password and begin catching Pokémon to fill in their Pokédex
  • Inputs are validated and popups are used to warn users of invalid inputs
  • Keeps users logged in until they log out

2D Map System and Personal Pokédex

booking system features

  • A 2D map system allowing users to move around and catch various Pokémon
  • Boundary detection to prevent user leaving the map
  • Randomised Pokémon, level and HP for each new encounter
  • All caught Pokémon are saved in the Pokédex and can be viewed/released by the user

What we learnt

  • How to plan and develop a full-stack application which also utilises an external API
  • How to use GitHub for collaboration (using branches and dealing with merge conflicts)
  • Connecting an external API as well as a Java (Spring Boot) back-end to a React front-end
  • How to structure a React application to ensure states are at a suitable level within the app with the aim of minimising prop-drilling whilst still allowing access to states where needed
  • The use of conditional rendering to show certain buttons or pages in different scenarios
  • The use of React Hooks (UseEffect, UseState)
  • Better understanding of the React Lifecycle and Virtual DOM through the development of the map mechanics
  • The use of SessionStorage to keep track of logged-in user
  • The use of ReactRouter to create a multi-page React App
  • The access to the various input types within HTML forms (email, password etc.) - allowing basic validation/formatting of inputs

Future improvements

  • Write tests for JS/ReactJS features
  • Use an encryption process for user details in the database - perhaps using Spring Security
  • Use Redux to manage states throughout the application (Useful for keeping track of logged-in user across the app, rather than using SessionStorage)
  • Email confirmation during signup
  • Integrate a Pokémon Battle system - was a stretch goal but deemed very time-consuming due to the nature of the game mechanics
  • Improved map mechanics - prevent user from jumping/climbing buildings and trees



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