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H-T_CRISCO is a semi-automated iterative workflow that allows researchers to syntactically annotate and lemmatise prose texts in French of any period, from Old to Modern French. The workflow proposes a well-defined strategy for integrating automatic tools into the building of diachronic corpora in XML-TEI format and facilitates access to new technologies. The workflow will be of use to a wide range of researchers in linguistics and in humanities who wish to add syntactic annotation and/or lemmatisation and/or named entity annotation to their corpora and would like to combine automatic annotation with full control over their work that is achieved via several stages of verification. H-T workflow was developed as part of the High-Tech High-Level Text Annotation Across Historical Texts project.* This project centres around the creation of a syntactically annotated corpus of Norman chronicles spanning the period from the twelfth to the nineteenth century. The workflow was additionally tested on the French-language part the MICLE Micro-Cues of Language Evolution project corpus.** Both projects are hosted by the CRISCO Lab at the University of Caen. First versions of the two corpora can be consulted via CRISCO Lab’s TXM portal (please refer to the documentation on the site for further information). Most texts used in the corpora have between 35,000 and 50,000 tokens each.*** H-T workflow is centred around the use of the HOPS parser, a deep-learning tool (Grobol et Crabbé, 2021) that offers annotation in parts of speech (PoS) and syntactic functions in the Universal Dependencies (UD) system and centres around the model developed for Old French using the SRCMF corpus. UD annotation is further enhanced by lemmatisation and PoS tagging in two more systems, UPenn and Presto, which offer a more fine-grained analysis.

*Funded by Réseau d’Intérêts Normands (RIN) for the period between November 2021 and October 2023.

**Funded by Agence Nationale de Recherche (ANR) and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) for the period between June 2021 and May 2024, MICLE project is developing a calibrated corpus of legal texts in French from Normandy and the British Isles, on the one hand, and a parallel corpus in Venetian, on the other.

***Datasets will be made available in January 2024 for High-Tech and in Summer 2024 for MICLE project.

To learn more about the project, its annotation programme and the ways to explore the corpora, please watch the lecture by Rayan Ziane Présentation du projet High-Tech (12 october 2023, CRISCO Lab, Caen University, France)


In order to use H-T workflow, you will need to install HOPS parser on your computer by following instructions on the project's GitHub page and download the SRCMF model.

In addition, you will need to download Presto dictionary file (original or revised versions)* that is used for lemmatisation and tagset conversion, and the tagset conversion table. You can download the scripts from the GitHub project or execute them from the GitHub project using an environment such as GitHub Desktop

* Versions of the dictionary produced as part of the Presto project. See Lay M.H.& Pincemin B. (2010).

Structure of the GitHub project:

H-T_CRISCO project contains scripts for the five phases of the workflow that should be executed separately as the work on each text of the corpus progresses. There is also a tools folder that contains scripts for individual operations that are integrated into the main phases of the workflow but can be executed separately if needed. For example, the second phase of the workflow includes renumbering of the tokens in the XML file, conversion from XML to CONLLU format, execution of HOPS parser (that requires CONLLU), conversion from CONLLU back to XML and synchronisation with the original XML file, which are done using “tools” scripts. If you wish to use the Workflow locally on your machine it is therefore vital to download the whole project including the “tools” folder.


Principles of the H-T Workflow:

H-T Workflow consists in five phases that allow progression from a plain digitised text in TXT format to an XML file enriched with linguistic metadata. Warning: Please note that the workflow was conceived for edited texts with punctuation and expanded abbreviations. It will require significant adaptation for diplomatic editions. Although it can work on verse text, the workflow cannot currently accommodate line structure annotated by tags. The Workflow allows:

  1. wherever needed, to preserve the structure of the original in books, chapters, sections and paragraphs
  2. to enrich the text at token level with PoS information, lemmatisation, syntactic function and dependency annotation

At each phase of the Workflow, the text will be enriched with the following metadata :

In Phase 1 text segmented into books, chapters, sections (element div, attributes section=“book” or “chapter” or “section”) and paragraphs. Within the paragraph, text is segmented into sentences (<s> element) and tokens (<w> element). Each book, chapter, section, paragraph, sentence and token are numbered (attribute n).

<w n="3">appellez</w>

Metadata is added at token level, although the structure and limits of books, chapters, sections, paragraphs, sentences and tokens can be altered manually at any stage.

read more about Phase 1 in the Wiki

In Phase 2, syntactic function and the reference to the parent token in the sentence (in the UD system) as well as the UD part of speech* are added (attributes udpos).

read more about Phase 2 in the Wiki

<w join="_" n="3" head="0" function="root" udpos="VERB" >appellez</w>

In Phase 3, lemma is added (attribute lemma) wherever possible, a modern French lemma or a lemma from the Dictionnaire du Moyen Français is used

read more about Phase 3 in the Wiki

<w join="_" n="3" head="0" function="root" lemma="appeler" udpos="VERB" >appellez</w>

In Phase 4, Attributes uppos (for the UPenn system of PoS annotation) and prpos (for the Presto system) are added.

read more about Phase 4 in the Wiki

<w join="_" n="3" head="0" function="root" lemma="appeler" udpos="VERB" prpos="Ge" uppos="VPP">appellez</w>

Since the sentence segmentation and token structure of the text are likely to have been changed during the process of revision, in this final stage the text is reparsed and the attributes containing syntactic function and reference to the parent token are updated.

*For the attributes used for the parts of speech in Universal Dependencies, UPenn and Presto systems, see the Conversion table.

For further information

Larrivée P. Intelligence artificielle et histoire de la langue française, 17 October 2023. Video

Ziane R., Romanova N., Lavergne M. En dialogue avec les outils d'apprentissage automatique: une chaîne de traitement pour l'annotation syntaxique. Journée d'études CRISCO axe 2, 8 june 2023. Workshop slides

Ziane R., Romanova N. Vers l’intégration des outils d’annotation syntaxique : proposition d’une chaîne de traitement itérative pour faciliter l’adoption et l’accès aux technologies d’apprentissage automatique Actes des 11èmes Journées Internationales de Linguistique de Corpus, 3-7 juillet 2023, pp. 278-383 Conference booklet

Ziane R. Présentation du projet High-Tech. Seminaire du CRISCO, 12 octobre 2023. Recorded lecture


Blumenthal, P., Diwersy, S., Falaise, A., Lay, H., Souvay, G., Vigier, D., Descartes, P. R., Nancy, U., & de Lyon, U. (2017). Presto, un corpus diachronique pour le français des XVIe-XXe siècles.

de Marneffe, M.-C., Manning, C. D., Nivre, J., & Zeman, D. (2021). Universal Dependencies. Computational Linguistics, 47(2), 255-308.

DeRose, S. (1999). XML and the TEI. Computers and the Humanities, 33(1), 11-30.

Goux, M. & Pinzin F. Challenges of a Multilingual Corpus (Old French/Old Venetian): The Example of the MICLE project. Venise et la France. Similitudes, spécificités, interrelations. Castro E., Della Fontana A. and Pezzini E. Franco Cesati (ed) Florence : Cesati Editore (sous presse).

Grobol, L., & Crabbé, B. (2021). Analyse en dépendances du français avec des plongements contextualisés (French dependency parsing with contextualized embeddings). Actes de la 28e Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles. Volume 1 : conférence principale, 106-114.

Lay, M.-H. & Pincemin, B. (2010). Pour une exploration humaniste des textes : AnaLog. Statistical Analysis of Textual Data: Proceedings of 10th International Conference Journée d’Analyse statistique des Données Textuelles 9-11 Juin 2010 – Sapienza University of Rome. Bolasco, S., Chiari I. & Giuliano L. (eds) V.2, 1045-1056

Miletic A., Fabre C. & Stosic D. (2018). De la constitution d'un corpus arboré à l'analyse syntaxique du serbe. Revue TAL : traitement automatique des langues,.59 (3). pp.15-39. ⟨hal-02007248⟩

Morcos, H., Noël, G. & Husar, M. Lemmatization in the collaborative editorial workflow of a medieval French text: The digital edition of the Ancient History jusqu’à César. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 36(2), 203-209.

Santorini, B. (2007) Protocole d'étiquetage - Parties du discours (PDD).

Peng Z., Gerdes K. & Guiller K. (2022). Pull your treebank up by its own bootstraps. Journées Jointes des Groupements de Recherche Linguistique Informatique, Formelle et de Terrain (LIFT) et Traitement Automatique des Langues (TAL), Nov 2022, Marseille, France. pp.139-153. ⟨hal-03846834⟩


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