- Last modified: ons apr 26, 2023 04:44
- Sign: Johan Nylander
All analyses was run on the Linux operating system (Ubuntu 20.04, bash v.5.0.17).
Specific software used (with versions):
4.3.0- R package
1.33.2 - R package
5.7 - R package
1.35.9 - R package
3.7.2 - R package
2.0.0 bcftools
Data delivery from NGI is currently
deposited (non-public) at
Set up directories
$ mkdir -p /home/$USER/run/snv/eager/{data,reference}
$ cd /home/$USER/run/snv/eager
Reference (genome) from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/data-hub/genome/GCA_006891605.1/
$ wget -O ref.fasta.gz \
$ gunzip ref.fasta.gz
$ samtools faidx ref.fasta
Input data as fastq.gz files
$ cd /home/$USER/run/snv/eager/data
$ find /home/$USER/run/snv/data/P27213 -name '*_001.fastq.gz' -exec ln -s {} . \;
$ cd /home/$USER/run/snv/eager
Eager parameters (different from default) in file nf-params.json
$ cat nf-params.json
"input": "data/*_{R1,R2}_*.fastq.gz",
"fasta": "reference/ref.fasta",
"fasta_index": "reference/ref.fasta.fai",
"skip_damage_calculation": true,
"mergedonly": true,
"mapper": "bwamem"
Start eager pipeline
$ screen -S eager
$ cd /home/$USER/run/snv/eager
$ mkdir -p /home/$USER/run/snv/eager/singularity
$ export NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=/home/$USER/run/snv/eager/singularity
$ nf-core download eager -r 2.4.6 -c singularity -p 10 -x none
$ nextflow run nf-core-eager-2.4.6/workflow \
-name run_2 \
-profile singularity \
-params-file nf-params.json
Clean up
$ rm -r work
$ nextflow clean -f -k
Set up directories
$ mkdir -p /home/$USER/run/snv/freebayes/reference
$ ln -s /home/$USER/run/snv/eager/reference/ref.fasta \
List of bam files (should have indexes)
$ cd /home/$USER/run/snv/freebayes
$ find /home/$USER/run/snv/eager/results -name '*_rmdup.bam' > bam.list
Run freebayes, followed by sorting the VCF
$ cd /home/$USER/run/snv/freebayes
$ freebayes \
--fasta-reference reference/ref.fasta \
--targets cov30.bed \
--bam-list bamlist.txt \
--ploidy 1 \
--gvcf \
--skip-coverage 700 \
--vcf freebayes_gvcf.vcfs
$ bcftools sort freebayes_gvcf.vcf -o freebayes_gvcf_sorted.vcf.gz -Oz
The VCF file derived from the Freebayes join variant calling run contained 4,039,951 variant sites. Inspection showed that a near majority of these sites were indels, however most of these had an allele frequency of 0 so they must have been included by freebayes for some reason even though none of the samples carried the variant indel. Some basic filtering of the VCF produced a more reasonable set.
Require genotype quality > 20 and depth > 20. (The depth filter was redundant since only sites with depth > 30 were supplied anyway.)
$ vcftools --gzvcf freebayes_gvcf_sorted.vcf.gz \
--minDP 20 --minQ 20 \
--recode --recode-INFO-all \
--out filtered_GQ20_DP20
"After filtering, kept 1622293 out of a possible 4039951 Sites."
Count after removing indels
$ vcftools --vcf filtered_GQ20_DP20.recode.vcf \
--remove-indels \
--recode --recode-INFO-all \
--out output_snps-only
"After filtering, kept 860786 out of a possible 1622293 Sites"
Count after removing SNPs
$ vcftools --vcf filtered_GQ20_DP20.recode.vcf \
--keep-only-indels \
--recode --recode-INFO-all \
--out output_indels-only
"After filtering, kept 761507 out of a possible 1622293 Sites"
We'll use both SNPs and indels for now, but require that at least one sample actually has the alternate allele.
$ vcftools --vcf filtered_GQ20_DP20.recode.vcf \
--mac 1 \
--recode --recode-INFO-all \
--out output_all.MAC1
"After filtering, kept 15293 out of a possible 1622293 Sites"
There was a very large reduction in the number of variant sites, but those that remain look much more reasonable. This averages out to one variant every 550bp, which seems somewhat low(?). We’ll use this file going forward.
Commands in R (see script scripts/analysis.R)
$ ./scripts/analysis.R
Thanks to Jason Hill NBIS.se for advice and support with analyses, and Martin Sköld, NRM, for comments on the R code.