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This project is a continuation of the investigation into Democratic primary polling data. This repository contains a Java-based implementation for processing Democratic primary polling data sing principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). The main objective is to utilize a heap to sort the candidates based on their polling numbers, thereby determining the leading candidates. Additionally, a Priority Queue is implemented.

Table of Contents


The project focuses on:

  • Reading CSV files containing polling data for presidential primary candidates.
  • Sorting candidates using a heap data structure.
  • Implementing a Priority Queue for managing the candidates.


CSVReader Class

  • Functionality: Reads data from a CSV file and returns it as an ArrayList of String arrays.
  • Methods:
    • read(FileReader csvFile): Reads the CSV file and returns an ArrayList of String arrays.
    • Uses a BufferedReader to read the file line by line.
      • Provides a method to close the BufferedReader, close().

Candidate Class

  • Attributes: Contains last name, full name, and percentage of each candidate.
  • Methods:
    • Provides getter and setter methods for its attributes.
      • getLastName(): Returns the candidate's last name.
      • getFullName(): Returns the candidate's full name.
      • getPct(): Returns the candidate's percentage score.
      • setPct(double pct): Sets the candidate's percentage score.
    • Implements the Comparable interface to compare candidates based on their percentage and in case of a tie, the candidate’s last
      names are used. - compareTo(Candidate other)
    • toString(): Returns a string representation of the candidate.

Main Class

  • Functionality:
    • Reads candidate data from CSV files specified in the command-line arguments.
    • Adds candidates to a priority queue (ArrayHeap) based on their percentage.
    • Prints the candidates in sorted order.
    • Demonstrates sorting an array of integers and characters using the ArrayHeap.
  • Methods:
    • main(String[] args): Main method to run the program.

PriorityQueue Interface

Defines the basic operations for the priority queue

  • Methods:
    • insert(E element): Inserts an element into the priority queue.
    • max(): Returns the maximum element in the priority queue.
    • removeMax(): Removes and returns the maximum element in the priority queue.
    • size(): Returns the number of elements in the priority queue.
    • isEmpty(): Checks if the priority queue is empty.

ArrayHeap Class

  • Attributes: Contains a single instance variable, an ArrayList representing the heap.

  • Constructor: ArrayHeap(): Initializes an empty priority queue/heap.

  • Functionality:

    • Represents a max heap using an ArrayList.
    • Implements the PriorityQueue interface.
    • Provides methods for heap operations: insert, max, removeMax, bubbleUp, bubbleDown, and swap.
    • Provides methods for heap construction and sorting: buildMaxHeap and sort.
    • Overrides the toString method to print the heap in a tree-like format.
  • Methods

    1. size(): Returns the number of elements in the heap.
    2. isEmpty(): Checks if the heap is empty and returns a boolean value.
    3. max(): Returns the maximum element in the heap without removing it.
    4. insert(E element): Inserts an element into the heap while maintaining the heap property.
    5. removeMax(): Removes and returns the maximum element in the heap, reorganizing the heap as necessary.
  • Helper Methods:

    1. swap(int i, int j): Swaps the elements at the specified indices in the heap.
    2. parent(int i): Returns the index of the parent of the element at the specified index.
    3. leftChild(int i): Returns the index of the left child of the element at the specified index.
    4. rightChild(int i): Returns the index of the right child of the element at the specified index.
    5. bubbleUp(int i): Adjusts the position of an element in the heap by moving it upwards until the heap property is restored.
  • Heapsort Related Methods:

    1. buildMaxHeap(ArrayList<E> array): Converts the given ArrayList into a max heap structure.
    2. sort(ArrayList<E> array): Uses the heap structure to sort the elements in the ArrayList in descending order.
  • Override:

    1. toString(): Returns a string representation of the heap, displaying the elements in a structured format.


Priority Queues and Heapsort with Polling Data (OOP)






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