Simulated client-server system for robot controller. The system is divided into two parts: a client and a server. The client sends some commands to the server to control the mechanic of the robot.
This is the final project of the Real-Time Operating Systems discipline of the Computer Engineering course at the Federal University of Santa Maria in the semester 2018/1.
Clone the repository and enter into the directory:
git clone
cd robot-controller
Enter into the "cliente" directory and compile the source code with make
cd cliente
Enter into the "servidor" directory and compile the source code with make
cd ../servidor
Open two terminal windows. Enter into the robot-controller
directory in the
both terminal.
In one, enter into the "servidor" directory and run it with port number (>= 1024). The server will run in the localhost:
cd servidor
./servidor 8080
In the another one, enter into the "cliente" directory and run it with the hostname and port number:
cd cliente
./cliente localhost 8080
In the client terminal, you cand send the following commands:
right [NN]
left [NN]
forward [NN]
back [NN]
Where NN
indicates the number of units to move.
This project is archived. For now, it will no longer receive contributions.
Nelson Weirich
This project, including all its documentation, is licensed under the MIT License. These means that anyone can do almost anything they want with this project. See the LICENSE file for more details.