A simple script which populates the whole scene with all the nodes available in Houdini
HOUDINI 16/16.5
The script let you generate
My script to use node documentation as node comment Download.
NOTE: comments are added automatically to every node using my script to use node documentation as node comment Download
- create a geometry node (keep default name: geo1)
- right click on it -> Type Properties -> scripts
- Load the script after downloading or select the OnUpdated voice from the dropdown menu and paste the code (remember to select PYTHON as language on the right area dropdown menu)
- Every time you click on accept/apply buttons in the Scripts tab generates a new sequence, so it's better to run once or delete all the nodes before restarting.
- Wait at least 15 seconds (check bottom status bar for execution progress status and duration), a popup will notify about its end.
- Enter the Geometry node
- Use Tools->Layout All (or press L key)
Thi script take at best 15 seconds to run so: be patient.
Please feel free to optimize the script.