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Scalable machine learning system to predict the number of likes a reddit post or comment is going to get if the user decides to post it.

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Scalable machine learning system to predict the number of likes and the upvote ratio a reddit post is going to get if the user decides to post it. The service consists of the following components which are explained in detail in their respective sections:

  • Feature pipeline - Extracts new posts from reddit to grow the dataset
  • Training pipeline - Trains an Xgboost regressor to predict the number of likes and upvote ratio of a given post. Hyperparameters are chosen with Bayesian optimization.
  • Interactive UI - Given a user name, subreddit, post title, post text and date & time, the UI generates a prediction and provides an explanation of how the features affected the prediction result using Shap values. The UI accesses pre-processing functions of the main repository through a git submodule to avoid redundancies and inconsistencies. The UI can be found on Huggingface.
  • Dashboard - Provides insights into model performance and the impact of each feature. The dashboard can be found on Huggingface.

All components are modular so that they can be tested and scaled optimally. The feature and training pipeline can be executed locally or on Modal with the option to accelerate training using a GPU. Great expectations are used to verify that data extracted during the feature pipeline matches known invariants. Unit tests are executed via a Github workflow on every commit and make sure that the main components of the feature and training pipeline still work. After passing all tests, the feature pipeline deployment that runs on a daily schedule on Modal is updated automatically.

Feature Pipeline

The feature pipeline is deployed on Modal and runs on a daily schedule. It scans a set of subreddits for new posts, pre-processes them and adds them to the feature store on hopsworks. If it is required to extract and preprocess many samples in a short time, it is possible to schedule many instances of the feature pipeline that extract samples from different subreddits which demonstrated high scalability. A long list of subreddits are crawled on a daily basis, these include for example:

  • /r/AskReddit
  • /r/explainlikeimfive
  • /r/Showerthoughts

The script extracts data for three entity types that are stored in their individual tables named reddit_users, reddit_posts and reddit_subreddits. Some of the features represent e.g. the raw text and are only kept for analysis and debugging reasons. We utilized existing transformer based models from Huggingface to obtain text embeddings and sentiment scores. See the enumeration and description of all features below.


  • post_id: Uniquely identifies the post / submission on reddit.
  • user_id: Uniquely identifies the user that created the post.
  • subreddit_id: Uniquely identifies the subreddit that the post was created in.
  • snapshot_time: The time when the post was crawled. The same for associated entries in all three tables.
  • num_likes: The number of upvotes the post received. This is the primary label we want to predict.
  • upvote_ratio: The ratio of upvotes to downvotes which indicates how controversial a post is. This is a secondary label we want to predict.
  • date_created: The time when the post was created on reddit.
  • link: The URL to the post on reddit.
  • title: The title of the post as string.
  • text: The text of the post as string.
  • text_length: The length of the text of the post in number of tokens (that correspond to words most of the time).
  • text_sentiment_negative: The negative sentiment of the post text as float in the range [0, 1]. Obtained with cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-sentiment-latest.
  • text_sentiment_neutral: The neutral sentiment of the post text as float in the range [0, 1]. Obtained with cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-sentiment-latest.
  • text_sentiment_positive: The positive sentiment of the post text as float in the range [0, 1]. Obtained with cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-sentiment-latest.
  • title_sentiment_negative: The positive sentiment of the post title as float in the range [0, 1]. Obtained with cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-sentiment-latest.
  • title_sentiment_neutral: The positive sentiment of the post title as float in the range [0, 1]. Obtained with cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-sentiment-latest.
  • title_sentiment_positive: The positive sentiment of the post title as float in the range [0, 1]. Obtained with cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-sentiment-latest.
  • contains_tldr: Whether the post contains a "tldr" (too long, didn`t read) section.
  • hour_of_day: The hour of the day when the post was created.
  • day_of_week: The day of the week when the post was created.
  • embedding_text: The 384-dimensional embedding of the text of the post (taking only the first 512 tokens into account). Obtained with sentence-transformers/paraphrase-MiniLM-L6-v2.
  • embedding_title: The 384-dimensional embedding of the title of the post (taking only the first 512 tokens into account). Obtained with sentence-transformers/paraphrase-MiniLM-L6-v2.


  • user_id: Uniquely identifies the user on reddit.
  • snapshot_time: The time when the user was crawled. The same for associated entries in all three tables.
  • user_name: The name of the user on reddit.
  • comment_karma: The number of upvotes the user received for comments.
  • link_karma: The number of upvotes the user received for posts.
  • is_gold: Whether the user has premium status.
  • is_mod: Whether the user is a moderator of any subreddit.
  • has_verified_email: Whether the user has verified their email address.
  • account_age: The age of the account in days.
  • num_posts_last_month: The number of posts the user created in the last month. For this and the following features that build on it, a maximum of 50 posts was taken into account.
  • likes_hist_mean: The mean of the number of likes the user received for their posts in the last month. Placeholder value of -999 if no posts exist in that period.
  • likes_hist_stddev: The standard deviation of the number of likes the user received for their posts in the last month. Placeholder value of -999 if no posts exist in that period.
  • likes_hist_median: The median of the number of likes the user received for their posts in the last month. Placeholder value of -999 if no posts exist in that period.
  • likes_hist_80th_percentile: The 80th percentile of the number of likes the user received for their posts in the last month. Placeholder value of -999 if no posts exist in that period.
  • likes_hist_20th_percentile: The 20th percentile of the number of likes the user received for their posts in the last month. Placeholder value of -999 if no posts exist in that period.


  • subreddit_id: Uniquely identifies the subreddit on reddit.
  • snapshot_time: The time when the subreddit was crawled. The same for associated entries in all three tables.
  • subreddit_name: The name of the subreddit on reddit.
  • num_subscribers: The number of subscribers to the subreddit.
  • sentiment_negative_mean: The mean of the negative sentiment of the most recent top posts in the subreddit.
  • sentiment_negative_stddev: The standard deviation of the negative sentiment of the most recent top posts in the subreddit.
  • sentiment_negative_median: The median of the negative sentiment of the most recent top posts in the subreddit.
  • sentiment_negative_80th_percentile: The 80th percentile of the negative sentiment of the most recent top posts in the subreddit.
  • sentiment_negative_20th_percentile: The 20th percentile of the negative sentiment of the most recent top posts in the subreddit.
  • sentiment_neutral_mean: The mean of the neutral sentiment of the most recent top posts in the subreddit.
  • sentiment_neutral_stddev: The standard deviation of the neutral sentiment of the most recent top posts in the subreddit.
  • sentiment_neutral_median: The median of the neutral sentiment of the most recent top posts in the subreddit.
  • sentiment_neutral_80th_percentile: The 80th percentile of the neutral sentiment of the most recent top posts in the subreddit.
  • sentiment_neutral_20th_percentile: The 20th percentile of the neutral sentiment of the most recent top posts in the subreddit.
  • sentiment_positive_mean: The mean of the positive sentiment of the most recent top posts in the subreddit.
  • sentiment_positive_stddev: The standard deviation of the positive sentiment of the most recent top posts in the subreddit.
  • sentiment_positive_median: The median of the positive sentiment of the most recent top posts in the subreddit.
  • sentiment_positive_80th_percentile: The 80th percentile of the positive sentiment of the most recent top posts in the subreddit.
  • sentiment_positive_20th_percentile: The 20th percentile of the positive sentiment of the most recent top posts in the subreddit.
  • embedding_description: The embedding of the description of the subreddit. Obtained with sentence-transformers/paraphrase-MiniLM-L6-v2.

Training Pipeline

We use an XGBoost regressor as the prediction model and select its hyperparameters using Bayesian Optimization on a separate validation set. The decision for XGBoost is rooted in its general modeling power and its efficient training process that allows for extensive hyperparameter search. In addition to that, the SHAP library for machine learning explainability can be apploed to this tree based model. As a consequence, we can see the magnitude and type of impact of the different features on the predictions. In particular, we can give an immediate explanation of the prediction to the user in the UI and give advice on how to improve the post (e.g. changing the time of day of posting on Reddit). In addition to the XGBoost model, we post-process the predictions to reflect the fact that the upvote ratio can only be within the range [0,1].

Handling imbalances

The massive imbalance between the number of likes on top posts and on low quality posts makes training very difficult. XGBoost offers only a selected number of objective functions like mean squared error or mean squared log error. The former biases heavily towards posts with few likes so that the model chooses to never predict more than 200 likes even though they can have up to 100,000 likes. The latter biases towards posts with many likes such that almost no posts have less than 50 likes even though most have. A tradeoff like mean absolute error is not possible, as this metric is not twice differentiable.

For that reason, we introduced a weight for every sample x in the training set that is the reciprocal of the number of likes to the power of 9/8: $w(x) = 1/\sqrt[8]{x^9_{likes}}$. After extensive experimentation we noticed that the sample weights $w(x) = 1/x_{likes}$ and $w(x) = 1/x_{likes}^2$ suffer from the same problems as the metrics described before, as they bias too heavily. On the other hand, the proposed sample weighting allows the model to predict up to 2000 number of likes while being very conservative about outputting high numbers. This is enough to distinguish top performing posts and bad posts which is the primary question the user is interested in. In general, the prediction can be seen as a lower bound on the number of likes to be expected instead of the exact number of likes.

It should be noted though, that common error metrics (e.g. R2) will exhibit large errors with this approach. Below you can see the comparison of predicted vs actual values for a model with and without the described weighting. The green line indicates a perfect prediction and the blue lines show the areas of highest point densities. The right plots differ only in terms of log scale for the x and y axis.

Predicted vs actual without sample weighting (R2=0.801)

model weight comparison

Predicted vs actual with samples weighted by inverse number of likes (R2=0.04) (implemented approach)

model weight comparison

Note how the model with weighted samples tends to underestimate the number of likes which is much less problematic than overestimating them.

Inference Pipeline / UI

An interactive UI allows the user to enter the content of his/her post or comment alongside his profile name. The service will then extract the necessary features, query the model and display the number of likes to be expected. To prevent inconsistencies between feature extraction in the feature pipeline and the UI, the frontend application accesses the same processing code from the main repository through a git submodule. The model itself is packed together with all model-specific feature transformation functions into an sklearn pipeline to avoid training-inference skew. A visualization of the impact of the individual features on the prediction is provided with a Shap forceplot. In the case of the 384-dimensional feature vectors, their impact is summed into a single value for better readability.

If you choose to deploy this UI yourself, do not forget to add the Hopsworks and Reddit environment variables to the Huggingface space as mentioned further below.


At the end of the feature pipeline, the extracted data is tested against a set of expectation rules using the Great Expectations framework. Such tests include for example whether the text embeddings consist of arrays of length 384 or if all columns have the correct data type. That way, we can be confident that the newly added data has sufficient quality. In Hopsworks it is possible to activate alerts that trigger on validation events. Alternatively, the user can always view the results in the Hopsworks UI for the feature groups.

We use continuous integration (CI) with Github actions to execute a number of unit tests on every commit. Since extracting features from posts is not deterministic over time, we cannot test for the actual values extracted (imagine for example that a user is deleted). We use an archived post for testing to minimize the risk of the tests failing for reasons beyond our control. The main purpose of the tests is to verify that, following a new Github commit, feature extraction and model training is still working and the extracted data is not empty. After the tests were run successfully, we use continuous deployment (CD) to update the feature pipeline deployment on Modal within the Github workflow.

Running the scripts

Firstly, if you want to run the scripts locally, make sure to have created a .env file that contains the necessary environment variables namely. If you plan on running the scripts on modal, you have to add the environment variables there. Add all of them to the same secret called "reddit-predict".


Optionally, you can add the following environment variables to indicate the version of the feature group to use:


You may also add the below environment variables for Modal. To use automatic deployment with github workflows, it is necessary to add all the hopsworks, reddit and modal environment variables to the Github repository.


Secondly, this repository contains a Dockerfile to build a container for this tool that runs in any local environment. In order to use it, simply run the below command which builds the container, starts it and provides you with a terminal inside the container where you can run any of the scripts from. This includes the interactive UI and dashbaord which can be accessed under localhost:5555 after the streamlit app was started. In case of development, you can modify files locally and the changes will come into effect inside the container immediately.

docker compose run -p 5555:8501 reddit-predict

In case you want to run the script on Modal and you have not added the modal environment variables, you have to execute the following commands after you started the container and follow the instructions. It will generate a new token that the container needs to authenticate itself to modal. Also, do not forget to set RUN_ON_MODAL=True inside the script.

modal token new


Hopsworks sometimes has connection issues which can render the services implemented in this repository unusable. If that is the case at the time you are trying it out, here are screenshots of the interactive UI and the dashboard:

Interactive UI

Screenshot interactive UI


Screenshot dashboard - 1

Screenshot dashboard - 2

Screenshot dashboard - 3

Screenshot dashboard - 4

Screenshot dashboard - 5


Scalable machine learning system to predict the number of likes a reddit post or comment is going to get if the user decides to post it.






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