Listen to active windows by specifying them
This will be used in to show playing status.
const { ProcessListener } = require("active-window-listener");
const listener = new ProcessListener(["Discord.exe", "Telegram.exe", "Code.exe"]);
listener.on("change", window => {
console.log("Active: ", window)
This should output an object of Window Class properties. See the package used below to view the methods.
There is also a function to get windows that are opened. I needed to filter out some of the components from the "Windows" Directory in order to get the proper list.
const { getWindows } = require("active-window-listener");
This should output an array of Window Class properties. See the package used below to view the methods.
Mainly used to get all the active window information. Used to get File Description (Which is used to get the proper program name)
Used for linux.