Nothing is final right now and the API as well as the models might change until V1.0 release
The created kubernetes files are currently narrowed down to my personal use case. I'm very open for Change requests to make this cli useful for a broader audience.
Until we implemented AutoReleases for all platforms using github actions, you'll need to have go installed.
go get -u -v
# cd into the project folder and do
goflux - Used to automatically generate kubernetes files
goflux [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
init, i Initialize new project
namespace, n Create a namespace file
service, s Create a service file
configmap, c Create a configmap file
deployment, d Create a deployment file
kustomize, k Create a kustomization file
hpa, h Create a hpa file
ingress, ig Create a ingress file
backend, b Create files for a backend service
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help (default: false)
To initialize a new project do
goflux init --component myService
This will generate a basic folder structure.
To create all files needed for a backend deployment do
goflux backend --component myService --namespace myNamespace
goflux service --component myService --namespace myNamespace
goflux namespace --namespace myNamespace
goflux deployment --component myService --namespace myNamespace --image-secret myImagePullSecret