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A python wrapper for the Android Debug Bridge enabling interaction with Android devices and emulators.

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AdbDevice: Interacting with Android Devices using ADB in Python

The AdbDevice class in the adb-pywrapper Python package facilitates seamless interaction with Android devices using the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) directly within Python scripts.


To install the adb-pywrapper package from the internal Nexus PyPI server, you can use pip:

pip install adb-pywrapper

Before using adb-pywrapper, ensure that ADB is installed on your machine and added to PATH. You can download and install the Android SDK, which includes ADB, from the official Android developer website.

If running the below in a terminal gives you an output, you are ready to go!

adb --version

Getting Started

Import the necessary modules:

from adb_pywrapper.adb_device import AdbDevice
from adb_pywrapper.adb_result import AdbResult
from adb_pywrapper.pull_result import PullResult

Listing Connected Devices

You can list all connected devices using the list_devices method (this can be done before creating an instance):

Looks for connected adb devices and returns the device names in a list.
:return: list of adb device names. Example: ['device-5554','AU9AD74','netagfer987']

devices = AdbDevice.list_devices()


After which you can also get the status of said device without having initialized AdbDevice since this way you can see if the device might be offline or unauthorized

Get the status corresponding to the device_name. This uses the 'adb devices' command.
:param device_name: the device adb name/identifier.
:return: a string with the status of the given device. Example: 'offline', 'device' or 'unauthorized'

status = AdbDevice.get_device_status('your_device_identifier')

Creating an ADB Device Instance

To interact with a specific Android device, create an instance of the AdbDevice class. You can specify the device identifier as an argument (obtained from either Adb using adb devices).

adb_device = AdbDevice(device='your_device_identifier')

ADB Commands

All the commands below can be called once a device instance has been initiated. This is exemplified by the adb_device variable.

getting root privileges

You can gain root privilages using the root method:

Restarts adb with root privileges.
:return: AdbResult containing the completed process of adb root

  • Expected result: AdbResult instance with either success=True and stdout='{device_status}' or success=False and stderr='ADB error'

Executing Shell Commands

You can excecute shell commands on the device using the shell method:

Executes a command on the shell of the device like: adb shell {command}
:param command: the command to run on the shell of the connected device.
:return: AdbResult containing the completed process of adb shell {command}

shell_result ="dumpsys activity")

Pulling Files from the Device

You can pull files from the device using the pull method:

Copies a file off the device to a given local directory
:param file_to_pull: complete path to the file to copy from the device
:param destination: the directory in which the package file(s) are to be located. Will be created if needed.
:return: A PullResult object with the completed_adb_process of the adb pull action, the destination path and a success flag

pull_result = adb_device.pull(file_to_pull='/path/on/device/file', destination='/local/path')

#example usage
if pull_result.success:
    print(f"File pulled to: {pull_result.path}")
    print(f"File pull failed. See {pull_result.completed_adb_process}.")

Installing APKs

You can install APK files on the device using the install method:

Installs a given apk on the connected device.
:param apk_path: the location of the apk file on the local machine
:param r: -r option: replace already installed application. This is needed on physical devices or if you get an error that the application already exists and should be uninstalled first.
:return: the completed process of 'adb install [-r] {apk_path}'

install_result = adb_device.install(apk_path='/local/path/to/apk')
if install_result.success:
    print("APK installed successfully.")
    print("APK installation failed.")

Opening Intents

You can open intents on the device using the open_intent method. This is useful for opening URLs:

Opens a given url on the device by starting an intent. If a default app is associated with this URL, this will
result in the app being opened.
:param url: The URL to open
:return: the completed process of adb shell and start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d '{url}'

intent_result = adb_device.open_intent(url='')
if intent_result.success:
    print("Intent opened successfully.")
    print("Failed to open intent.")

Getting properties

You can get properties from the device using the get_prop method:

Retrieves the value of a given property through the adb getprop method
:param property: the property from which the value is needed
:return: the value of the property, or None if the property doesn't exist

intent_result = adb_device.open_intent(url='')
if intent_result.success:
    print("Intent opened successfully.")
    print("Failed to open intent.")


We cannot cover everything in detail here, but here is a more general overview of all the functionality

Initialization and Connection:

  • AdbDevice(device=None, check_device_exists=True)
  • get_device_status(device_name)

General Information:

  • get_device_status(device_name)
  • get_state()

Executing Shell Commands:

  • shell(command, timeout=None)
  • root()
  • wait_for_device()
  • emu_avd(command)

Management of Installed Packages:

  • installed_packages()
  • path_package(package_name)
  • package_versions(package_name)

File Management:


  • pull(file_to_pull, destination)
  • pull_multi(files_to_pull, destination)

APK Management:

  • pull_package(package_name, destination)
  • install(apk_path, r=False)
  • install_multiple(apk_paths, r=False)

Intent and URL Handling:

  • open_intent(url)

Emulator Snapshot Management:

  • snapshots_list()
  • snapshot_exists(snapshot_name)
  • snapshot_load(snapshot_name)
  • snapshot_save(snapshot_name)
  • snapshot_delete(delete=None)

Error Handling

Be sure to handle errors gracefully in your code, as various operations may fail, adb-pywrapper tries to provide information where possible on success or failure in the AdbResult and PullResult objects.


Contributions to the adb-pywrapper package are welcome. If you encounter any issues, have suggestions, or want to contribute, feel free to open an issue or PR. Find our contribution guidelines here.