This application serves as an assistant to medical personal and is back by 4 powerfull artificially intelligent scripts for audio, image, video and text analysis and categorisation.
SpecialistAI is a web-based program that helps health care professionals keep track of everything they need for patient management. It records patients' and doctors' schedules, prescriptions, admissions, discharges, and provides full statistics and logs for system admins administrators.
SpecialistAI requires at least Django 1.6 and Python 3.2, but it has been tested on Python 3.4 and Django 1.8.1.
You should create a virtual environment using virtualenv, (python virtual environments) instructions below, this environment should be within the root of the application, I.e. SpecialistAI-master.
python virtualenv command = "virtualenv (virtual environment name)"
Once the environment is created we activate it.
Windows = navigate into the directory which holds the environment, ".(name of environment)\Scripts\activate"
Linux / mac = navigate into the directory which holds the environment, "source .(name of environment)\Scripts\activate"
Install DJango within the virtual environment = "pip install django==1.6"
To instantiate and initialise the database (if one is not present) we run the below commands.
- To syncronise the database = "python syncdb"
- To populate the database with test informaiton = "python populatedb"
Once the above is complete we navigate into the project directory, I.e. SpecialistAI we start the DJango project.
- To run the DJango server = python runserver
For the purpouses of demonstrating the application, below is a list of pre-created accounts, a nurse, a doctor, a patient, an admin.
Email: admin
Password: p@ssword
Password: p@ssword
Password: p@ssword
Password: p@ssword
By using these accounts you will see that all informaiton is account specific.
The Home tab displays a dashboard for easy daily use. This page checks the user account type and displays informaiton accordingly, a notification of unread messages (if any), a list of upcoming appointments, and a list of prescriptions (if any).
The Schedule tab displays a list of upcoming appointments as well as a list of past appointments. The "Add Appointment" button at the top of the page is only available to patients, doctors, and admins.
The Prescriptions tab displays a list of active prescriptions. A given patient will only be able to see their prescriptions. Doctors are able to view, edit, and remove prescriptions of all patients assigned to them. Nurses can view prescriptions of patients from their hospital (if any).
The Medical Information tab displays the patient's basic profile information and medical information. The "Export" button is used to export the medical information into a readable file I.e. JSON that the user can save, this functionality is only available to patients. It displays a security warning before exporting the file.
The Messages tab displays a list of active conversations the user is in. Selecting any of them will display the conversation. The "Send Message" button is used to send a new message. Messages can be sent between one or multiple users, except between patients only.
Admins can view all of the system logs and statistics for the system, changes made to appoointment, prescriptions and all user changes, I.e. contact details.