This README provides a concise yet detailed overview of the key takeaways from each week of the CS224N course. It's designed as a quick reference guide for essential NLP concepts, equations, and models covered.
Week 1: Word Embeddings
- Word Vectors: Representing words as dense vectors capturing semantic relationships.
- Word2Vec: Learning word embeddings using a shallow neural network to predict context words (CBOW) or target words (Skip-gram).
- Objective Function (Skip-gram): Maximize the probability of observing context words given the target word.
- GloVe (Global Vectors): Combines global co-occurrence statistics with local context window information for robust embeddings.
- Word2Vec: Learning word embeddings using a shallow neural network to predict context words (CBOW) or target words (Skip-gram).
- Word Window Classification: Using word embeddings for tasks like Named Entity Recognition by classifying words within a fixed window.
- Key Equations:
- Softmax: p(o|c) = exp(u_o^T v_c) / sum(exp(u_w^T v_c))
- Cross-Entropy Loss: J = - sum(y_i * log(p_i))
- Evaluation: Intrinsic (e.g., word similarity) and extrinsic (e.g., downstream task performance) evaluation methods for embeddings.
Week 2: Neural Networks and Dependency Parsing
- Backpropagation: The core algorithm for training neural networks by calculating gradients and updating weights.
- Neural Networks: Architectures for learning complex patterns from data.
- Dependency Parsing: Analyzing grammatical structure by identifying head-dependent relationships between words in a sentence.
- Transition-based Parsing: Uses a stack and a buffer to predict dependency relations sequentially.
- Key Concepts: Gradient Descent, Chain Rule, Activation Functions (Sigmoid, ReLU), Backpropagation Through Time (BPTT)
Week 3: Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Language Models
- RNNs: Networks designed to process sequential data like text by maintaining hidden states that capture information from previous time steps.
- Language Models: Predicting the probability of a sequence of words, used for tasks like text generation and machine translation.
- Vanishing Gradients: Difficulty in training RNNs due to gradients vanishing or exploding over long sequences.
- Key Architectures:
- LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory): Addresses vanishing gradients with a gating mechanism.
- GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit): Simplified LSTM with fewer parameters.
- Key Equations:
- RNN Hidden State Update: h_t = tanh(W_hh * h_{t-1} + W_xh * x_t + b_h)
Week 4: Machine Translation and Attention
- Machine Translation: Using neural networks to translate text between languages.
- Sequence-to-Sequence Models: Encoder-decoder architecture for mapping input sequences to output sequences.
- Attention Mechanism: Allows the decoder to focus on specific parts of the input sequence when generating the output.
- Improves performance by handling long-range dependencies.
- Subword Models: Handling out-of-vocabulary words by representing words as subword units (e.g., BPE, WordPiece).
Week 5: Transformers and Pretraining
- Transformers: Architecture based on self-attention mechanisms, replacing recurrent networks for sequence modeling.
- Self-Attention: Allows a word to attend to all other words in the sequence, capturing long-range dependencies effectively.
- Pretraining: Training large language models on massive text data (e.g., BERT, GPT) and fine-tuning them for specific downstream tasks.
- Key Concepts: Multi-Head Attention, Positional Encoding, Layer Normalization
Week 6: Question Answering and Natural Language Generation
- Question Answering (QA): Building systems that can answer questions posed in natural language.
- Extractive QA: Identifying the answer span within a given context passage.
- Open-domain QA: Retrieving relevant information from a large knowledge base to answer questions.
- Natural Language Generation (NLG): Generating coherent and grammatically correct text from structured data or other inputs.
- Key Models:
- BiDAF (Bidirectional Attention Flow): Popular model for extractive QA.
- Pointer Networks: Used for tasks like summarization and text simplification.
Week 7: Coreference Resolution and Large Language Models
- Coreference Resolution: Identifying and clustering mentions in text that refer to the same entity.
- Large Language Models (LLMs): Capabilities, limitations, and ethical considerations of LLMs like GPT-3 and their impact on NLP research.
- Key Concepts: Anaphora Resolution, Mention Detection, Clustering Algorithms
Week 8-11: Advanced Topics and Applications
- Knowledge Integration: Incorporating external knowledge sources (e.g., knowledge graphs) into language models.
- Model Analysis and Explanation: Understanding the inner workings of NLP models and making their predictions more interpretable.
- Social and Ethical Considerations: Bias in NLP models, fairness, and responsible AI development.
- Future of NLP: Emerging trends and research directions in the field.
- Folder:
- Description: Comprehensive project involving the implementation of a BERT model from scratch.
- Components:
: Base BERT model
: BERT model
: Classifier
: Configuration
: Evaluation metrics and
: Multi-task learning
: Optimizer testing
: Optimizer
: Script to prepare project
: Data for sanity
: Sanity check
: Setup
: Tokenization
: Utility
: Detailed description and instructions for the final project.
- Notes: Ensure all dependencies are installed and configurations are set before running the scripts.