This package is still in development and does not have a test suite.
A dynamic Laravel Livewire component for data tables.
This plugin assumes you already have Laravel Livewire installed and configured in your project.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require rappasoft/laravel-livewire-tables
Publishing assets are optional unless you want to customize this package.
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\LaravelLivewireTablesServiceProvider" --tag=config
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\LaravelLivewireTablesServiceProvider" --tag=views
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\LaravelLivewireTablesServiceProvider" --tag=lang
To create a table component you draw inspiration from the below stub:
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use App\User;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\TableComponent;
use Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\Traits\HtmlComponents;
use Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\Views\Column;
class UsersTable extends TableComponent
use HtmlComponents;
public function query() : Builder
return User::with('role')->withCount('permissions');
public function columns() : array
return [
->format(function(User $model) {
return $this->image($model->avatar, $model->name, ['class' => 'img-fluid']);
Column::make('E-mail', 'email')
->format(function(User $model) {
return $this->mailto($model->email, null, ['target' => '_blank']);
Column::make('Role', '')
->format(function(User $model) {
return $this->html('<strong>'.$model->permissions_count.'</strong>');
->format(function(User $model) {
return view('backend.auth.user.includes.actions', ['user' => $model]);
Your component must implement two methods:
* This defines the start of the query, usually Model::query() but can also eager load relationships and counts if needed.
public function query() : Builder;
* This defines the columns of the table, they don't necessarily have to map to columns on the database table.
public function columns() : array;
Place the following where you want the table to appear.
Laravel 6.x:
Laravel 7.x|8.x:
<livewire:users-table />
You can define the columns of your table with the column class.
The following methods are available to chain to a column:
* The first argument is the column header text
* The attribute can be omitted if the text is equal to the lower case snake_cased version of the column
* The attribute can also be used to reference a relationship (i.e.
public function make($text, ?$attribute) : Column;
* Used to format the column data in different ways, see the HTML Components section.
* You will be passed the current model and column (if you need it for some reason) which can be omitted as an argument if you don't need it.
public function format(callable $callable = null) : self;
* This column is searchable, with no callback it will search the column by name or by the supplied relationship, using a callback overrides the default searching functionality.
public function searchable(callable $callable = null) : self;
* This column is sortable, with no callback it will sort the column by name and sort order defined on the components $sortDirection variable
public function sortable(callable $callable = null) : self;
* The columns output will be put through {!! !!} instead of {{ }}.
public function raw() : self;
* Hide this column permanently
public function hide() : self;
* Hide this column based on a condition. i.e.: user has or doesn't have a role or permission. Must return a boolean, not a closure.
public function hideIf($condition) : self;
* This column is only included in exports and is not available to the UI
public function exportOnly() : self;
* This column is excluded from the export but visible to the UI unless defined otherwise with hide() or hideIf()
public function excludeFromExport() : self;
* If supplied, and the column is exportable, this will be the format when rendering the CSV/XLS/PDF instead of the format() function. You may have both, format() for the UI, and exportFormat() for the export only. If this method is not supplied, format() will be used and passed through strip_tags() to try to clean the output.
public function exportFormat(callable $callable = null) : self;
You can override any of these in your table component:
Property | Default | Usage |
$tableHeaderEnabled | true | Whether or not to display the table header |
$tableFooterEnabled | false | Whether or not to display the table footer |
Property | Default | Usage |
$searchEnabled | true | Whether or not searching is enabled |
$searchUpdateMethod | debounce | debounce or lazy |
$searchDebounce | 350 | Amount of time in ms to wait to send the search query and refresh the table |
$disableSearchOnLoading | false | Whether or not to disable the search bar when it is searching/loading new data |
$search | none | The initial search string |
$clearSearchButton | false | Adds a clear button to the search input |
$clearSearchButtonClass | btn btn-outline-dark | The class applied to the clear button |
Property | Default | Usage |
$sortField | id | The initial field to be sorting by |
$sortDirection | asc | The initial direction to sort |
$sortDefaultIcon | <i class="text-muted fas fa-sort"></i> |
The default sort icon |
$ascSortIcon | <i class="fas fa-sort-up"></i> |
The sort icon when currently sorting ascending |
$descSortIcon | <i class="fas fa-sort-down"></i> |
The sort icon when currently sorting descending |
Property | Default | Usage |
$paginationEnabled | true | Enables or disables pagination as a whole |
$perPageOptions | [10, 25, 50] | The options to limit the amount of results per page. Set to [] to disable. |
$perPage | 25 | Amount of items to show per page |
Property | Default | Usage |
$loadingIndicator | false | Whether or not to show a loading indicator when searching |
$disableSearchOnLoading | false | Whether or not to disable the search bar when it is searching/loading new data |
$collapseDataOnLoading | false | When the table is loading, hide all data but the loading row |
Property | Default | Usage |
$offlineIndicator | true | Whether or not to display an offline message when there is no connection |
Property | Default | Usage |
$exportFileName | data | The name of the downloaded file when exported |
$exports | [] | The available options to export this table as (csv, xls, xlsx, pdf) |
Property | Default | Usage |
$refresh | false | Whether or not to refresh the table at a certain interval. false = off, int = ms, string = functionCall |
Use the following methods to alter the column/row metadata.
public function setTableHeadClass($attribute): ?string
public function setTableHeadId($attribute): ?string
public function setTableHeadAttributes($attribute): array
public function setTableRowClass($model): ?string
public function setTableRowId($model): ?string
public function setTableRowAttributes($model): array
public function getTableRowUrl($model): ?string
public function setTableDataClass($attribute, $value): ?string
public function setTableDataId($attribute, $value): ?string
public function setTableDataAttributes($attribute, $value): array
Override these methods if you want to perform extra tasks when the search or per page attributes change.
public function updatingSearch(): void
public function updatingPerPage(): void
Override this method if you want to perform extra steps when the search has been cleared.
public function clearSearch(): void
Override this method if you want to change the default sorting behavior.
public function sort($attribute): void
This package includes some of the functionality from the laravelcollective/html package modified to fit the needs of this package.
To use these you must import the Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\Traits\HtmlComponents trait.
You may return any of these functions from the format() method of a column:
public function image($url, $alt = null, $attributes = [], $secure = null): HtmlString
public function link($url, $title = null, $attributes = [], $secure = null, $escape = true): HtmlString
public function secureLink($url, $title = null, $attributes = [], $escape = true): HtmlString
public function linkAsset($url, $title = null, $attributes = [], $secure = null, $escape = true): HtmlString
public function linkSecureAsset($url, $title = null, $attributes = [], $escape = true): HtmlString
public function linkRoute($name, $title = null, $parameters = [], $attributes = [], $secure = null, $escape = true): HtmlString
public function linkAction($action, $title = null, $parameters = [], $attributes = [], $secure = null, $escape = true): HtmlString
public function mailto($email, $title = null, $attributes = [], $escape = true): HtmlString
public function email($email): string
public function html($html): HtmlString
The table component supports exporting to CSV, XLS, XLSX, and PDF.
In order to use this functionality you must install Laravel Excel 3.1 or newer.
In order to use the PDF export functionality, you must also install either DOMPDF or MPDF.
You may set the PDF export library in the config file under pdf_library. DOMPDF is the default.
By default, exporting is off. You can add a list of available export types with the $exports class property.
public $exports = ['csv', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'pdf'];
By default, the filename will be data
.type. I.e. data.pdf
, data.csv
You can change the filename with the $exportFileName
class property.
public $exportFileName = 'users-table';
- Obviously omit the file type
You have a couple option on exporting information. By default, if not defined at all, all columns will be exported.
If you have a column that you want visible to the UI, but not to the export, you can chain on excludeFromExport()
If you have a column that you want visible to the export, but not to the UI, you can chain on exportOnly()
By default, the export will attempt to render the information just as it is shown to the UI. For a normal column based attribute this is fine, but when exporting formatted columns that output a view or HTML, it will attempt to strip the HTML out.
Instead, you have available to you the exportFormat()
method on your column, to define how you want this column to be formatted when outputted to the file.
So you can have a column that you want both available to the UI and the export, and format them differently based on where it is being outputted.
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use App\User;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\TableComponent;
use Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\Traits\HtmlComponents;
use Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\Views\Column;
class UsersTable extends TableComponent
use HtmlComponents;
public function query() : Builder
return User::with('role')->withCount('permissions');
public function columns() : array
return [
->excludeFromExport(), // This column is visible to the UI, but not export.
->exportOnly(), // This column is only rendered on export
->format(function(User $model) {
return $this->image($model->avatar, $model->name, ['class' => 'img-fluid']);
->excludeFromExport(), // This column is visible to the UI, but not export.
Column::make('Name') // This columns is visible to both the UI and export, and is rendered the same
Column::make('E-mail', 'email')
->format(function(User $model) {
return $this->mailto($model->email, null, ['target' => '_blank']);
->exportFormat(function(User $model) { // This column is visible to both the UI and the export, but is formatted differently to the export via this method.
return $model->email;
Column::make('Role', '') // This columns is visible to both the UI and export, and is rendered the same
Column::make('Permissions') // This columns is visible to both the UI and export, and is rendered the same, except the HTML tags will be removed because it is not specifically calling a exportFormat() function.
->format(function(User $model) {
return $this->html('<strong>'.$model->permissions_count.'</strong>');
->format(function(User $model) {
return view('backend.auth.user.includes.actions', ['user' => $model]);
->excludeFromExport(), // This column is visible to the UI, but not export.
Currently, there are no customization options available. But there is a config item called exports
where you can define the class to do the rendering. You can use the \Rappasoft\LaravelLivewireTables\Exports\Export
class as a base.
More options will be added in the future, but the built in options should be good for most applications.
There are some frontend framework specific options that can be set.
These have to be set from the $options
property of your component.
They are done this way instead of the config file that way you can have per-component control over these settings.
protected $options = [
// The class set on the table when using bootstrap
'bootstrap.classes.table' => 'table table-striped table-bordered',
// The class set on the table's thead when using bootstrap
'bootstrap.classes.thead' => null,
// The class set on the table's export dropdown button
'bootstrap.classes.buttons.export' => 'btn',
// Whether or not the table is wrapped in a `.container-fluid` or not
'bootstrap.container' => true,
// Whether or not the table is wrapped in a `.table-responsive` or not
'bootstrap.responsive' => true,
For this to work you have to pass an associative array of overrides to the $options
property. The above are the defaults, if you're not changing them then you can leave them out or disregard the property all together.
To pass properties from your blade view to your table, you can use the normal Livewire mount method:
<livewire:users-table status="{{ request('status') }}" />
protected $status = 'active';
public function mount($status) {
$this->status = $status;
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.