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Getting started

Popoto.js edited this page Aug 11, 2021 · 5 revisions

To use popoto on your data you can follow this guide:

Create an html file

In this page reference Popoto CSS, JavaScript files and dependencies direclty from your installation or loaded from unpkg


<!-- Add default CSS reference -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<!-- Add Popoto script reference, will default to popoto.min.js -->
<script src=""></script>

For source version:

<!-- Add Popoto script reference -->
<script src=""></script>

Add containers for the components to use:

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>Popoto example</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/popoto.min.css">

<body class="ppt-body">

<section class="ppt-section-main">

    <div class="ppt-container-graph">
        <nav id="popoto-taxonomy" class="ppt-taxo-nav">
            <!-- Label/taxonomy filter will be generated here -->
        <div id="popoto-graph" class="ppt-div-graph">
            <!-- Graph will be generated here-->

    <div id="popoto-query" class="ppt-container-query">
        <!-- Query viewer will be generated here -->

    <div id="popoto-cypher" class="ppt-container-cypher">
        <!-- Cypher query viewer will be generated here -->

    <div class="ppt-section-header">
        <!-- The total results count is updated with a listener defined below -->
        RESULTS <span id="result-total-count" class="ppt-count"></span>

    <div id="popoto-results" class="ppt-container-results">
        <!-- Results will be generated here -->


<!-- Required scripts -->

<script src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="dist/popoto.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Define the Neo4j driver to connect to the database

     * Create the neo4j driver to use in Popoto query runner
     * See Neo4j driver documentation here:
    var driver = neo4j.driver(
        "neo4j://", // Unencrypted
        //"neo4j+s://", //Encrypted with Full Certificate
        neo4j.auth.basic("popoto", "popotopassword"),
        //{disableLosslessIntegers: true} // Enabling native numbers

     * Set the driver to Popoto's query runner
    popoto.runner.DRIVER = driver

Define node providers configuration for every Neo4j database labels to display

     * Define the Label provider you need for your application.
     * This configuration is mandatory and should contain at least all the labels you could find in your graph model.
     * In this version only nodes with a label are supported.
     * By default If no attributes are specified Neo4j internal ID will be used.
     * These label provider configuration can be used to customize the node display in the graph.
     * See or example for more details on available configuration options.
    popoto.provider.node.Provider = {
        "Person": {
            "returnAttributes": ["name", "born"],
            "constraintAttribute": "name",
            "autoExpandRelations": true // if set to true Person nodes will be automatically expanded in graph
        "Movie": {
            "returnAttributes": ["title", "released", "tagline"],
            "constraintAttribute": "title"

Interact with popoto using event listeners

     * Here a listener is used to retrieve the total results count and update the page accordingly.
     * This listener will be called on every graph modification.
    popoto.result.onTotalResultCount(function (count) {
        document.getElementById("result-total-count").innerHTML = "(" + count + ")";

Add Popoto custom configuration before start

     * The number of results returned can be changed with the following parameter.
     * Default value is 100.
     * Note that in this current version no pagination mechanism is available in displayed results
    popoto.query.RESULTS_PAGE_SIZE = 100;

It is possible to add debug traces in Web browser console

     * You can activate debug traces with the following properties:
     * The value can be one of these values: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, NONE.
     * With INFO level all the executed cypher query can be seen in the navigator console.
     * Default is NONE
    popoto.logger.LEVEL = popoto.logger.LogLevels.INFO;

Last step is to start Popoto on the desired root node

     * Start popoto.js generation.
     * The function requires the label to use as root element in the graph.

It is possible to check server conectivity using Neo4j driver before starting popoto

    driver.verifyConnectivity().then(function () {
    }).catch(function (error) {
        // Handle error...