The pricefeeder
is a tool developed for Nibiru's Oracle Module consensus that runs a process to pull data from various external sources and then broadcasts transactions to vote on exchange rates.
Running a feeder
requires the setting environment variables in your .env
in like the following:
FEEDER_MNEMONIC="guard cream sadness conduct invite crumble clock pudding hole grit liar hotel maid produce squeeze return argue turtle know drive eight casino maze host"
EXCHANGE_SYMBOLS_MAP='{"bitfinex": {"ubtc:unusd": "tBTCUSD", "ueth:unusd": "tETHUSD", "uusd:unusd": "tUSTUSD"}}'
This would allow you to run pricefeeder
using a local instance of the network. To set up a local network, you can run:
git clone
cd nibiru
git checkout v1.0.3
make localnet
With your environment set to a live network, you can now run the price feeder:
make run
Build a docker image for use with docker compose.
make build-docker
Run the 'price_feeder' service defined in the
.make docker-compose up -d price_feeder
Connecters for data sources like Binance and Bitfinex are defined in the feeder/priceprovider/sources
directory. Each of these sources must implement a FetchPricesFunc
function for querying external data.
Builds the binary for the package:
make build
Votes for exhange rates in the Oracle Module are posted by validator nodes, however a validator can give consent a feeder
account to post prices on its behalf. This way, the validator won't have to use their validator's mnemonic to send transactions.
In order to be able to delegate consent to post prices, you need to set the
env variable to the "valoper" address the feeder
will represent.
To delegate consent from a validator node to some feeder
address, you must execute a MsgDelegateFeedConsent
type MsgDelegateFeedConsent struct {
Operator string
Delegate string
This is possible using the set-feeder
subcommand of the nibid
nibid tx oracle set-feeder [feeder-address] --from validator
To enable TLS, you need to set the following env vars:
Coingecko source allows to use paid api key to get more requests per minute. In order to configure it, you need to set env var:
DATASOURCE_CONFIG_MAP='{"coingecko": {"api_key": "0123456789"}}'
- Data source: A data source is an external service that provides data. For example, Binance is a data source that provides the price of various assets.
- Symbol: A symbol is a string that represents a pair of assets on an external data source. For example,
is a symbol on Bitfinex that represents the price of Bitcoin in US Dollars. - Ticker: Synonymous with Symbol. Exchanges generally use the term "ticker" to refer to a symbol.
- Pair: A pair is a combination of two assets recognized by Nibiru Chain. For example,
is a pair that represents Bitcoin and USD.