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Releases: Nice3point/RevitExtensions


19 Feb 15:24
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This update focuses on increased utility class coverage, new extensions for global parameter management, for ForgeTypeId handling, advanced geometry extensions, and many-many more.

New Extensions

Ribbon Extensions

  • AddStackPanel: Adds a vertical stack panel to the specified Ribbon panel.
  • AddPushButton: Adds a PushButton to the vertical stack panel.
  • AddPullDownButton: Adds a PullDownButton to the vertical stack panel.
  • AddSplitButton: Adds a SplitButton to the vertical stack panel.
  • AddComboBox: Adds a ComboBox to the vertical stack panel.
  • AddTextBox: Adds a TextBox to the vertical stack panel.
  • AddLabel: Adds a text label to the vertical stack panel.


  • RemovePanel: Removes RibbonPanel from the Revit ribbon.
  • SetBackground: Sets the RibbonPanel background color.
  • SetTitleBarBackground: Sets the RibbonPanel title bar background color.
  • SetSlideOutPanelBackground: Sets the slide-out panel background color for the target RibbonPanel.
  • SetToolTip: Sets the tooltip text for the PushButton.
  • SetLongDescription: Sets the extended tooltip description for the RibbonItem.
  • CreatePanel: Now works with internal panels. Panel can be added to the Modify, View, Manage and other tabs.
  • SetImage: Support for Light and Dark UI themes.
  • SetLargeImage: Support for Light and Dark UI themes.
  • AddShortcuts: Adds keyboard shortcuts to the RibbonButton.

ElementId Extensions

  • ToElements: Retrieves a collection of Elements associated with the specified ElementIds.
  • ToElements: Retrieves a collection of Elements associated with the specified ElementIds as the specified type T.
  • ToOrderedElements: Retrieves the Elements associated with the specified ElementIds in their original order.
  • ToOrderedElements: Retrieves the Elements associated with the specified ElementIds and casts them to the specified type T in their original order.

ElementId Transform Extensions

  • CanMirrorElements: Verifies whether a set of elements can be mirrored.
  • MirrorElements: Mirrors elements across a plane, with support for mirrored copies.
  • MoveElements: Moves elements according to a specified transformation.
  • RotateElements: Rotates elements around a given axis by a specified angle.
  • CopyElements: Copies elements between views or within the same document, with options for translation and transformation.

Geometry Extensions

  • Contains: Determines if a point or another bounding box is contained within the bounding box, with strict mode available for more precise containment checks.
  • Overlaps: Checks whether two bounding boxes overlap.
  • ComputeCentroid: Calculates the geometric center of a bounding box.
  • ComputeVertices: Returns the coordinates of the eight vertices of a bounding box.
  • ComputeVolume: Computes the volume enclosed by the bounding box.
  • ComputeSurfaceArea: Calculates the total surface area of the bounding box.

Parameters Extensions

  • IsBuiltInParameter: Verifies if a parameter is a built-in parameter.

Document Global Parameters Extensions

  • FindGlobalParameter: Locates a global parameter by name in the document.
  • GetAllGlobalParameters: Returns all global parameters in the document.
  • GetGlobalParametersOrdered: Retrieves ordered global parameters.
  • SortGlobalParameters: Sorts global parameters in the specified order.
  • MoveUpOrder: Moves a global parameter up in the order.
  • MoveDownOrder: Moves a global parameter down in the order.
  • IsUniqueGlobalParameterName: Checks if a global parameter name is unique.
  • IsValidGlobalParameter: Validates if an ElementId is a global parameter.
  • AreGlobalParametersAllowed: Checks if global parameters are permitted in the document.

Element Association Extensions

  • IsAnalyticalElement: Determines whether an element is an analytical element.
  • IsPhysicalElement: Checks if an element is a physical one.

Element Worksharing Extensions

  • GetCheckoutStatus: Retrieves the ownership status of an element, with an optional parameter to return the owner's name.
  • GetWorksharingTooltipInfo: Provides worksharing information about an element for in-canvas tooltips.
  • GetModelUpdatesStatus: Gets the status of an element in the central model.

Document Extensions

  • GetProfileSymbols: Returns profile family symbols in the document.
  • RelinquishOwnership: Allows relinquishment of ownership based on specified options.

Document Managers Extensions

  • GetTemporaryGraphicsManager: Fetches a reference to the document’s temporary graphics manager.
  • GetAnalyticalToPhysicalAssociationManager: Retrieves the manager for analytical-to-physical element associations.
  • GetLightGroupManager: Creates or retrieves the light group manager for the document.

ForgeTypeId Extensions

  • IsSpec: Validates if a ForgeTypeId identifies a spec.
  • IsBuiltInGroup: Determines whether a ForgeTypeId identifies a built-in parameter group.
  • IsBuiltInParameter: Validates if a ForgeTypeId identifies a built-in parameter.
  • IsSymbol: Checks if a ForgeTypeId identifies a symbol.
  • IsUnit: Verifies if a ForgeTypeId identifies a unit.
  • IsValidDataType: Determines if a ForgeTypeId identifies a valid parameter data type.
  • IsValidUnit: Validates if a unit is valid for a measurable spec.
  • IsMeasurableSpec: Checks if a ForgeTypeId represents a measurable spec.
  • GetBuiltInParameter: Retrieves a BuiltInParameter from a ForgeTypeId.
  • GetParameterTypeId: Fetches the ForgeTypeId corresponding to a BuiltInParameter.
  • GetDiscipline: Gets the discipline for a measurable spec.
  • GetValidUnits: Retrieves all valid units for a measurable spec.
  • GetTypeCatalogStringForSpec: Fetches the type catalog string for a measurable spec.
  • GetTypeCatalogStringForUnit: Retrieves the type catalog string for a unit.
  • DownloadCompanyName: Downloads the owning company name for a parameter and records it in the document.
  • DownloadParameterOptions: Fetches settings related to a parameter from the Parameters Service.
  • DownloadParameter: Creates a shared parameter element in a document based on a downloaded parameter definition.

Color Extensions

  • ToHex: Converts a color to its hexadecimal representation.
  • ToHexInteger: Returns the hexadecimal integer representation of a color.
  • ToRgb: Provides the RGB representation of a color.
  • ToHsl: Converts a color to its HSL representation.
  • ToHsv: Converts a color to its HSV representation.
  • ToCmyk: Retrieves the CMYK representation of a color.
  • ToHsb: Converts a color to HSB.
  • ToHsi: Converts a color to HSI format.
  • ToHwb: Provides the HWB representation of a color.
  • ToNCol: Converts a color to NCol format.
  • ToCielab: Retrieves the Cielab representation of a color.
  • ToCieXyz: Converts a color to CieXyz format.
  • ToFloat: Returns the float representation of a color.
  • ToDecimal: Returns the decimal representation of a color.

Family Extensions

  • CanConvertToFaceHostBased: Indicates whether a family can be converted to a face-hosted version.
  • ConvertToFaceHostBased: Converts a family to be face-host based.

Plumbing Extensions

  • ConnectPipePlaceholdersAtElbow: Connects pipe placeholders that form an elbow connection.
  • ConnectPipePlaceholdersAtTee: Connects pipe placeholders to form a Tee connection.
  • ConnectPipePlaceholdersAtCross: Connects pipe placeholders to form a Cross connection.
  • PlaceCapOnOpenEnds: Places caps on open pipe connectors.
  • HasOpenConnector: Checks if a pipe curve has an open piping connector.
  • BreakCurve: Splits a pipe curve at a specified point.

Element Solid Cut Extensions

  • GetCuttingSolids: Retrieves solids that cut a given element.
  • GetSolidsBeingCut: Returns solids that are cut by the given element.
  • IsAllowedForSolidCut: Verifies if the element can be involved in a solid-solid cut.
  • IsElementFromAppropriateContext: Checks if the element belongs to a suitable context for solid cuts.
  • CanElementCutElement: Determines whether a cutting element can create a solid cut on a target element.
  • CutExistsBetweenElements: Checks if there is an existing solid-solid cut between two elements.
  • AddCutBetweenSolids: Adds a solid-solid cut between two elements.
  • RemoveCutBetweenSolids: Removes an existing solid cut between two elements.
  • SplitFacesOfCuttingSolid: Splits the faces of a cutting solid element.

View Extensions

  • GetTransformFromViewToView: Returns a transformation to copy elements between two views.

View Managers Extensions

  • CreateSpatialFieldManager: Creates a SpatialField manager for a given view.
  • GetSpatialFieldManager: Retrieves the SpatialField manager for a specific view.

Breaking changes

  • ToFraction: Now uses "8" precision, instead of "32".
  • ToFraction: Now suppress "0" for inches part.
  • SetAvailabilityController: Now returns PushButton instead of RibbonButton.

Readme has been updated, you can find a detailed description and code samples in it.

Full changelog: 2026.0.0-preview.1.250122...2026.0.0-preview.2.250219


22 Jan 11:18
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This update focuses on increased utility class coverage, new extensions for global parameter management, for ForgeTypeId handling, advanced geometry extensions, and many-many more.

New Extensions

Element Association Extensions

  • IsAnalyticalElement: Determines whether an element is an analytical element.
  • IsPhysicalElement: Checks if an element is a physical one.

Element Worksharing Extensions

  • GetCheckoutStatus: Retrieves the ownership status of an element, with an optional parameter to return the owner's name.
  • GetWorksharingTooltipInfo: Provides worksharing information about an element for in-canvas tooltips.
  • GetModelUpdatesStatus: Gets the status of an element in the central model.

ElementId Extensions

  • ToElements: Retrieves a collection of Elements associated with the specified ElementIds.
  • ToElements: Retrieves a collection of Elements associated with the specified ElementIds as the specified type T.
  • ToOrderedElements: Retrieves the Elements associated with the specified ElementIds in their original order.
  • ToOrderedElements: Retrieves the Elements associated with the specified ElementIds and casts them to the specified type T in their original order.

ElementId Transform Extensions

  • CanMirrorElements: Verifies whether a set of elements can be mirrored.
  • MirrorElements: Mirrors elements across a plane, with support for mirrored copies.
  • MoveElements: Moves elements according to a specified transformation.
  • RotateElements: Rotates elements around a given axis by a specified angle.
  • CopyElements: Copies elements between views or within the same document, with options for translation and transformation.

Document Extensions

  • GetProfileSymbols: Returns profile family symbols in the document.
  • RelinquishOwnership: Allows relinquishment of ownership based on specified options.

Document Managers Extensions

  • GetTemporaryGraphicsManager: Fetches a reference to the document’s temporary graphics manager.
  • GetAnalyticalToPhysicalAssociationManager: Retrieves the manager for analytical-to-physical element associations.
  • GetLightGroupManager: Creates or retrieves the light group manager for the document.

Geometry Extensions

  • Contains: Determines if a point or another bounding box is contained within the bounding box, with strict mode available for more precise containment checks.
  • Overlaps: Checks whether two bounding boxes overlap.
  • ComputeCentroid: Calculates the geometric center of a bounding box.
  • ComputeVertices: Returns the coordinates of the eight vertices of a bounding box.
  • ComputeVolume: Computes the volume enclosed by the bounding box.
  • ComputeSurfaceArea: Calculates the total surface area of the bounding box.

Parameters Extensions

  • IsBuiltInParameter: Verifies if a parameter is a built-in parameter.

Document Global Parameters Extensions

  • FindGlobalParameter: Locates a global parameter by name in the document.
  • GetAllGlobalParameters: Returns all global parameters in the document.
  • GetGlobalParametersOrdered: Retrieves ordered global parameters.
  • SortGlobalParameters: Sorts global parameters in the specified order.
  • MoveUpOrder: Moves a global parameter up in the order.
  • MoveDownOrder: Moves a global parameter down in the order.
  • IsUniqueGlobalParameterName: Checks if a global parameter name is unique.
  • IsValidGlobalParameter: Validates if an ElementId is a global parameter.
  • AreGlobalParametersAllowed: Checks if global parameters are permitted in the document.

ForgeTypeId Extensions

  • IsSpec: Validates if a ForgeTypeId identifies a spec.
  • IsBuiltInGroup: Determines whether a ForgeTypeId identifies a built-in parameter group.
  • IsBuiltInParameter: Validates if a ForgeTypeId identifies a built-in parameter.
  • IsSymbol: Checks if a ForgeTypeId identifies a symbol.
  • IsUnit: Verifies if a ForgeTypeId identifies a unit.
  • IsValidDataType: Determines if a ForgeTypeId identifies a valid parameter data type.
  • IsValidUnit: Validates if a unit is valid for a measurable spec.
  • IsMeasurableSpec: Checks if a ForgeTypeId represents a measurable spec.
  • GetBuiltInParameter: Retrieves a BuiltInParameter from a ForgeTypeId.
  • GetParameterTypeId: Fetches the ForgeTypeId corresponding to a BuiltInParameter.
  • GetDiscipline: Gets the discipline for a measurable spec.
  • GetValidUnits: Retrieves all valid units for a measurable spec.
  • GetTypeCatalogStringForSpec: Fetches the type catalog string for a measurable spec.
  • GetTypeCatalogStringForUnit: Retrieves the type catalog string for a unit.
  • DownloadCompanyName: Downloads the owning company name for a parameter and records it in the document.
  • DownloadParameterOptions: Fetches settings related to a parameter from the Parameters Service.
  • DownloadParameter: Creates a shared parameter element in a document based on a downloaded parameter definition.

Color Extensions

  • ToHex: Converts a color to its hexadecimal representation.
  • ToHexInteger: Returns the hexadecimal integer representation of a color.
  • ToRgb: Provides the RGB representation of a color.
  • ToHsl: Converts a color to its HSL representation.
  • ToHsv: Converts a color to its HSV representation.
  • ToCmyk: Retrieves the CMYK representation of a color.
  • ToHsb: Converts a color to HSB.
  • ToHsi: Converts a color to HSI format.
  • ToHwb: Provides the HWB representation of a color.
  • ToNCol: Converts a color to NCol format.
  • ToCielab: Retrieves the Cielab representation of a color.
  • ToCieXyz: Converts a color to CieXyz format.
  • ToFloat: Returns the float representation of a color.
  • ToDecimal: Returns the decimal representation of a color.

Family Extensions

  • CanConvertToFaceHostBased: Indicates whether a family can be converted to a face-hosted version.
  • ConvertToFaceHostBased: Converts a family to be face-host based.

Plumbing Extensions

  • ConnectPipePlaceholdersAtElbow: Connects pipe placeholders that form an elbow connection.
  • ConnectPipePlaceholdersAtTee: Connects pipe placeholders to form a Tee connection.
  • ConnectPipePlaceholdersAtCross: Connects pipe placeholders to form a Cross connection.
  • PlaceCapOnOpenEnds: Places caps on open pipe connectors.
  • HasOpenConnector: Checks if a pipe curve has an open piping connector.
  • BreakCurve: Splits a pipe curve at a specified point.

Element Solid Cut Extensions

  • GetCuttingSolids: Retrieves solids that cut a given element.
  • GetSolidsBeingCut: Returns solids that are cut by the given element.
  • IsAllowedForSolidCut: Verifies if the element can be involved in a solid-solid cut.
  • IsElementFromAppropriateContext: Checks if the element belongs to a suitable context for solid cuts.
  • CanElementCutElement: Determines whether a cutting element can create a solid cut on a target element.
  • CutExistsBetweenElements: Checks if there is an existing solid-solid cut between two elements.
  • AddCutBetweenSolids: Adds a solid-solid cut between two elements.
  • RemoveCutBetweenSolids: Removes an existing solid cut between two elements.
  • SplitFacesOfCuttingSolid: Splits the faces of a cutting solid element.

View Extensions

  • GetTransformFromViewToView: Returns a transformation to copy elements between two views.

View Managers Extensions

  • CreateSpatialFieldManager: Creates a SpatialField manager for a given view.
  • GetSpatialFieldManager: Retrieves the SpatialField manager for a specific view.

Ribbon Extensions

  • AddStackPanel: Adds a vertical stack panel to the specified Ribbon panel.
  • AddPushButton: Adds a PushButton to the vertical stack panel.
  • AddPullDownButton: Adds a PullDownButton to the vertical stack panel.
  • AddSplitButton: Adds a SplitButton to the vertical stack panel.
  • AddComboBox: Adds a ComboBox to the vertical stack panel.
  • AddTextBox: Adds a TextBox to the vertical stack panel.
  • AddLabel: Adds a text label to the vertical stack panel.
  • RemovePanel: Removes RibbonPanel from the Revit ribbon.
  • SetBackground: Sets the RibbonPanel background color.
  • SetTitleBarBackground: Sets the RibbonPanel title bar background color.
  • SetSlideOutPanelBackground: Sets the slide-out panel background color for the target RibbonPanel.
  • SetToolTip: Sets the tooltip text for the PushButton.
  • SetLongDescription: Sets the extended tooltip description for the RibbonItem.
  • CreatePanel: Now works with internal panels. Panel can be added to the Modify, View, Manage and other tabs.
  • SetImage support for Light and Dark UI themes.
  • SetLargeImage support for Light and Dark UI themes.


Breaking changes

  • ToFraction: Now uses "8" precision, instead of "32".
  • ToFraction: Now suppress "0" for inches part.
  • SetAvailabilityController: Now returns PushButton instead of RibbonButton.

Readme has been updated, you can find a detailed description and code samples in it.

Full changelog: 2025.0.1-preview.5.2...2026.0.0-preview.1.250122


02 Apr 11:31
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  • Revit 2025 support
  • New FindParameter() overloads with GUID and Definition. This method combines all API methods for getting a parameter, such as get_Parameter, LookupParameter, GetParameter. It also searches for a parameter in the element type if there is no such parameter in the element
  • GetParameter() method is obsolete. Use FindParameter() instead
  • New extensions to help you add context menu items without creating additional classes or specifying type names. Revit 2025 and higher

The ConfigureContextMenu() method registers an action used to configure a Context menu.

application.ConfigureContextMenu(menu =>
    menu.AddMenuItem<Command>("Menu title");
    menu.AddMenuItem<Command>("Menu title")

You can also specify your own context menu title. By default, Revit uses the Application name

application.ConfigureContextMenu("Title", menu =>
    menu.AddMenuItem<Command>("Menu title");

The AddMenuItem() method adds a menu item to the Context Menu.

menu.AddMenuItem<Command>("Menu title");

The AddSeparator() method adds a separator to the Context Menu.


The AddSubMenu() method adds a sub menu to the Context Menu.

var subMenu = new ContextMenu();
subMenu.AddMenuItem<Command>("Menu title");
subMenu.AddMenuItem<Command>("Menu title");

menu.AddSubMenu("Sub menu title", subMenu);

The SetAvailabilityController() method specifies the class type that decides the availability of menu item.


Full changelog: 2024.0.0...2025.0.0


04 Apr 08:28
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Revit 2024 support


17 Nov 13:23
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  • Method chain support


  • Fixed cast operations. Directly cast used by default (safe cast early)


  • SaveEntity now return bool if the entity save was successful


  • AppendPath overload with params


10 Oct 09:58
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  • New FromUnit extension
  • New ToUnit extension


10 Sep 16:27
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  • New SetAvailabilityController() extension


  • New Set(bool) extension
  • New Set(color) extension

Nuget symbol server support:


09 Aug 08:25
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  • New GetElements(ElementId viewId) extension
  • New GetElements(ICollection elementIds) extension
  • New overloads for instances with ViewId


04 Aug 14:31
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New Parameter extensions

Fixed GetParameter extensions for cases where the parameter value was not initialized


31 Jul 13:39
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New Application extensions
New Collector extensions

Updated TargetFramework. It now matches the framework that Revit is running on