A simple and efficient Todo List application built with Flutter. This app uses BLoC (Business Logic Component) for state management and Shared Preferences for local storage. It allows users to create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) tasks, as well as mark tasks as completed.
- Create Task: Add new tasks to your todo list.
- Read Task: View all your tasks in one place.
- Update Task: Edit existing tasks.
- Delete Task: Remove tasks that are no longer needed.
- Mark as Completed: Mark tasks as completed to keep track of your progress.
- Local Storage: Save tasks locally using Shared Preferences, ensuring that your data persists across app restarts.
Tap the "Add" button. Enter task details and save .
All tasks are displayed on the main screen.
Tap on the icon you want to edit. Update the details and save.
Tap the icon to the task to mark it as completed.