USE THIS AS YOUR RISK. THIS IS A CODE THAT'S BEING STILL WRITTEN This is demonstration voting system based on blockchain technology written by @NickP005 and @lindaniele
Currently electronic voting made in many countries such as Brazil flowered. Electronic voting that uses black boxes that require to be trusted is itself dangerous and susceptible to fraud. In countries such Brazil they require the voter to trust the vote will be counted and that their identity will not be associated with their vote. This is not admissible for a vote. This project aims to make a public system that can be verified by anyone for electronic voting based on blockchain where anonymity is a must.
The blockchain will have a currency that will be given with a fixed reward of 900eVotes for each block. Half of each fee will be given to the miner.
Here there will be explained the various points of a voting.
The registration is an important phase in which is decided who can vote and who can't. The list of allowed voters is compiled in this phase. Each single voter must have registered inside the blockchain their EC pubkey along with some mandatory parameters such as displayname and some optional parameters which could be an unique identifier. To register this information to the blockchain the voter should sign those informations with the EC pubkey. This packet should then be signed by an address that is willing to pay 1eVote to register this information to blockchain. This benefactor could be the same voter or could be the organisation which is setting up the voting.
At this point we suggest to create a simple interface where you ask to proof the identity of the users and then ask to them to provide their public keys and craft a simple proof that "proofs" they own that public key (eg: they could sign a random message).
After the list of voters is completed, the manager has to publicly submit all the informations about the voting. This information could be really big to fir in a maximum transaction size chunk.
The manager will send at first a transaction that includes the following data: preparing idle, votation lease, many partecipants, group size and all the hashes of the chunks of data. According to the information given in this transaction, the manager will have to put in forfeit a certain amount of eVotes. Plus the manager will have to pay as direct fee 5 eVotes for each data chunk.
This transaction will generate a layer 2 blockchain where all the preparing and voting will be logged. This L2 will be identified with the below-described transaction hash. The hash will also include the blocknumber. There must not exist two votings with the same identifier. If one is presented, will be rejected.
The fee, for example the fee of the transaction, is a payment in favour of the miner that mines the block. Meanwhile a forfeit is an amount of eVotes taken (from the manager in this case) which aren't directly given to the miner.
The data chunks of the voting informations can be sent during the preparing idle period, starting directly from the same block in which the reserving transaction took place. The chunks don't need to be signed since the hash already is present on the blockchain.
For each data chunk, depending on the information inside
After the public voting list has been published along with the details required the voter will see a vote permission alongside with the voting id that is the hash of the special transaction that started the voting. \n So the voter now reads the in-blockchain vote prompt and expresses anonymously their vote.
When the voting ends every node computes the votes and determines the exit of the democratic vote. Every client that partecipated can choose to review who voted and count the votes themselves. Plus can verify if the vote ended up in the final counting.