A Parse+React+React-Router+Flux web dashboard for MyMaret newspaper configuration and analytics. Created with Create React App, a tool to get quickly set up with a React project. Create React App handles all of the compilation, linting, bundling, and more, but requires that certain files exist in the project - you can read about that, and view the complete Create React App guide, here.
To start, run npm install
to install all necessary packages, and then run
npm start
This will start serving the static HTML, CSS and JS and auto-reload on changes. The project supports the Redux DevTools Chrome Extension for easy debugging of app state.
To bundle all files into production-ready HTML, CSS and JS, run
npm run build
This will generate all production files and put them in /build, ready to be hosted.
There is a commitAndPushAll.sh
script included, which if run, will build all production files and commit and push the entered file changes to both staging and master. It will ask for a commit message on launch. Note that you will need to add any untracked files before running this script.